= Soal Latihan dalam Bhs Indonesia
= Soal Latihan dalam Bahasa Inggris
Tips Menghadapi Psikotes
Analogi Verbal - 1
Analogi Verbal - 1
Analogi Verbal - 2
Analogi Verbal - 2
Analogi Verbal - 3
Analogi Verbal - 3
Antonim (Lawan Kata) - 1
Antonim (Lawan Kata) - 1
Antonim (Lawan Kata) - 2
Antonim (Lawan Kata) - 2
Antonim Sinonim - 1
Antonim Sinonim - 1
Antonim Sinonim - 2
Antonim Sinonim - 2
Deret Angka/Huruf - 1
Deret Angka/Huruf - 2
Deret Angka/Huruf - 3
Hitung Cepat - 1
Hitung Cepat - 2
Informasi Singkat - 1
Informasi Singkat - 1
Informasi Singkat - 2
Informasi Singkat - 2
Kalimat Tak Teratur
Kemampuan Teknikal - 1
Kemampuan Teknikal - 1
Kemampuan Teknikal - 2
Kemampuan Teknikal - 2
Ketelitian - 1
Ketelitian - 2
Kuantitatif Analisis - 1
Kuantitatif Analisis - 1
Kuantitatif Analisis - 2
Kuantitatif Analisis - 2
Penalaran Analitik - 1
Penalaran Analitik - 1
Penalaran Analitik - 2
Penalaran Analitik - 2
Penalaran Analitik - 3
Penalaran Analitik - 3
Penalaran Logis - 1
Penalaran Logis - 1
Penalaran Logis - 2
Penalaran Logis - 2
Penalaran Logis - 3
Penalaran Logis - 3
Sinonim (Persamaan Kata) - 1
Sinonim (Persamaan Kata) - 1
Sinonim (Persamaan Kata) - 2
Sinonim (Persamaan Kata) - 2
Intermezzo (Gurauan)

Kampus Banda Aceh
Kampus Bandung
Kampus Banyuwangi
Kampus Batam
Kampus Bekasi
Kampus Bengkulu
Kampus Bogor
Kampus Bojonegoro
Kampus Boyolali
Kampus Ciamis
Kampus Cianjur
Kampus Cilacap
Kampus Cirebon
Kampus Denpasar
Kampus Depok
Kampus Gresik
Kampus Indramayu
Kampus Jakarta
Kampus Jakarta Barat
Kampus Jakarta Pusat
Kampus Jakarta Selatan
Kampus Jakarta Timur
Kampus Jambi
Kampus Jember
Kampus Kediri
Kampus Kendari
Kampus Konawe Selatan
Kampus Kotawaringin Barat
Kampus Kuningan
Kampus Lampung
Kampus Langsa
Kampus Lombok Timur
Kampus Lubuklinggau
Kampus Makassar
Kampus Malang
Kampus Manado
Kampus Maros
Kampus Medan
Kampus Mojokerto
Kampus Ogan Komering Ulu Timur
Kampus Palangkaraya
Kampus Pontianak
Kampus Probolinggo
Kampus Purbalingga
Kampus Purwakarta
Kampus Purworejo
Kampus Samarinda
Kampus Serang
Kampus Sidoarjo
Kampus Subang
Kampus Sukabumi
Kampus Sukoharjo
Kampus Surakarta
Kampus Tangerang
Kampus Tanjung Pinang
Kampus Tasikmalaya
Kampus Tulungagung
Kampus Yogyakarta

Latihan Soal Psikotes/TPA

Kepribadian ➯ Bahasa Inggris

Psikotes Kepribadian

Latihan psikotes kepribadian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepribadian yang belum diketahui pada diri seseorang. Hal tersebut dikarenakan untuk mengetahui sebuah kepribadian dari seseorang akan sulit dilakukan baik pada saat wawancara maupun kegiatan pengamatan yang lainnya. Dengan melaksanakan tes psikotes maka kepribadian seseorang akan lebih mudah untuk diukur.
Petunjuk Soal
Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat berdasarkan beberapa informasi yang diberikan. Kemudian, kotak di depan nomor soal, diisi dengan huruf a, b, c, d atau e sebagai pilihan jawaban anda. Kerjakan yang mudah terlebih dulu dengan cepat dan teliti. Waktu yang diberikan cukup lama, yaitu 60 menit. Bila waktunya sudah 60 menit, segera berhenti. Selanjutnya silakan klik "Lihat Hasilnya", dan anda akan mengetahui nilai/hasilnya, serta jawaban yang SALAH dan BENAR. Selamat berlatih.

Silakan isi kotak-kotak di depan nomornya di bawah ini dengan huruf a, b, c, d atau e
Kunci jawaban-nya ada dibawah sendiri atau klik ini..

