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Digital media

Hard drives store information in binary form and so are considered a type of physical digital media.
Augmented reality, a form of digital media, playing on an iPhone

Digital media is a form of electronic media where data are stored in digital (as opposed to analog) form. It can refer to the technical aspect of storage and transmission (e.g. hard disk drives or computer networking) of information or to the "end product", such as digital video, augmented reality, digital signage, digital audio, or digital art .

Florida's digital media industry association, Digital Media Alliance Florida, defines digital media as "the creative convergence of digital arts, science, technology and business for human expression, communication, social interaction and education".

There is a rich history of non-binary digital media, computers, and their rise to prominence over the last couple decades.


Data conversion

The transformation of an analog signal to digital information via an analog-to-digital converter is called sampling. Most digital media are based on translating analog data into digital data and vice-versa (see digital recording, digital video, television versus digital television).

Data processing

Once digitized, media may be processed in a variety of ways using standard computer hardware and software or, where performance is critical, in high-performance digital hardware such as an ASIC. Processing can include editing, filtering and content creation. access control devices

Digital media and Global Communication

According to the article by Lars Qvortrup on the European Journal of Communication published in 2006, Chaos Theory has been widely acknowledged as the reality within the field of media and communications however;if this is actually true then the theory made by Manuel Castellis on global network societies would be made true. There are many critics who would argue against this case. Lars Qvortrup believes that the society that we live in is not an anthropocentric society , which is to say, there is no rational man in a control room pulling all the strings. He believes that we actually live in a polycentric society where there are many people control how things function. There are people with beliefs that we do not live in a single global society but many loosely coupled networks that influence and disturb one another. With this in mind, the cartoon theories that was posted on the Danish newspaper jyllands-posten may affect cultural and social networks in Lebanon and Syria, but this in itself is an exception. only under very special circumstances can a wave of self perpetuating interference occur.[1]

Post-Network Era

This is the fast pace era through the use of technology. Home recording of television increasingly advanced this medium. Digital programming can be downloaded instantly. This technology enables broadcasters to use the digital technologies available today to create numerous of channels. Service providers offer on-demand that gives people the opportunity to have the power of when and where they watch or hear their media. Digital technology has converged television and computers into one single medium.[2]


Picture produced by Drawing Machine 2

Digital art is any art in which computers played a role in production or display of the artwork. Such art can be an image, sound, animation, video, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, videogame, web site, algorithm, performance or gallery installation. Many traditional disciplines are now integrating digital technologies and, as a result, the lines between traditional works of art and new media works created using computers has been blurred. For instance, an artist may combine traditional painting with algorithm art and other digital techniques. Often, the medium itself is considered the artwork. As a result, defining computer art by its end product can thus be difficult. Nevertheless, this type of art is beginning to appear in art museum exhibits.

Comic book artists in the past would generally sketch a drawing in pencil before going over the drawing again with India ink, using pens and brushes. Magazine illustrators often worked with India ink, acrylics or oils. Currently, an increasing number of artists are now creating digital artwork.

Digital artists do, simply, what centuries of artists have always done by exploring and adopting a culture's new technology toward the making of a personal imagery. In doing so the culture is also reflected in the artwork as is the artist's personal vision. As our culture becomes increasingly digitized, digital artists are leading the way in exploring and defining this new culture. Digital Artists use a medium that is nearly immaterial, that being binary information which describes the color and brightness of the individual pixels of the picture. All art that is made is stored on the computer's hard drive. Digital artists employ many types of user interfaces that correspond to the wide variety of brushes, lenses or other tools that traditional artist use to shape their materials. Rather than manipulating digital code directly as math, these electronic brushes and tools allow an artist to translate hand motions, cutting and pasting, and what were formerly chemical dark room techniques into the mathematical changes that effect the arrangement of screen pixels and create a picture.

Digital art is created and stored in a non-material form on the computer's memory systems and must be made physical, usually in the form of prints on paper or some other form of printmaking substrate. In addition, digital art may be exchanged and appreciated directly on a computer screen in gallery situations or simultaneously in every place on the globe with access to the web. Being immaterial has its advantages and with the advent of high quality digital printing techniques a very traditional long lasting print of this artwork can also be produced and marketed.


Several design houses are active in this space, prominent names being:

  • Publicis
  • McCann Erickson
  • Tribal DDB

Companies offering training in Digital Media:

  • JISC Digital Media
  • Digital Media Academy
  • Giant Campus
  • John Lennon Educational Tour Bus
  • Sterling Ledet & Associates

See also


  1. ^ Qvortrup, Lars (September 2006). "Understanding New Digital Media: Medium Theory or Complexity Theory?". European Journal of Communication: 345–356. 
  2. ^ Lotz, Amanda D. (2007). The Television Will Be Revolutionized. New York and London, NY: New York University Press. pp. 53–54. ISBN 978-0-8147-5219-7. 

Further reading

  • Timothy Binkley (1988/89). "The Computer is Not A Medium", Philosophic Exchange. Reprinted in EDB & kunstfag, Rapport Nr. 48, NAVFs EDB-Senter for Humanistisk Forskning. Translated as "L'ordinateur n'est pas un médium", Esthétique des arts médiatiques, Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1995.
  • 'Media Studies: Text, Production and Context' book by Paul Long and Tim Wall from Birmingham City University
  • Long, Paul; Wall, Tim (2009). Media Studies: Text, Production and Context. Pearson Education. 
  • Coy, Wolfgang (2005): Analog/Digital. In: Warnke, Martin et al. (2005): Hyperkult II - Zur Ortsbestimmung analoguer und digitaler Medien (in German), Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, ISBN 3-89942-274-0
  • Nelson, Ted (1990): Literary Machines, Sausalito: Mindful Press.
  • Pflüger, Jörg (2005): Wo die Quantität in Qualität umschlägt. In: Warnke, Martin et al. (2005): Hyperkult II - Zur Ortsbestimmung analoguer und digitaler Medien (in German), Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, ISBN 3-89942-274-0

External links

(Sebelumnya) Digital marketingDigital Multimedia Broadcasting (Berikutnya)