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(Sebelumnya) Index - ElementsIndex - Attributes (Berikutnya)

Index - Element content categories

This section is non-normative.

List of element content categories

Category Elements Elements with exceptions
Metadata content base; command; link; meta; noscript; script; style; title --
Flow content a; abbr; address; article; aside; audio; b; bdi; bdo; blockquote; br; button; canvas; cite; code; command; datalist; del; details; dfn; dialog; div; dl; em; embed; fieldset; figure; footer; form; h1; h2; h3; h4; h5; h6; header; hgroup; hr; i; iframe; img; input; ins; kbd; keygen; label; map; mark; math; menu; meter; nav; noscript; object; ol; output; p; pre; progress; q; ruby; s; samp; script; section; select; small; span; strong; sub; sup; svg; table; textarea; time; u; ul; var; video; wbr; Text area (if it is a descendant of a map element); style (if the scoped attribute is present)
Sectioning content article; aside; nav; section --
Heading content h1; h2; h3; h4; h5; h6; hgroup --
Phrasing content a; abbr; audio; b; bdi; bdo; br; button; canvas; cite; code; command; datalist; del; dfn; em; embed; i; iframe; img; input; ins; kbd; keygen; label; map; mark; math; meter; noscript; object; output; progress; q; ruby; s; samp; script; select; small; span; strong; sub; sup; svg; textarea; time; u; var; video; wbr; Text area (if it is a descendant of a map element);
Embedded content audio canvas embed iframe img math object svg video --
Interactive content a; button; details; embed; iframe; keygen; label; select; textarea; audio (if the controls attribute is present); img (if the usemap attribute is present); input (if the type attribute is not in the Hidden state); menu (if the type attribute is in the toolbar state); object (if the usemap attribute is present) video (if the controls attribute is present)
Sectioning roots blockquote; body; details; dialog; fieldset; figure; td --
Form-associated elements button; fieldset; input; keygen; label; object; output; select; textarea --
Listed elements button; fieldset; input; keygen; object; output; select; textarea --
Submittable elements button; input; keygen; object; select; textarea --
Resettable elements input; keygen; output; select; textarea --
Labelable elements button; input; keygen; meter; output; progress; select; textarea --
Palpable content a; abbr; address; article; aside; b; bdi; bdo; blockquote; button; canvas; cite; code; details; dfn; div; em; embed; fieldset; figure; footer; form; h1; h2; h3; h4; h5; h6; header; hgroup; i; iframe; img; ins; kbd; keygen; label; map; mark; math; meter; nav; object; output; p; pre; progress; q; ruby; s; samp; section; select; small; span; strong; sub; sup; svg; table; textarea; time; u; var; video audio (if the controls attribute is present); dl (if the element's children include at least one name-value group); input (if the type attribute is not in the Hidden state); menu (if the type attribute is in the toolbar state or the list state); ol (if the element's children include at least one li element); ul (if the element's children include at least one li element); Text that is not inter-element whitespace
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(Sebelumnya) Index - ElementsIndex - Attributes (Berikutnya)