1) Responsibilty Test
 1. When a problem arises at work that happens to have something to do with things that are my obligations, then I ...
a. Looking for a Scapegoat that Causes Problems
b. Will be responsible
c. Let the problem continue
d. See if someone else is at fault
e. Maybe someone else should be responsible

 2. Chairman of the activity committee must make an accountability report. As chairman, then
a. I assign reports to subordinates
b. I and my subordinates prepare reports
c. I prepared the report myself because I don't want any mistakes made by subordinates
d. The report must be made by the secretary
e. A special team must be formed to make the report

 3. If given a heavy office assignment by my boss, then I...
a. Honestly Telling My Boss that the Task is Too Heavy
b. Asking for Relief
c. Asking co-workers to help
d. Trying to finish as well as possible
e. Refusing and frankly the task is too heavy

 4. When shopping at a convenience store, the cashier made a miscalculation. So my attitude is...
a. Confirming To Get Truth
b. Confirming If I Was Harmed
c. Confirm If The Price Difference Is Too High
d. Just Ignore It Because It's Not My Fault
e. Ignore It Because Maybe The Price Has Changed

 5. The draft report made by my work team was rejected by my supervisor because it was deemed inadequate. My attitude is ...
a. Immediately Make Improvements to the Draft Report and Submit Back
b. Blaming the Same Colleagues Doing The Same
c. Accepting Rejections But Not Taking Action
d. Trying To Find Excuses Like Little Time To Do It
e. Accepting Rejections And Trying To Fix

 6. I used an official vehicle without the knowledge of the Head of the Vehicle on a holiday. I accidentally crashed the vehicle. My actions were:
a. Even an employee who knows that I am using it
b. Takes the vehicle to the workshop, reports the incident to the leadership and leaves all decisions to the leadership
c. tries to repair the vehicle himself
d. reports the incident to the leadership and Ready to accept punishment/instructions from management
e. Take the vehicle to the workshop at personal expense and return it quietly

 7. I received a direct reprimand from the management for a mistake that I was not the only one who did this. My reaction was ...
a. Strongly rebutted so that at another opportunity to The Leader Doesn't Arbitrarily Blame
b. Just Be Silent, Because Rebutting Will Only Make The Problem More Complicated
c. Accepting The Reprimand And Trying To Use It As A Valuable Lesson, But Still Reporting Other Employees Who Are Also at fault so that they also correct mistakes
d. Denying and Complaining to Other Employees who are also guilty so that they too can learn from this incident
e. Accept the warning and try to make it a valuable lesson without the need to complain to other employees who are also guilty

 8. One day, you came home at 01.00 WIB to your home in a very tired condition. On the road you found an accident.
a. Seeing the Situation First . If possible, then I help
b. Just go home because after all, my body condition is very tired,
c. Just go because there are already people approaching the victim, there must have been someone to help
d. At a glance, is the victim seriously? If it's severe, I'll help
e. Just go home, at most only the engineering of a gang of street robbers who are carrying out their actions.

 9. At the end of the month, the bill for the office telephone bill increased to Rp. 21,000,000, from which it usually never exceeds Rp. 15,000,000. After checking, it turned out to be a lot the telephone number contacted does not have a working relationship with the organization. The leadership then calls all employees to carry out the Conquering Psychological Test Problems BANK – BUMN http://lokerdirektori.com | http://sentraloker.com 21 2212 to check and resolve the problem. Actually I am an employee who uses the telephone for personal matters. My response is ....
a. Frankly Has Used Telephone Facilities Outside of Office Work
b. Organizations Should Just Complete Payments Because The Budget Is Still Available
c. The boss should ask every employee to find out who uses the phone outside of office work
d. Organizations should not need to exaggerate this problem because M asih Many Other Important Things That Must Be Completed
e. If Management Proves That I Use The Phone For Personal Business, I Will Resign

10. If there is a less pleasant task,
a. I'll still finish it because it's my responsibility
b. Instead of stressing me out, I'd better ask someone else to do it
c. I have the right to protest to my boss
d. I finish it even though it feels heavy
e. I ask my co-workers to help solve it

11. When the work project that I lead does not give optimal results because one of my subordinates made a mistake, then
a. I am not to blame
b. It is not included In My Responsibility
c. The Subordinate Must Be Responsible For Everything
d. However, As A Project Leader I'm Also Responsible
e. It Was Just My Subordinate's Mistake

2) Integrity and Honesty Test
12. Almost all employees at my agency's office ask for money as a token of gratitude for handling certain permits. However, according to office regulations, this is not allowed, so I
a. Do it anyway, friend Colleagues in the office also do it
b. Do it only if forced to need extra money for family needs, because the office salary is indeed small
c. Only do this sometimes
d. Try their best not to do it
e. No Want To Do It At All

