= Soal Latihan dalam Bhs Indonesia
= Soal Latihan dalam Bahasa Inggris
Tips Menghadapi Psikotes
Analogi Verbal - 1
Analogi Verbal - 1
Analogi Verbal - 2
Analogi Verbal - 2
Analogi Verbal - 3
Analogi Verbal - 3
Antonim (Lawan Kata) - 1
Antonim (Lawan Kata) - 1
Antonim (Lawan Kata) - 2
Antonim (Lawan Kata) - 2
Antonim Sinonim - 1
Antonim Sinonim - 1
Antonim Sinonim - 2
Antonim Sinonim - 2
Deret Angka/Huruf - 1
Deret Angka/Huruf - 2
Deret Angka/Huruf - 3
Hitung Cepat - 1
Hitung Cepat - 2
Informasi Singkat - 1
Informasi Singkat - 1
Informasi Singkat - 2
Informasi Singkat - 2
Kalimat Tak Teratur
Kemampuan Teknikal - 1
Kemampuan Teknikal - 1
Kemampuan Teknikal - 2
Kemampuan Teknikal - 2
Ketelitian - 1
Ketelitian - 2
Kuantitatif Analisis - 1
Kuantitatif Analisis - 1
Kuantitatif Analisis - 2
Kuantitatif Analisis - 2
Penalaran Analitik - 1
Penalaran Analitik - 1
Penalaran Analitik - 2
Penalaran Analitik - 2
Penalaran Analitik - 3
Penalaran Analitik - 3
Penalaran Logis - 1
Penalaran Logis - 1
Penalaran Logis - 2
Penalaran Logis - 2
Penalaran Logis - 3
Penalaran Logis - 3
Sinonim (Persamaan Kata) - 1
Sinonim (Persamaan Kata) - 1
Sinonim (Persamaan Kata) - 2
Sinonim (Persamaan Kata) - 2
Intermezzo (Gurauan)

Kampus Banda Aceh
Kampus Bandung
Kampus Banyuwangi
Kampus Batam
Kampus Bekasi
Kampus Bengkulu
Kampus Bogor
Kampus Bojonegoro
Kampus Boyolali
Kampus Ciamis
Kampus Cianjur
Kampus Cilacap
Kampus Cirebon
Kampus Denpasar
Kampus Depok
Kampus Gresik
Kampus Indramayu
Kampus Jakarta
Kampus Jakarta Barat
Kampus Jakarta Pusat
Kampus Jakarta Selatan
Kampus Jakarta Timur
Kampus Jambi
Kampus Jember
Kampus Kediri
Kampus Kendari
Kampus Konawe Selatan
Kampus Kotawaringin Barat
Kampus Kuningan
Kampus Lampung
Kampus Langsa
Kampus Lombok Timur
Kampus Lubuklinggau
Kampus Makassar
Kampus Malang
Kampus Manado
Kampus Maros
Kampus Medan
Kampus Mojokerto
Kampus Ogan Komering Ulu Timur
Kampus Palangkaraya
Kampus Pontianak
Kampus Probolinggo
Kampus Purbalingga
Kampus Purwakarta
Kampus Purworejo
Kampus Samarinda
Kampus Serang
Kampus Sidoarjo
Kampus Subang
Kampus Sukabumi
Kampus Sukoharjo
Kampus Surakarta
Kampus Tangerang
Kampus Tanjung Pinang
Kampus Tasikmalaya
Kampus Tulungagung
Kampus Yogyakarta

Latihan Soal Psikotes/TPA

Analogi Verbal - 3 ➯ Bahasa Inggris

Latihan Psikotes Pengelompokan Kata merupakan tes yang mengidentifikasi atau mengklasifikasikan kata yang memiliki kemiripan. Dalam tes pengelompokan kata, kita harus menganalisa satu kata yang tidak identik atau mirip dan tidak termasuk dalam kelompok kata lain.
Petunjuk Soal
Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada kata-kata yang disediakan. Kemudian, kotak di depan nomor soal, diisi dengan huruf a, b, c, d atau e sebagai pilihan jawaban anda. Kerjakan dengan cepat dan teliti, karena waktu yang diberikan cukup terbatas, yaitu 20 menit. Bila waktunya sudah 20 menit, segera berhenti. Selanjutnya silakan klik "Lihat Hasilnya", dan anda akan mengetahui nilai/hasilnya, serta jawaban yang SALAH dan BENAR. Selamat berlatih.

Silakan isi kotak-kotak di depan nomornya di bawah ini dengan huruf a, b, c, atau d
Kunci jawaban-nya ada dibawah sendiri atau klik ini..

