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22.9.4. MySQL Functions (PDO_MYSQL) (MySQL (PDO))

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

PDO_MYSQL is a driver that implements the PHP Data Objects (PDO) interface to enable access from PHP to MySQL 3.x, 4.x and 5.x databases.

PDO_MYSQL will take advantage of native prepared statement support present in MySQL 4.1 and higher. If you're using an older version of the mysql client libraries, PDO will emulate them for you.


Beware: Some MySQL table types (storage engines) do not support transactions. When writing transactional database code using a table type that does not support transactions, MySQL will pretend that a transaction was initiated successfully. In addition, any DDL queries issued will implicitly commit any pending transactions.

Use --with-pdo-mysql[=DIR] to install the PDO MySQL extension, where the optional [=DIR] is the MySQL base install directory. If mysqlnd is passed as [=DIR], then the MySQL native driver will be used.

Optionally, the --with-mysql-sock[=DIR] sets to location to the MySQL unix socket pointer for all MySQL extensions, including PDO_MYSQL. If unspecified, the default locations are searched.

Optionally, the --with-zlib-dir[=DIR] is used to set the path to the libz install prefix.

$ ./configure --with-pdo-mysql --with-mysql-sock=/var/mysql/mysql.sock  

SSL support is enabled using the appropriate PDO_MySQL constants, which is equivalent to calling the MySQL C API function mysql_ssl_set(). Also, SSL cannot be enabled with PDO::setAttribute because the connection already exists. See also the MySQL documentation about connecting to MySQL with SSL.

Table 22.55. Changelog

5.4.0MySQL client libraries 4.1 and below are no longer supported.
5.3.9Added SSL support with mysqlnd and OpenSSL.
5.3.7Added SSL support with libmysql and OpenSSL.

The constants below are defined bythis driver, and will only be available when the extension has been eithercompiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime. In addition, thesedriver-specific constants should only be used if you are using this driver.Using driver-specific attributes with another driver may result inunexpected behaviour. PDO::getAttribute may be used toobtain the PDO_ATTR_DRIVER_NAME attribute to check thedriver, if your code can run against multiple drivers.


If this attribute is set to TRUE on a PDOStatement, the MySQL driver will use the buffered versions of the MySQL API. If you're writing portable code, you should use PDOStatement::fetchAll instead.

Example 22.212. Forcing queries to be buffered in mysql

<?phpif ($db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) == 'mysql') { $stmt = $db->prepare('select * from foo', array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY => true));} else { die("my application only works with mysql; I should use \$stmt->fetchAll() instead");}?>


Note, this constant can only be used in the driver_options array when constructing a new database handle.


Command to execute when connecting to the MySQL server. Will automatically be re-executed when reconnecting.

Note, this constant can only be used in the driver_options array when constructing a new database handle.


Read options from the named option file instead of from my.cnf. This option is not available if mysqlnd is used, because mysqlnd does not read the mysql configuration files.


Read options from the named group from my.cnf or the file specified with MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE . This option is not available if mysqlnd is used, because mysqlnd does not read the mysql configuration files.


Maximum buffer size. Defaults to 1 MiB. This constant is not supported when compiled against mysqlnd.


Perform direct queries, don't use prepared statements.


Return the number of found (matched) rows, not the number of changed rows.


Permit spaces after function names. Makes all functions names reserved words.


Enable network communication compression. This is not supported when compiled against mysqlnd.


The file path to the SSL certificate authority.

This exists as of PHP 5.3.7.


The file path to the directory that contains the trusted SSL CA certificates, which are stored in PEM format.

This exists as of PHP 5.3.7.


The file path to the SSL certificate.

This exists as of PHP 5.3.7.


A list of one or more permissible ciphers to use for SSL encryption, in a format understood by OpenSSL. For example: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:AES128-SHA

This exists as of PHP 5.3.7.


The file path to the SSL key.

This exists as of PHP 5.3.7.

The behaviour of these functions is affected by settings in php.ini.

Table 22.56. PDO_MYSQL Configuration Options


Here's a short explanation of the configuration directives.

pdo_mysql.default_socket string

Sets a Unix domain socket. This value can either be set at compile time if a domain socket is found at configure. This ini setting is Unix only.

pdo_mysql.debug boolean

Enables debugging for PDO_MYSQL. This setting is only available when PDO_MYSQL is compiled against mysqlnd and in PDO debug mode. PDO_MYSQL DSN

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.