13. You are an employee of a pharmacy. A buyer wants to buy certain drugs that must be prescribed by a doctor because they can be dangerous to health. He does not have the prescription. But the buyer insists on buying it and he gives some money to the order want to give the medicine. What do you do?
a. I gave the medicine to him, yet no one knows
b. I have doubts about what decision I took
c. I consulted with colleagues first
d. I Refused It Steady
e. I Received The Money And Give Me The Medicine

14. Your supervisor does the engineering of the office's financial statements, so you
a. Deeply Disagree with This
b. This Often Happens In Any Office
c. Reminding and Reporting to Authorities
d. Not Wanting To Be Involved In The Engineering Process
e. Such Things Have Become A Bad Tradition In Indonesia

15. Andi, your best friend, commits attendance fraud. So you
a. Tolerating because Andi is the first time to do it
b. Other co-workers did it too, so it's not Why
c. Reminding and Reprimanding
d. Reprimanding and Reporting What Is To The Boss
e. Asking Him Why He Did This

16. I was assigned by the leadership to be the minutes of the Advisory Board meeting. My response was ...
a. Trying to Avoid Colleagues Who Persuade To Know The Result of Meeting Resolutions
b. I will proudly tell my colleagues the results of the meeting decisions
c. Notify family members about the results of the meeting
d. tell my friends at the office about the results of the meeting decisions
e. will not divulge the results of the meeting decisions because Not My Authority

17. The organization is experiencing internal problems regarding financial management. My opinion on this condition is .
a. I will keep the problems that occur confidential and try to provide alternative solutions to the leadership
b. The top management should be able to take firm action against those involved in this problem
c. not question the problem because it is not part of my job
d. . make sure that the head of finance is fully responsible for this problem
e. . need to disclose Problems To All Organizations

18. For me, work is...
a. . . Worship
b. Duties
c. Obligations
d. Needs
e. Earning Money To Live

19. An individual HRD staff of the Company offered to help me, to be accepted as an employee at the place by providing a certain amount of funds. My attitude is
a. Accepting the offer, because of competition It's Very Strict
b. Considering Everything First
c. Trying It First With The Official Way Before Going Through That Way
d. Rejecting It. Because I Want To Be Accepted In A Legal Way, Not By Bribery, So That Sustenance I As An Employee Will Remain Halal
e. Asking Parents and More Experienced Parties for Consideration

20. Some coworkers leave 20 minutes earlier than scheduled, what about you?
a. Since many people do it, maybe it's not why
b. Many Those who did it so I did it too
c. For the sake of tolerance, I also did it,
d. I didn't do it so that I was judged as a diligent staff by my boss
e. I still follow the applicable rules so I stay home on schedule

21. I often remind my subordinates not to make mistakes in office work,
a. I can't even make those mistakes
b. Because I'm the boss, these rules don't apply to me alone.
c. I occasionally make these mistakes
d. The rules are specifically for employees of his level
e. I'd better not make these mistakes

22. When I'm at work, I suddenly want to print 3 sheets of personal data, which have nothing to do with work
a. So I just print at the office
b. I print at the office but use my own paper
c. I print at the office but wait after work hours are finished
d. I print only at home using my own printer
e. I Print In The Office When The Printer Is Not In Use

23. When many employees in my office disobey the regulations regarding the prohibition of the use of office internet facilities for personal purposes, my opinion
a. Nor would I obey those very difficult rules
b. If I'm the only one who obeys the rules, then it's useless
c. I will continue to obey the rules even though most of them violate them
d. I obey the rules and try to invite other employees to comply with them
e. It's Better That Difficult Rules Like That Should Be Changed

3 ) Initiative and Creativity Test
24. Organization is running quite efficiently, but the leadership seems to control the situation very tightly. My attitude is ...
a. Doing nothing, just by following the flow
b. Strive for Employee Involvement in Decision Making
c. Just Ignore
d. Doing Anything That Can Be Done To Make Employees Feel Important And Involved
e. Reminding The Importance Of Time Limits And Tasks To Bosses

25. I submitted a proposal to my supervisor but the proposal was deemed inappropriate by my superior. My attitude is .
a. Feeling Very Disappointed
b. Trying to Find Alternative Proposals Which Is More Appropriate To Submit Again
c. Feeling Disappointed But Trying To Forget The Rejection
d. Insist on Giving Reasons And Justifications For The Proposal Until I Can Convince My Boss
e. Just Leave It

26. I am assigned to the front office to serve the leadership guests. When my manager is not present and there is a guest leader who requires an immediate decision, while the supervisor cannot be contacted, then my attitude is . ...
a. Making Decisions Even Without Instructions from Superiors As Long As They Are Not Contrary to General Policy of the Leaders
b. Not Dare to Make Decisions Without Guidance from My Superiors
c. Doubtful In Making Decisions Without Guidance from My Superiors
d. Delaying Delaying Decision Making Without My Supervisor's Instructions
e. Taking Decisions Without Superior's Instructions Due to Very Urgent Circumstances

