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Xbox Video

Xbox Video
Xbox video.png
Xbox Video app in Windows 8
OpenedOctober 16, 2012; 5 months ago (2012-10-16)
Pricing modelRent or buy
PlatformsWindows 8, Windows RT, Xbox 360, Windows Phone 7, 8 (Available as video player)
Format1080p HD, Instant-On Streaming
Catalogue150,000 titles, HD movies and TV shows

Xbox Video is a digital video service developed by Microsoft that offers full HD Movies and TV shows available for rental or purchase in the Xbox Video Store. The service is accessible through Microsoft's line of products including the Xbox 360 video game console, Windows 8, Windows RT PCs and tablets, Windows Phone 7 users may play already purchased content on their smartphones after syncing as the Video Store isn't yet available. Xbox Video was released along with its music-oriented sister service "Xbox Music" on October 14, 2012, both services replaced Microsoft's previous Zune branded line of products and services. Xbox Video is Microsoft's answer to and competes more directly with similar online video stores including Sony's Playstation Network, Apple's iTunes Store, Google's Google Play, and Amazon Instant Video.


Xbox Live Marketplace's original video store was taken over by Zune Marketplace on September 15, 2009.[1]

With the announcement of Xbox Music services which would replace the Zune Marketplace music service, also launched speculation about a "Xbox Video", a potential service that would offer movies and television series, because the term "music" in the name of the service gave the impression that Xbox Music will offer strictly music, thus excluding movies and television series.

Xbox Video service was launched along with Xbox Music service on October 16, 2012, available for Xbox 360, Windows 8/RT, and Windows Phone 7. Although the Xbox Video Store isn't available yet on Windows Phone 7, purchased content are watchable after syncing with PC. Content purchased on Xbox Video is not supported on Windows Phone 8.[2]

See also


  1. ^ Wingfield, Nick (4 June 2012). "R.I.P. Zune". NYTimes. The New York Times Company. Retrieved 19 December 2012. 
  2. ^
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