    Connecting to MySQL databases


The PDO_MYSQL Data Source Name (DSN) is composed of the following elements:

DSN prefix

The DSN prefix is mysql:.


The hostname on which the database server resides.


The port number where the database server is listening.


The name of the database.


The MySQL Unix socket (shouldn't be used with host or port).


The character set. See the character set concepts documentation for more information.

Prior to PHP 5.3.6, this element was silently ignored. The same behaviour can be partly replicated with the PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND driver option, as the following example shows.


The method in the below example can only be used with character sets that share the same lower 7 bit representation as ASCII, such as ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8. Users using character sets that have different representations (such as UTF-16 or Big5) must use the charset option provided in PHP 5.3.6 and later versions.

Example 22.213. Setting the connection character set to UTF-8 prior to PHP 5.3.6

<?php$dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb';$username = 'username';$password = 'password';$options = array( PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8',); $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password, $options);?>


5.3.6Prior to version 5.3.6, charset was ignored.


Example 22.214. PDO_MYSQL DSN examples

The following example shows a PDO_MYSQL DSN for connecting to MySQL databases:



Unix only:

When the host name is set to "localhost", then the connection to the server is made thru a domain socket. If PDO_MYSQL is compiled against libmysql then the location of the socket file is at libmysql's compiled in location. If PDO_MYSQL is compiled against mysqlnd a default socket can be set thru the pdo_mysql.default_socket setting.

22.9.5. MySQL Native Driver (Mysqlnd)

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

MySQL Native Driver is a replacement for the MySQL Client Library (libmysql). MySQL Native Driver is part of the official PHP sources as of PHP 5.3.0.

The MySQL database extensions MySQL extension, mysqli and PDO MYSQL all communicate with the MySQL server. In the past, this was done by the extension using the services provided by the MySQL Client Library. The extensions were compiled against the MySQL Client Library in order to use its client-server protocol.

With MySQL Native Driver there is now an alternative, as the MySQL database extensions can be compiled to use MySQL Native Driver instead of the MySQL Client Library.

MySQL Native Driver is written in C as a PHP extension. Overview

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

What it is not

Although MySQL Native Driver is written as a PHP extension, it is important to note that it does not provide a new API to the PHP programmer. The programmer APIs for MySQL database connectivity are provided by the MySQL extension, mysqli and PDO MYSQL. These extensions can now use the services of MySQL Native Driver to communicate with the MySQL Server. Therefore, you should not think of MySQL Native Driver as an API.

Why use it?

Using the MySQL Native Driver offers a number of advantages over using the MySQL Client Library.

The older MySQL Client Library was written by MySQL AB (now Oracle Corporation) and so was released under the MySQL license. This ultimately led to MySQL support being disabled by default in PHP. However, the MySQL Native Driver has been developed as part of the PHP project, and is therefore released under the PHP license. This removes licensing issues that have been problematic in the past.

Also, in the past, you needed to build the MySQL database extensions against a copy of the MySQL Client Library. This typically meant you needed to have MySQL installed on a machine where you were building the PHP source code. Also, when your PHP application was running, the MySQL database extensions would call down to the MySQL Client library file at run time, so the file needed to be installed on your system. With MySQL Native Driver that is no longer the case as it is included as part of the standard distribution. So you do not need MySQL installed in order to build PHP or run PHP database applications.

Because MySQL Native Driver is written as a PHP extension, it is tightly coupled to the workings of PHP. This leads to gains in efficiency, especially when it comes to memory usage, as the driver uses the PHP memory management system. It also supports the PHP memory limit. Using MySQL Native Driver leads to comparable or better performance than using MySQL Client Library, it always ensures the most efficient use of memory. One example of the memory efficiency is the fact that when using the MySQL Client Library, each row is stored in memory twice, whereas with the MySQL Native Driver each row is only stored once in memory.

Reporting memory usage

Because MySQL Native Driver uses the PHP memory management system, its memory usage can be tracked with memory_get_usage. This is not possible with libmysql because it uses the C function malloc() instead.