27. The head of the office held a work meeting to discuss the preparation of a work plan for next fiscal year. Each employee is expected to prepare proposals for next year's activities. My response...
a. Interested in Proposing an Idea Activities that will be carried out even though later the idea is not accepted
b. Not at all interested in submitting an activity idea
c. Will propose an activity idea if requested by the leader
d. Maybe interested in submitting an activity idea What Will Be Implemented Depends On The Situation And Condition
e. Hesitating To Submit An Activity Idea Because You Will Be Disappointed If It Is Not Accepted

28. My organization is experiencing internal problems, my attitude
a. After all, the public has the right to know, so I will share these internal problems with the public
b. I am trying to give ideas Troubleshooting To Leaders, While Keeping This Internal Matter Confidential
c. Let The Leaders Make Decisions
d. I Of Course Try To Keep My Position Secure So As Not To Be Disturbed
e. I Try To Avoid Exposing Myself As a result

29. While making a presentation, one button on the shirt of Mr. Benny, who is also your boss, fell off his stomach. This greatly disrupted the course of the presentation. But apparently no one dared to tell Mr. Benny What is your attitude?
a. I'd better be silent because the others are also silent
b. I wrote down a piece of paper about the button and then I handed it over to Mr. Benny
c. Even though it interfered with the presentation But I don't want to take the risk by telling him
d. I'm afraid Mr. Benny will be offended, so there's no reason for me to tell him
e. Hopefully Mr. Benny will come to his senses

30. A friend has a wife who is about to give birth, and because he does not have hospital fees, he borrows money from you, even though your money is only enough for daily needs
a. . I apologized and told the truth that I didn't have any money to lend
b. I lent the little remaining of my money
c. I refused to lend my money, because it was only enough for daily needs
d. I will provide a solution by helping him borrow money from another friend
e. I suggest that he borrow from someone else

4) Test Of Respect To Others
31. If in a meeting, office colleagues have a different opinion, even though you are the chairperson of the meeting, then:
a. I Firmly Defend My Opinion
b. Disagreement is not Serious Problem
c. I Consider The Opinion
d. See Who He Is
e. Ask Why He Has Different Opinions

32. In staff and leadership meetings, my opinion was strongly criticized by other meeting participants. My response was ...
a. Trying my best to defend my opinion
b. Attacking Everyone Participants Who Criticized My Opinion
c. Tried to Study The Criticism And Turned Sharp Criticism
d. Accepted The Criticism As Input
e. Just Shut Up

33. If my subordinates do a very good job, then I
a. Satisfied, But No Need to Praise Because It Will Make Him Arrogant
b. Never Praise
c. Praise as high as possible so that he is happy and enthusiastic
d. Praise in proportion
e.. Sometimes Praise

34. If there is a new employee near me, then
a. I will introduce myself and my friends
b. I asked him to introduce himself because he is new
c. I'm waiting for him to introduce himself
d. I don't need to bother him
e. Let the introductions happen tomorrow

35. If a coworker conveys ideas that are different from mine, even though my ideas are of higher quality, then
a. I cut him off politely
b. I cut him off so he wouldn't Wasting My Time
c. I'm Listening Half-Hearted
d. I Will Wait Until The Talk Is Finished
e. I Don't Need To Listen

36. If I am ordered by a superior who is less competent than me, then
a. I feel annoyed
b. I am not willing to carry out his orders
c. I sometimes Angry
d. I keep carrying out his orders as long as it's good
e. I carry out his orders even though half-heartedly

5) Adaptation Test
37. In a new work environment
a. I need time to get to know my coworkers
b. I'm waiting for a coworker to want to meet you
c. Able to get along with co-workers
d. If I need new help I will introduce myself
e. If anyone wants to meet me, of course I'm very happy

38. I just got transferred to another unit which is totally new to me. My attitude is ...
a. Trying to Understand Unit Mechanisms Through Files and Policy Rules
b. Rarely enter because it is not clear what to do
c. Sit and sit while waiting for orders from superiors
d. Try to learn and understand the working mechanism of the unit through colleagues
e. Observe the work process carried out by colleagues

39. My attitude towards change, new ideas and new ways of doing a job is.
a. Stability at work is more important
b. Change is something What is certain
c. Change is not a guarantee of work success
d. With changes, working conditions will definitely be better
e. Job success depends on the type of change, ideas, and new ways