 1. Which one word does not have in common with other words ?
a. Airport
b. Cargo
c. Maritime
d. Boarding
e. Apron

 2. Which of the following words does not belong to the same group ?
a. Stump
b. Bouquet
c. Amateur
d. Ratio
e. Commission

 3. Find the following words that do not belong to the group !
a. Angry
b. Angry
c. Angry
d. Pedar
e. Durjana

 4. choose the following word that does not belong to the group !
a. Rockarock
b. Ruinz
c. Readom
d. Realizator
e. Renaissance

 5. Which is different between the following ?
a. Team
b. League
c. Sir
d. Participate
e. Group

 6. Which of the following words is not included in the group ?
a. January
b. August
c. Wednesday
d. October
e. December

 7. Which of the following words belongs to a group ?
a. Colony
b. Flock
c. Constellation
d. Crew
e. Friendship

 8. Which one word does not have in common with other words ?
a. Sitting
b. Supine
c. Walking
d. Standing
e. Squat

 9. Which is different between the following ?
a. Cabinets
b. Benches
c. Chairs
d. Tables
e. Mattress

10. Which word is different ?
a. Chopsticks
b. Paper
c. Charcoal
d. Tissue
e. Yarn

11. Which of the following words belongs to a group ?
a. Blackheads
b. Turtles
c. Eagles
d. Rats
e. Snake

12. Which one word does not have in common with other words ?
a. Egg
b. Cheese
c. Potato
d. Meat
e. Milk

13. Find the following words that do not belong to the group !
a. Mujair
b. Tilapia
c. Cork
d. Tuna
e. Catfish

14. Which word is different ?
a. Sitar
b. Bass
c. Guitar
d. Harp
e. Harmonica

15. Which one word has nothing in common with the other words ?
a. Altai
b. Amazon
c. Andean
d. Himalayas
e. Everest

16. Which one word does not have in common with other words ?
a. Prose
b. Poetry
c. Pantun
d. Rhyme
e. Novels

17. Which of the following words belongs to a group ?
a. Bajai
b. Becak
c. Delman
d. Andong
e. Gig

18. Which is different between the following words ?
a. Expert
b. Expert
c. Advanced
d. Skilled
e. Clumsy

19. Find the following words that do not belong to the group !
a. Speech
b. Discussion
c. Lecture
d. Speech
e. Sermon

20. Which of the following words does not belong to the group ?
a. American
b. German
c. Chinese
d. Russian
e. English

21. which one word does not have in common with other words ?
a. Bankrupt
b. Bankrupt
c. Merger
d. Loss
e. Collapse

22. Which of the following words does not belong to the same group ?
a. Komodo
b. Frog
c. Lizard
d. Crocodile
e. House lizard

23. Find the following words that do not belong to the group !
a. Gajireg
b. Hasap
c. Caklung
d. Forget
e. Stage

24. Choose the following word that does not belong to the group !
a. Carpet
b. Chair
c. Cupboard
d. Table
e. Place Sleep

25. Which is different between the following words ?
a. Diamond
b. Gold
c. Patchouli
d. Emerald
e. Ruby

26. Which of the following words does not belong to the group ?
a. Captain
b. Colonel
c. Major
d. Corporal
e. Lieutenant

27. Which of the following words does not belong to one group ?
a. Driver
b. Sais
c. Driver
d. Sado
e. Horse

28. Which one word does not have in common with other words ?
a. Pesol
b. Patherom
c. Analec
d. Tupase
e. Clabak

29. Which is different between the following words ?
a. Italian
b. Vietnamese
c. Indonesian
d. Norwegian
e. Finnish

30. Which word is different?
a. Thermometer
b. Speedometer
c. Voltmeter
d. Kilometer
e. Barometer

31. Which of the following words does not belong to the same group ?
a. Nusa Indah
b. Matahari
c. Bromelia
d. Palm
e. Ashoka

32. Which one word has nothing in common with other words ?
a. Concert
b. Play
c. Drama
d. Opera
e. Theatre

33. Find the following words that do not belong to the group !
a. Yen
b. Rubles
c. Pesos
d. Checks
e. Francs

34. Which word is different ?
a. Loaded
b. Full
c. Crowded
d. Condition
e. Filled

35. Which one word does not have in common with other words ?
a. Sindoro
b. Dieng
c. Kelud
d. Merbabu
e. Rinjani

36. Which one word does not have in common with other words ?
a. Drum
b. Ketipung
c. Flute
d. Rabana
e. Tambourine

37. Which of the following words does not belong to the same group ?
a. Joglo
b. Macan Angop
c. Pendapa
d. Keraton
e. Gadang

38. Which is different between the following words ?
a. Hupit
b. Caher
c. Gijang
d. Rameh
e. Ninguk

39. Find the following words that do not belong to the group !
a. Often
b. Always
c. Whenever
d. Ever
e. Sometimes -sometimes

40. Which of the following words does not belong to the group ?
a. Australian
b. Arabic
c. French
d. Chinese
e. Japanese

41. Find the following words that do not belong to the group!
a. Master
b. Engineer
c. Pilot
d. Driver
e. Mechanic

42. Which one word has no similarity with other words?
a. Governor
b. Regent
c. Camat
d. Carik
e. Lurah

43. Choose the following word that does not belong to the group!
a. Purple
b. Orange
c. Indigo
d. Clean
e. Magenta

44. Choose the following name that does not belong to the group!
a. Jk Rawling
b. Albert Einstein
c. Graham Bell
d. James Watt
e. Thomas Alfa Edison