Special features

MySQL Native Driver also provides some special features not available when the MySQL database extensions use MySQL Client Library. These special features are listed below:

The performance statistics facility can prove to be very useful in identifying performance bottlenecks.

MySQL Native Driver also allows for persistent connections when used with the mysqli extension.

SSL Support

MySQL Native Driver has supported SSL since PHP version 5.3.3

Compressed Protocol Support

As of PHP 5.3.2 MySQL Native Driver supports the compressed client server protocol. MySQL Native Driver did not support this in 5.3.0 and 5.3.1. Extensions such as ext/mysql, ext/mysqli, that are configured to use MySQL Native Driver, can also take advantage of this feature. Note that PDO_MYSQL does NOT support compression when used together with mysqlnd.

Named Pipes Support

Named pipes support for Windows was added in PHP version 5.4.0. Installation

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.


Table 22.57. Changelog

5.3.0The MySQL Native Driver was added, with support for all MySQL extensions (i.e., mysql, mysqli and PDO_MYSQL). Passing in mysqlnd to the appropriate configure switch enables this support.
5.4.0The MySQL Native Driver is now the default for all MySQL extensions (i.e., mysql, mysqli and PDO_MYSQL). Passing inmysqlnd to configure is now optional.
5.5.0SHA-256 Authentication Plugin support was added

Installation on Unix

The MySQL database extensions must be configured to use the MySQL Client Library. In order to use the MySQL Native Driver, PHP needs to be built specifying that the MySQL database extensions are compiled with MySQL Native Driver support. This is done through configuration options prior to building the PHP source code.

For example, to build the MySQL extension, mysqli and PDO MYSQL using the MySQL Native Driver, the following command would be given:

 ./configure --with-mysql=mysqlnd \--with-mysqli=mysqlnd \--with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd \[other options]

Installation on Windows

In the official PHP Windows distributions from 5.3 onwards, MySQL Native Driver is enabled by default, so no additional configuration is required to use it. All MySQL database extensions will use MySQL Native Driver in this case.

SHA-256 Authentication Plugin support

The MySQL Native Driver requires the OpenSSL functionality of PHP to be loaded and enabled to connect to MySQL through accounts that use the MySQL SHA-256 Authentication Plugin. For example, PHP could be configured using:

./configure --with-mysql=mysqlnd \--with-mysqli=mysqlnd \--with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd \--with-openssl[other options] Runtime Configuration

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

The behaviour of these functions is affected by settings in php.ini.

Table 22.58. MySQL Native Driver Configuration Options

mysqlnd.collect_statistics"1"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP 5.3.0.
mysqlnd.collect_memory_statistics"0"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP 5.3.0.
mysqlnd.debug"0"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP 5.3.0.
mysqlnd.log_mask0PHP_INI_ALLAvailable since PHP 5.3.0
mysqlnd.mempool_default_size16000PHP_INI_ALLAvailable since PHP 5.3.3
mysqlnd.net_read_timeout"31536000"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP 5.3.0.
mysqlnd.net_cmd_buffer_size5.3.0 - "2048", 5.3.1 - "4096"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP 5.3.0.
mysqlnd.net_read_buffer_size"32768"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP 5.3.0.
mysqlnd.sha256_server_public_key""PHP_INI_PERDIRAvailable since PHP 5.5.0.

Here's a short explanation of the configuration directives.

mysqlnd.collect_statistics boolean

Enables the collection of various client statistics which can be accessed through mysqli_get_client_stats, mysqli_get_connection_stats, mysqli_get_cache_stats and are shown in mysqlnd section of the output of the phpinfo function as well.

This configuration setting enables all MySQL Native Driver statistics except those relating to memory management.

mysqlnd.collect_memory_statistics boolean

Enable the collection of various memory statistics which can be accessed through mysqli_get_client_stats, mysqli_get_connection_stats, mysqli_get_cache_stats and are shown in mysqlnd section of the output of the phpinfo function as well.

This configuration setting enables the memory management statistics within the overall set of MySQL Native Driver statistics.

mysqlnd.debug string

Records communication from all extensions using mysqlnd to the specified log file.

The format of the directive is mysqlnd.debug = "option1[,parameter_option1][:option2[,parameter_option2]]".

The options for the format string are as follows:

  • A[,file] - Appends trace output to specified file. Also ensures that data is written after each write. This is done by closing and reopening the trace file (this is slow). It helps ensure a complete log file should the application crash.