40. There has been a change of leadership in my work unit. My attitude is ...
a. I don't care
b. Trying to Know and Understand the Vision and Mission of the New Leader
c. Not Trying To Approach New Leaders For Fear Of Being Branded A Lickper
d. Trying To Get To Know The New Leader's Personality
e. Change of Leaders Is Something Ordinary

41. I was sent to attend an education and training. By the organizing committee I was placed in a room with someone I didn't know who was from another city. My attitude was...
a. File an Objection But Finally Accepted the Committee's Rules
b. Strongly Protested And Asked To Be Placed Alone
c. Filed An Objection And Asked To Be Placed With A Minimum Of Known People
d. Accepted The Committee's Rules And Tried To Know And Understand Roommates
e . Accepting Committee Rules

42. Economists predict that next month there will be big inflation in Indonesia,
a. Difficulty sleeping
b. Severe depression, because inflation means goods prices will increase
c. Take Careful Steps In Spending Money
d. Let What Happens Happen
e. Don't Believe In That Troublesome Prediction

43. If my plan to innovate work is opposed by my co-workers, then
a. I feel disappointed
b. I am angry, because after all the innovation is for the common good
c. I am sad because the innovation is hampered
d. I ask for an explanation from the partner and look for the best solution
e. I dare to argue with the partner because I believe that the innovation plan will bring positive winds of change.

44. Due to the narrow office space, the addition of new employee partitions will be forced to narrow all existing partitions, including yours.
a. It will take me a few months to adjust to the narrow partition. I am currently
b. There should be no need for new employees, because it only narrows the already cramped bulkhead
c. What can I say, I have to accept this condition
d. I accept this change
e . I Invite Other Coworkers To Protest And Demonstrations To The Boss

6) Confidence Test
45. I have prepared well before presenting at the office tomorrow morning.
a. I'm sure my presentation will go well tomorrow
b. Even so I'm anxious in case It turns out that tomorrow my presentation will be less fluent
c. I give up if there are obstacles
d. It's impossible for my presentation to be not fluent
e. But maybe my presentation is disturbed by other things

46. Andi is a diligent employee. But no one knows what will happen in the future
a. Andi will still get laid off if the national economy is sluggish
b. It's impossible for Andi's diligent employees to get fired
c. Andi's character as a diligent employee can help his career advancement in the future
d. The dismissal of many employees will not have too much effect on the company's image
e. Diligent employees shouldn't be laid off

47. After finalizing the plan,
a. I'm still worried whether the plan will work
b. Success or failure can't be separated from other parties too
c. Humans try their best Good and God Determines
d. Either way the plan must be successful
e. I ask the opinion of others first, because the opinion of many people is better than the opinion of one person

48. In carrying out a task entrusted to me, I ...
a. Always looking for other alternatives so as not to make my own decisions
b. Do not dare to make my own decisions
c. Always Waiting for the Leader's Decision
d. Dare to Make Decisions Because The Task Has Been Entrusted To Me
e. Realizing That Leadership Decisions Are Always Necessary

49. If a work plan looks complicated, then
a. I don't bother trying it
b. I'm afraid if I try and fail
c. I Dare Trying After Considering the Risks
d. I Ask My Wife's Opinion
e. What matters is that I try first

50. Face a difficult problem, I am
a. I am pessimistic I can handle it
b. Someone should help me with it
c. I am trying my best to solve it
d. It would be unfair if I had to solve it myself
e. I wonder if I could possibly handle it

51. I view the problem as
a. A Challenge to Solve
b. An Barrier That Stands in the Way
c. An Unpleasant
d. A Danger
e. Only Delaying Success

7) The Spirit of Achievement Test
52. Your boss has set a target for the task to be completed by the 27th of this month's deadline, then
a. I will finish it on the 27th
b. If other tasks pile up, I will Asking for permission to finish goods one or two days after the deadline
c. I try to finish the 26th if possible
d. I ask other colleagues to help not to be late to the deadline
e. I negotiate the deadline set by the boss with Kindly so as not to be too burdensome

53. Next month there is an opportunity to enter a competition in the field that I am passionate about, so I
a. Not Participating in the Competition
b. Preparing to Win the Competition
c. Participate If There's a Chance I'll Win
d. Just Don't Join Instead of Losing
e. I Participate, Because I Will Definitely Win The Competition

54. When I fail to achieve something I want, I
a. Carefully find out who is responsible for my failure
b. Take time to calm down
c . Grieving
d. Doing Introspection and Correcting Efforts
e. Asking People Closest for Help

55. You are an employee at a Trading Company. You understand that Indonesia has an absolute advantage in international trade for several types of products. What is your vision for this condition?
a. The Boss To Optimize The Trade Of These Products Because It Has The Advantages Of Low Prices And Availability Of Goods
b. It Might Have Been Handled By Other Employees, Because There Are Many Other Colleagues In The Office Of The Ministry Of Commerce
c. I Don't Have The Courage To Propose This To the Leaders
d. I am not sure that Indonesian products are able to compete in the international market
e. I first asked other colleagues' opinions about this