45. Which of the following words does not belong to the same group?
a. Gurindam
b. Slank
c. Pantun
d. Sonnet
e. Poetry

46. Which word is different?
a. Doctor
b. Merchant
c. Teacher
d. Entrepreneur
e. Rider

47. Which name is not included in the group?
a. Soekarno
b. Suharto
c. Bj Habibie
d. Adam Malik
e. Abdurahman Wahid

48. Find a word that does not belong to the group!
a. Muharram
b. Dzulhijjah
c. Big
d. Ramadan
e. Rabiul Awal

49. Find the following words that do not belong to the group!
a. Sindoro
b. Dieng
c. Kelud
d. Merapi
e. Merbabu

50. Which of the following words has no similarity with other words?
a. Universitas Islam Indonesia
b. Universitas Indonesia
c. Universitas Gajah Mada
d ) Ten November University
e. Diponegoro University

51. Which pair is wrong?
a. Richter-earthquake
b. Week-holiday
c. Ounce-weight
d. Meter-distance
e. Hour-time

52. Choose one word that does not match the group!
a. Ocean
b. Ocean
c. Lake
d. Pond
e. River

53. Which of the following words does not match the other words?
a. Motorcycle
b. Train
c. Helicopter
d. Car
e. Pedicab

54. Choose the following word that does not belong to the group!
a. America
b. Russia
c. Asia
d. Europe
e. Australia

55. Which of the following words does not belong to a group?
a. Chess
b. Golf
c. Basketball
d. Volleyball
e. Tennis

56. Choose a word that has nothing in common with other words!
a. Gold
b. Copper
c. Silver
d. Aluminum
e. Coal

57. Which is different between the following words?
a. Yen
b. Bath
c. Current account
d. Peso
e. Ruble

58. Which is different between the following words?
a. Drum
b. Ketipung
c. Drum
d. Flute
e. Tambourine

59. Which is different between the following words?
a. Nusa Indah
b. Edelwais
c. Matahari
d. Palm
e. Bougenville

60. Find the following words that do not belong to the group!
a. Concert
b. Drama
c. Opera
d. Play
e. Theater

61. Find a standard word!
a. Number
b. Systematic
c. Analysis
d. Type
e. Phone

62. Which of the following words does not belong to the group?
a. Cow
b. Anoa
c. Angora
d. Camel
e. Lemebu

63. Which of the following words is not in the group?
a. Books
b. Pencils
c. Erasers
d. Food
e. Ruler

64. Find the following words that are not included in the group!
a. Denpasar
b. Palembang
c. Medan
d. Bengkulu
e. Jambi

65. Find the following words that are not included in the group!
a. Sad
b. Happy
c. Happy
d. Happy
e. Happy

66. Find the following non-standard words!
a. Creativity
b. Athlete
c. Number
d. Advocate
e. Active

67. Choose the following word that does not belong to the group!
a. Norway
b. Canada
c. Switzerland
d. Scotland
e. Turkey

68. Choose a word that has nothing in common with other words!
a. Geology
b. Anthropology
c. Biology
d. Reflection
e. Psychology

69. Which of the following words has nothing in common with the other words!
a. Moss
b. Microbes
c. Bacteria
d. Amoeba
e. Virus

70. Find a word that does not belong to the group!
a. Roof
b. Paint
c. Wall
d. Window
e. Door

71. Choose the following word that does not belong to the group!
a. Rome
b. Milan
c. Venice
d. Berlin
e. Turin

72. Choose the following words that are not included in the group!
a. Ws Rendra
b. Chairil Anwar
c. Aji Santosa
d. Taufik Ismail
e. Sapardi Djoko Darmono

73. Choose the following word that does not belong to the group!
a. North
b. Southeast
c. West
d. Top
e. South

74. Choose the following word that doesn't belong to this category!
a. Nike
b. Adidas
c. Go Sport
d. Puma
e. Reebok

75. Choose the following words that are not included in the group!
a. Jakarta
b. Munich
c. Paris
d. London
e. Tokyo

76. Choose the following word that does not belong to the group!
a. Copenhagen
b. Tehran
c. France
d. Ankara
e. Havana

77. Choose the following word which is not included in this group!
a. Pound
b. Peso
c. Rupee
d. Greece
e. escudo

78. Choose the following words that are not included in the group!
a. Wiyogo Atmodarminto
b. Suryadi Soedirja
c. Hatta Radjasa
d. Soetiyoso
e. Ali Sadikin

79. Choose the following words that are not included in the group!
a. Riau Islands
b. Jambi
c. Riau
d. Surabaya
e. Bangalore

80. Choose the following word that does not belong to the group!
a. Fasbelt
b. Kyoto
c. Wen Hilde
d. Bearrcan
e. Mussel

Kunci Jawaban Soal Tes Psikologi (Psikotes/TPA)
Analogi Verbal - 3 ➯ Bahasa Inggris
1.C 6.C 11.D 16.E 21.C
2.D 7.E 12.C 17.A 22.B
3.E 8.C 13.D 18.E 23.C
4.E 9.E 14.E 19.B 24.A
5.D 10.C 15.B 20.A 25.B
26. ... tampilkan seluruh kunci jawaban (silakan klik)