  • a[,file] - Appends trace output to the specified file.

  • d - Enables output from DBUG_<N> macros for the current state. May be followed by a list of keywords which selects output only for the DBUG macros with that keyword. An empty list of keywords implies output for all macros.

  • f[,functions] - Limits debugger actions to the specified list of functions. An empty list of functions implies that all functions are selected.

  • F - Marks each debugger output line with the name of the source file containing the macro causing the output.

  • i - Marks each debugger output line with the PID of the current process.

  • L - Marks each debugger output line with the name of the source file line number of the macro causing the output.

  • n - Marks each debugger output line with the current function nesting depth

  • o[,file] - Similar to a[,file] but overwrites old file, and does not append.

  • O[,file] - Similar to A[,file] but overwrites old file, and does not append.

  • t[,N] - Enables function control flow tracing. The maximum nesting depth is specified by N, and defaults to 200.

  • x - This option activates profiling.



This feature is only available with a debug build of PHP. Works on Microsoft Windows if using a debug build of PHP and PHP was built using Microsoft Visual C version 9 and above.

mysqlnd.log_mask integer

Defines which queries will be logged. The default 0, which disables logging. Define using an integer, and not with PHP constants. For example, a value of 48 (16 + 32) will log slow queries which either use 'no good index' (SERVER_QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED = 16) or no index at all (SERVER_QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED = 32). A value of 2043 (1 + 2 + 8 + ... + 1024) will log all slow query types.


mysqlnd.mempool_default_size integer

Default size of the mysqlnd memory pool, which is used by result sets.

mysqlnd.net_read_timeout integer

mysqlnd and the MySQL Client Library, libmysql use different networking APIs. mysqlnd uses PHP streams, whereas libmysql uses its own wrapper around the operating level network calls. PHP, by default, sets a read timeout of 60s for streams. This is set via php.ini, default_socket_timeout. This default applies to all streams that set no other timeout value. mysqlnd does not set any other value and therefore connections of long running queries can be disconnected after default_socket_timeout seconds resulting in an error message "2006 - MySQL Server has gone away". The MySQL Client Library sets a default timeout of 365 * 24 * 3600 seconds (1 year) and waits for other timeouts to occur, such as TCP/IP timeouts. mysqlnd now uses the same very long timeout. The value is configurable through a new php.ini setting: mysqlnd.net_read_timeout. mysqlnd.net_read_timeout gets used by any extension (ext/mysql, ext/mysqli, PDO_MySQL) that uses mysqlnd. mysqlnd tells PHP Streams to use mysqlnd.net_read_timeout. Please note that there may be subtle differences between MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT from the MySQL Client Library and PHP Streams, for example MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT is documented to work only for TCP/IP connections and, prior to MySQL 5.1.2, only for Windows. PHP streams may not have this limitation. Please check the streams documentation, if in doubt.

mysqlnd.net_cmd_buffer_size long

mysqlnd allocates an internal command/network buffer of mysqlnd.net_cmd_buffer_size (in php.ini) bytes for every connection. If a MySQL Client Server protocol command, for example, COM_QUERY ("normal" query), does not fit into the buffer, mysqlnd will grow the buffer to the size required for sending the command. Whenever the buffer gets extended for one connection, command_buffer_too_small will be incremented by one.

If mysqlnd has to grow the buffer beyond its initial size of mysqlnd.net_cmd_buffer_size bytes for almost every connection, you should consider increasing the default size to avoid re-allocations.

The default buffer size is 2048 bytes in PHP 5.3.0. In later versions the default is 4096 bytes. The default can changed either through the php.ini setting mysqlnd.net_cmd_buffer_size or using mysqli_options(MYSQLI_OPT_NET_CMD_BUFFER_SIZE, int size).

It is recommended that the buffer size be set to no less than 4096 bytes because mysqlnd also uses it when reading certain communication packet from MySQL. In PHP 5.3.0, mysqlnd will not grow the buffer if MySQL sends a packet that is larger than the current size of the buffer. As a consequence, mysqlnd is unable to decode the packet and the client application will get an error. There are only two situations when the packet can be larger than the 2048 bytes default of mysqlnd.net_cmd_buffer_size in PHP 5.3.0: the packet transports a very long error message, or the packet holds column meta data from COM_LIST_FIELD (mysql_list_fields() and the meta data come from a string column with a very long default value (>1900 bytes).