56. For me, to be a successful civil servant, I have to do ...
a. Follow the orders and directions of the leader Loyally and Obediently
b. The Best Jobs With High Performance Standards
c. Developing New Things That Have Never Been Created Before
d. Creating Good Relationships With Everyone, Coworkers And Leaders
e. Working In Accordance With The Terms That Have Been Determined By the Leader

57. In my opinion, work is an effort to achieve success. For that my effort is.
a. Work with Discipline And Always Try Your Best
b. Try To Overcome People Who Get In The Way My Efforts
c. Work Hard
d. Work Until Late Night
e. Work Under an Employment Contract

58. I was offered by the principal to continue my studies in another province for office fees. I recently had twins who still need my attention. My decision is ...
a . Rejected the offer
b. Accepted the offer with the consequence that it is my responsibility to include the family
c. accepted the offer with a request that the family can come with me with additional living expenses
d. refused the offer, but please ask the leadership's policy. If There Is Another Opportunity I Can Be Included
e. Accept The Offer And With A Heavy Heart Leave The Family

59. Our unit volleyball team is expected to lose against another unit volleyball team in our agency. My attitude in the match is:
a. Better to be silent because I am aware of the strength of our team
b. Trying to hide so that it is not known that I am a supporter of the weak team
c. Keep Supporting Enthusiastically
d. If our team loses, it's okay, it's already been estimated so
e. Providing support because Shame on Being Disloyal Friends

60. To me, failure is
a. A firm signal that we must stop
b. It just increases my resilience to try again better
c. Often drops My Mental
d. I Try Not To Reduce My Spirit
e. There May Be Mistakes From My Team Members

61. In my opinion, the world's great leaders
a. They are destined to be great leaders
b. They work hard in their lives to succeed
c. They Get Opportunities and Facilities So They Can Succeed
d. They Are A Rare Person
e. They Are Very Lucky To Be Successful And Become Great Leaders

62. When I wake up I often feel
a. So many tasks await me
b. Excited to carry out daily activities
c. Dizzy Thinking about the Uncomfortable Office Atmosphere
d. Worried Your Boss Will Be Angry Again Today
e. Hope Today Is My Good Day

63. I will contribute to the development of the homeland and the Indonesian nation
a. If I Work as a Civil Servant
b. Wherever I Work, I Will Contribute To Development Nation
c. When I Become a Top-Level Bureaucrat
d. When I Serve as a Member of the House of Representatives, both at the Central and Regional Levels
e. Wherever I Work, I Will Contribute To The Development Of The Nation With Conditions Government Supported

64. After receiving the award as the most outstanding employee this year, I
a. Satisfied with the award
b. I would not believe if I got the award
c. Telling The Whole Family This Happy News
d. I Wonder Maybe Next Year Will Get It Again?
e. I'm Happy And Strive To Do More

65. . Your office agency conducts training that is very useful for improving your skills, but the training is held on Saturday and Sunday.
a. It's better for me to attend the training that is held not on Sunday. Holidays
b. Saturday and Sunday holidays are the right of employees to take a break from work and related matters
c. I am willing to sacrifice these two days off to attend training
d. I am willing to attend training but only on Saturdays Only
e. I Recommend Other Employees Who Are Still Single To Take The Training

8) Self-Control Test
66. When a co-worker mispronounces my name
a. I'm a little offended, because a name is someone's honor
b. I shouldn't be offended
c. I Remind Him
d. I Remind Him Loudly So It Won't Be Repeated
e. It Doesn't Matter

67. Reko forgot to return the pen he borrowed this time
a. I will reprimand him so that it doesn't happen again
b. I let him go first because this is his first time Forgot
c. I let go of the ballpoint pen, but the price is cheap
d. I reminded him
e. I insinuated him to remember his negligence

68. I've tried to fix my weakness, but it hasn't shown any results. So I,
a. Accept it Forcefully
b. Accept it, though of course with a little disappointment
c. Accepting It Gracefully
d. Hating Myself.
e. Lamenting Myself.