As of PHP 5.3.2 mysqlnd does not allow setting buffers smaller than 4096 bytes.

The value can also be set using mysqli_options(link, MYSQLI_OPT_NET_CMD_BUFFER_SIZE, size).

mysqlnd.net_read_buffer_size long

Maximum read chunk size in bytes when reading the body of a MySQL command packet. The MySQL client server protocol encapsulates all its commands in packets. The packets consist of a small header and a body with the actual payload. The size of the body is encoded in the header. mysqlnd reads the body in chunks of MIN(header.size, mysqlnd.net_read_buffer_size) bytes. If a packet body is larger than mysqlnd.net_read_buffer_size bytes, mysqlnd has to call read() multiple times.

The value can also be set using mysqli_options(link, MYSQLI_OPT_NET_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, size).

mysqlnd.sha256_server_public_key string

SHA-256 Authentication Plugin related. File with the MySQL server public RSA key.

Clients can either omit setting a public RSA key, specify the key through this PHP configuration setting or set the key at runtime using mysqli_options. If not public RSA key file is given by the client, then the key will be exchanged as part of the standard SHA-256 Authentication Plugin authentication procedure. Persistent Connections

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Using Persistent Connections

If mysqli is used with mysqlnd, when a persistent connection is created it generates a COM_CHANGE_USER (mysql_change_user()) call on the server. This ensures that re-authentication of the connection takes place.

As there is some overhead associated with the COM_CHANGE_USER call, it is possible to switch this off at compile time. Reusing a persistent connection will then generate a COM_PING (mysql_ping) call to simply test the connection is reusable.

Generation of COM_CHANGE_USER can be switched off with the compile flag MYSQLI_NO_CHANGE_USER_ON_PCONNECT. For example:

shell# CFLAGS="-DMYSQLI_NO_CHANGE_USER_ON_PCONNECT" ./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql/ --with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config --with-pdo-mysql=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config --enable-debug && make clean && make -j6

Or alternatively:

shell# export CFLAGS="-DMYSQLI_NO_CHANGE_USER_ON_PCONNECT"shell# configure --whatever-optionshell# make cleanshell# make

Note that only mysqli on mysqlnd uses COM_CHANGE_USER. Other extension-driver combinations use COM_PING on initial use of a persistent connection. Statistics

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Using Statistical Data

MySQL Native Driver contains support for gathering statistics on the communication between the client and the server. The statistics gathered are of three main types:

  • Client statistics

  • Connection statistics

  • Zval cache statistics

If you are using the mysqli extension, these statistics can be obtained through three API calls:


Statistics are aggregated among all extensions that use MySQL Native Driver. For example, when compiling both ext/mysql and ext/mysqli against MySQL Native Driver, both function calls of ext/mysql and ext/mysqli will change the statistics. There is no way to find out how much a certain API call of any extension that has been compiled against MySQL Native Driver has impacted a certain statistic. You can configure the PDO MySQL Driver, ext/mysql and ext/mysqli to optionally use the MySQL Native Driver. When doing so, all three extensions will change the statistics.

Accessing Client Statistics

To access client statistics, you need to call mysqli_get_client_stats. The function call does not require any parameters.

The function returns an associative array that contains the name of the statistic as the key and the statistical data as the value.

Client statistics can also be accessed by calling the phpinfo function.

Accessing Connection Statistics

To access connection statistics call mysqli_get_connection_stats. This takes the database connection handle as the parameter.

The function returns an associative array that contains the name of the statistic as the key and the statistical data as the value.

Accessing Zval Cache Statistics

The MySQL Native Driver also collects statistics from its internal Zval cache. These statistics can be accessed by calling mysqli_get_cache_stats.

The Zval cache statistics obtained may lead to a tweaking of php.ini settings related to the Zval cache, resulting in better performance.

Buffered and Unbuffered Result Sets

Result sets can be buffered or unbuffered. Using default settings, ext/mysql and ext/mysqli work with buffered result sets for normal (non prepared statement) queries. Buffered result sets are cached on the client. After the query execution all results are fetched from the MySQL Server and stored in a cache on the client. The big advantage of buffered result sets is that they allow the server to free all resources allocated to a result set, once the results have been fetched by the client.

Unbuffered result sets on the other hand are kept much longer on the server. If you want to reduce memory consumption on the client, but increase load on the server, use unbuffered results. If you experience a high server load and the figures for unbuffered result sets are high, you should consider moving the load to the clients. Clients typically scale better than servers. "Load" does not only refer to memory buffers - the server also needs to keep other resources open, for example file handles and threads, before a result set can be freed.

Prepared Statements use unbuffered result sets by default. However, you can use mysqli_stmt_store_result to enable buffered result sets.

Statistics returned by MySQL Native Driver

The following tables show a list of statistics returned by the mysqli_get_client_stats, mysqli_get_connection_stats and mysqli_get_cache_stats functions.

Table 22.59. Returned mysqlnd statistics: Network

bytes_sentConnectionNumber of bytes sent from PHP to the MySQL serverCan be used to check the efficiency of the compression protocol
bytes_receivedConnectionNumber of bytes received from MySQL serverCan be used to check the efficiency of the compression protocol
packets_sentConnectionNumber of MySQL Client Server protocol packets sentUsed for debugging Client Server protocol implementation
packets_receivedConnectionNumber of MySQL Client Server protocol packets receivedUsed for debugging Client Server protocol implementation
protocol_overhead_inConnectionMySQL Client Server protocol overhead in bytes for incoming traffic. Currently only the Packet Header (4 bytes) is considered as overhead. protocol_overhead_in = packets_received * 4Used for debugging Client Server protocol implementation
protocol_overhead_outConnectionMySQL Client Server protocol overhead in bytes for outgoing traffic. Currently only the Packet Header (4 bytes) is considered as overhead. protocol_overhead_out = packets_sent * 4Used for debugging Client Server protocol implementation
bytes_received_ok_packetConnectionTotal size of bytes of MySQL Client Server protocol OK packets received. OK packets can contain a status message. The length of the status message can vary and thus the size of an OK packet is not fixed.Used for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
packets_received_okConnectionNumber of MySQL Client Server protocol OK packets received.Used for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
bytes_received_eof_packetConnectionTotal size in bytes of MySQL Client Server protocol EOF packets received. EOF can vary in size depending on the server version. Also, EOF can transport an error message.Used for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
packets_received_eofConnectionNumber of MySQL Client Server protocol EOF packets. Like with other packet statistics the number of packets will be increased even if PHP does not receive the expected packet but, for example, an error message.Used for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
bytes_received_rset_ header_packetConnectionTotal size in bytes of MySQL Client Server protocol result set header packets. The size of the packets varies depending on the payload (LOAD LOCAL INFILE, INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT, error message).Used for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
packets_received_rset_ headerConnectionNumber of MySQL Client Server protocol result set header packets.Used for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
bytes_received_rset_ field_meta_packetConnectionTotal size in bytes of MySQL Client Server protocol result set meta data (field information) packets. Of course the size varies with the fields in the result set. The packet may also transport an error or an EOF packet in case of COM_LIST_FIELDS.Only useful for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
packets_received_rset_ field_metaConnectionNumber of MySQL Client Server protocol result set meta data (field information) packets.Only useful for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
bytes_received_rset_ row_packetConnectionTotal size in bytes of MySQL Client Server protocol result set row data packets. The packet may also transport an error or an EOF packet. You can reverse engineer the number of error and EOF packets by subtracting rows_fetched_from_ server_normal and rows_fetched_from_ server_ps from bytes_received_rset_ row_packet.Only useful for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
packets_received_rset_ rowConnectionNumber of MySQL Client Server protocol result set row data packets and their total size in bytes.Only useful for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
bytes_received_prepare_ response_packetConnectionTotal size in bytes of MySQL Client Server protocol OK for Prepared Statement Initialization packets (prepared statement init packets). The packet may also transport an error. The packet size depends on the MySQL version: 9 bytes with MySQL 4.1 and 12 bytes from MySQL 5.0 on. There is no safe way to know how many errors happened. You may be able to guess that an error has occurred if, for example, you always connect to MySQL 5.0 or newer and, bytes_received_prepare_ response_packet != packets_received_prepare_ response * 12. See also ps_prepared_never_executed, ps_prepared_once_executed.Only useful for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
packets_received_prepare_ responseConnectionNumber of MySQL Client Server protocol OK for Prepared Statement Initialization packets (prepared statement init packets).Only useful for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
bytes_received_change_ user_packetConnectionTotal size in bytes of MySQL Client Server protocol COM_CHANGE_USER packets. The packet may also transport an error or EOF.Only useful for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
packets_received_change_ userConnectionNumber of MySQL Client Server protocol COM_CHANGE_USER packetsOnly useful for debugging CS protocol implementation. Note that the total size in bytes includes the size of the header packet (4 bytes, see protocol overhead).
packets_sent_commandConnectionNumber of MySQL Client Server protocol commands sent from PHP to MySQL. There is no way to know which specific commands and how many of them have been sent. At its best you can use it to check if PHP has sent any commands to MySQL to know if you can consider to disable MySQL support in your PHP binary. There is also no way to reverse engineer the number of errors that may have occurred while sending data to MySQL. The only error that is recorded is command_buffer_too_small (see below).Only useful for debugging CS protocol implementation.
bytes_received_real_ data_normalConnectionNumber of bytes of payload fetched by the PHP client from mysqlnd using the text protocol.This is the size of the actual data contained in result sets that do not originate from prepared statements and which have been fetched by the PHP client. Note that although a full result set may have been pulled from MySQL by mysqlnd, this statistic only counts actual data pulled from mysqlnd by the PHP client. An example of a code sequence that will increase the value is as follows:
$mysqli = new mysqli();$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT 'abc'");$res->fetch_assoc();$res->close();