69. While doing a presentation, I received a short message (SMS) informing me that my child was hospitalized. My reaction was ...
a. Stopped the presentation and went straight home Sick
b. Finding out My Child's Condition Then Deciding Whether to Keep Presentations or Go to the Hospital
c. Reply SMS And Continue Presentation
d. Continue Presentation
e. Stop Presentation And Find Out My Child's Condition

70. If small things ruin my big plans,
a. I am so sad and angry how can small things ruin big plans
b. I am angry
c . I did a thorough evaluation
d. I will reprimand the implementer
e. I need time to calm down

71. The winner of the tender will be announced tomorrow.
a. I can't sleep tonight
b. I'm doing a refresher tonight, so that tomorrow won't be too stressful if it's not I'm the winner
c. Let fate decide
d. I hope to win, but if I lose, I'm ready
e. Anyway I believe and must win

72. When I'm angry with other people
a. It's hard for me to tell
b. I'm angry with silence I ignore it
c. I tell her the mistake
d. I slapped his face
e. If it's too much, I just slapped his face

73. Compared to my other co-workers, my anger style is
a. I often get angry like other colleagues
b. My anger is more intense than other colleagues
c. I never get angry
d. I get angry if it is necessary to improve conditions to be better
e. I tend to be more angry than other colleagues

74. What do you think about anger ?
a. Anger is Bad
b. Anger is Bad
c. Anger is Bad
d. Anger It Can Be Good Can Be Bad
e. Anger Is Not Necessary

75. . My opinion on patience,
a. Patience is easy to say but hard to do
b. Patience is the hardest thing in my life
c. I Keep Trying To Be More Patient
d. Patience Has Its Limits
e. It Is Impossible For There To Be Someone Who Can Always Be Patient With All Cases Of Life

76. According to my colleagues, my patience
a. Very Low
b. Moderate
c. Low
d. Sometimes Patient Sometimes Not
e. High Enough

9) Assertiveness and Discipline Test
77. I was assigned to lead a work team with very tight deadlines. Work team members showed an attitude of not caring about the task at hand. My attitude is:
a. Working alone is important Completed Tasks,
b. Threatening to Expel Non-serious Members From The Work Team,
c. Reporting Them To The Leader To Be Sanctioned
d. Dividing Tasks Fairly And Motivating And Reprimanding Members To Complete It
e. Advising They To Be Aware Of The Completion Of The Tasks They Are Undertaking

78. I am entrusted with managing activities that have not been published and still need to be kept confidential. When I am with close friends at work, I ...
a. Likes to receive feedback for feedback in The Framework for Developing My New Task
b. Keeping Confidentiality Even When Friends Urge To Ask
c. Only Telling A Small Part For Friendship
d. Will Feel Restless And Unhappy When They Start Talking About My New Task
e. Will Get Angry If Asked About New Assignment

79. If I'm waiting in line, then someone behind me jumps in the queue, then
a. I'm quiet
b. If the person looks rude and big, then more Fine Shut Up For My Own Safety
c. I Reprimand Him
d. I Grumpy
e. I Pretend To Be Stupid

80. When a close relative of mine asks for my help to do something that tends to violate the law, then my actions are:
a. Strictly refuse
b. Refuse and explain the reason
c. Doing it for the first and last time
d. Because he's my close relative, so I'm doing it this time only
e. Considering the risk, just doing it if possible, I bear the risk

81. If my co-worker behaves unfairly in order to compete for promotion, then I
a. Reprimand him
b. Not reprimand him for fear of misunderstanding
c. Silence -Silently Reporting To The Boss So I Have A Chance To Win The Competition
d. Reprimand Him, And If He Is Not Willing To Fix Then I Report The Boss
e. Silence

82. When the traffic light turned red, a friend asked me to keep going, and four of my friends' cars followed the invitation. How about you?
a. I'm Still Waiting for the Light to Turn Green
b. I'm going along because if I'm driving at a red light together, it's okay
c. I'm not sure what to do
d. If there are no police around the place, I will go along
e. I did not go along for fear of being caught by the police

83. The new employee did not seem to be respectful and friendly to other colleagues
a. I don't need to be friendly to him either
b. I reminded him carefully so he was friendly
c. I hope he realizes his own mistakes
d. I report this to his superiors
e. It is the responsibility of the HR Manager

84. If you see your boss's child making a mistake, what do you do?
a. Silence him, afraid that your boss will be offended
b. Remind him, then tell the child not to Telling His Father That I Reminded Him
c. Reminding Him
d. Asking Other Colleagues To Remind Him
e. Reporting It To His Supervisor

85. If your boss asks you to use office facilities for personal purposes, not for office use, then your attitude is
a. Don't want to carry out his request
b. Do it because he is the one who Responsible
c. After all, he is my boss, so I do it
d. Asking the boss to order someone else, not me
e. I thought about it first

10) Test Of Tolerance And Concern Environment
86. Today your colleague's father is seriously ill and your colleague does not have the money to take him to the hospital.
a. I advised him to look for Jamkesmas facilities next time
b. I Encouraging Her To Take Health Insurance
c. I Give Her As Much Assistance As I Can
d. I Coordinate Other Colleagues To Help
e. I Reported To My Boss About This

87. Your best friend's father had a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital.
a. I believe Dr Rs is able to handle him well
b. I will visit him when the time is right. really Loose
c. I will visit him
d. I ask him if his condition is really serious
e. I hope he gets better soon

88. A friend at work often asks to be taught things about work that he doesn't know, so I
a. Teach him just once
b. Teach him and suggest reading a book that Can Help Him
c. Teach If I Have Very Loose Time
d. Ask Him To Learn Independently
e. Firmly Ask Him To Learn On Your Own, Because That Is The Core Of Responsibility

89. If I travel by city bus
a. I always talk to the person sitting next to me
b. I am afraid to talk to the person sitting next to me
c. I want the person sitting next to me to talk to me
d. I'm quiet
e. I don't want to talk because it's none of my business

90. In everyday life,
a. I often talk to other people
b. Other people often talk to me
c. I don't need to vent, let it be the problem I'm on my own
d. I don't want to be a place to talk to other people because it's just a burden on my mind
e. Maybe venting is necessary

91. According to my colleagues, I am one of those people who
a. Have High Tolerance
b. Sometimes Lack Tolerance To Colleagues Difficulty
c. Have Moderate Tolerance
d. Has Low Tolerance
e. Has No Tolerance At All

92. After carrying out certain tasks assigned by superiors, it turns out that there are wrong instructions from superiors so that you have to repeat the task. What is your attitude?
a. Boss
b. Even though he is my boss, I rebuke him strongly for the mistake that harms the other person
c. I repeat it even though I feel very angry in my heart
d. I am not willing to repeat it because it's not my fault
e. I am willing to repeat it and I also ask him to be more careful in giving instructions in the future

93. In your office there are some equipment that is not working (broken), but only you know about it. What will you do?
a. I will be silent, because if I report this Go to the equipment department, it will be mistaken for me who damaged it
b. I told my closest co-workers
c. I investigated who damaged it
d. I reported it to the equipment department
e. I was silent because My Own Tasks Still Many

94. What would you do if a natural disaster occurred in your area?
a. I will donate all my salary this month to the victims of the natural disaster
b. I will donate Part of my salary because I also need living expenses for myself and my family
c. I invite colleagues at the office, relatives and anyone to donate according to their abilities for victims of natural disasters
d. I report it to my supervisor at the office so that Distributing Donations
e. I Believe Management of Donations for Victims of Natural Disasters Like That Will Be Arranged By The Government

11 ) Work Efficiency Test
95. Every day, I enter the office the fastest compared to other employees. All I do after arriving is ...
a. Go to the room and read the newspaper
b. Relax In Outside the Office Building To Enjoy The Morning Air
c. Entering The Room And Chatting With Colleagues
d. Entering The Room And Making Work Plans
e. Entering The Room And Starting Yesterday's Delayed Work

96. I was asked to work overtime while I promised my son to take him to his best friend's birthday party. My attitude.
a. Go Home Silently, Without the Leader's Knowledge
b. Pretending to be sick so that they can be allowed to go home immediately
c. Calling my child to explain to just take a taxi
d. Working overtime, because I'm sure my child will understand
e. Asking for permission from the leader to take my child then Back To Office To Work Overtime

97. If I have a subordinate whose competence is low, then
a. I demand him to improve his ability
b. I affirm that if he does not improve his ability, then I will not hesitate to dismiss him
c. I will dismiss him immediately
d. I asked my boss to transfer him to another unit
e. I mentored him and asked him to improve his skills

98. I have finished all the work but today's working hours are still more than 2 hours.
a. While I'm Still In The Office With Internet Facilities, So I Use It To Access The Social Networking Site Facebook
b. After I'm tired of working today, I don't think there's anything wrong with chatting with other coworkers to just pass the time
c. I prefer to read tabloid infotainment
d. I use it to chat with old friends
e. I Use It To Read Personal Development Books.

99. According to my colleagues, I am a person who is
a. Not Diligent in Doing Routine Work
b. Low Diligence
c. Sometimes Persevering
d. Sometimes Easily Irritated And Less Diligent In Doing Something
e. Quite Diligent

100. After completing certain work, I
a. Immediately do other activities
b. Take a short break
c. Access social networking sites such as Facebook to find out the latest news from My Relatives And Friends
d. Reading Newspapers
e. Researching The Work Is There Still A Mistake, Then Doing Other Activities

Kunci Jawaban Soal Tes Psikologi (Psikotes/TPA)
Kepribadian ➯ Bahasa Inggris
1.B 6.B 11.D 16.E 21.A
2.B 7.C 12.E 17.A 22.D
3.D 8.A 13.D 18.A 23.D
4.A 9.A 14.C 19.D 24.B
5.E 10.A 15.D 20.E 25.B
26. ... tampilkan seluruh kunci jawaban (silakan klik)