Every fetch operation will increase the value.

The statistic will not be increased if the result set is only buffered on the client, but not fetched, such as in the following example:

$mysqli = new mysqli();$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT 'abc'");$res->close();

This statistic is available as of PHP version 5.3.4.

bytes_received_real_ data_psConnectionNumber of bytes of the payload fetched by the PHP client from mysqlnd using the prepared statement protocol.This is the size of the actual data contained in result sets that originate from prepared statements and which has been fetched by the PHP client. The value will not be increased if the result set is not subsequently read by the PHP client. Note that although a full result set may have been pulled from MySQL by mysqlnd, this statistic only counts actual data pulled from mysqlnd by the PHP client. See also bytes_received_real_ data_normal. Thisstatistic is available as of PHP version 5.3.4.

Result Set

Table 22.60. Returned mysqlnd statistics: Result Set

result_set_queriesConnectionNumber of queries that have generated a result set. Examples of queries that generate a result set: SELECT, SHOW. The statistic will not be incremented if there is an error reading the result set header packet from the line.You may use it as an indirect measure for the number of queries PHP has sent to MySQL, for example, to identify a client that causes a high database load.
non_result_set_queriesConnectionNumber of queries that did not generate a result set. Examples of queries that do not generate a result set: INSERT, UPDATE, LOAD DATA, SHOW. The statistic will not be incremented if there is an error reading the result set header packet from the line.You may use it as an indirect measure for the number of queries PHP has sent to MySQL, for example, to identify a client that causes a high database load.
no_index_usedConnectionNumber of queries that have generated a result set but did not use an index (see also mysqld start option-log-queries-not-using-indexes). If you want these queries to be reported you can use mysqli_report( MYSQLI_REPORT_INDEX) to make ext/mysqli throw an exception. If you prefer a warning instead of an exception use mysqli_report( MYSQLI_REPORT_INDEX ^ MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT). 
bad_index_usedConnectionNumber of queries that have generated a result set and did not use a good index (see also mysqld start option �log-slow-queries).If you want these queries to be reported you can use mysqli_report( MYSQLI_REPORT_INDEX) to make ext/mysqli throw an exception. If you prefer a warning instead of an exception use mysqli_report( MYSQLI_REPORT_INDEX ^ MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT)
slow_queriesConnectionSQL statements that took more than long_query_time seconds to execute and required at least min_examined_row_limit rows to be examined.Not reported through mysqli_report
buffered_setsConnectionNumber of buffered result sets returned by "normal" queries. "Normal" means "not prepared statement" in the following notes.Examples of API calls that will buffer result sets on the client: mysql_query, mysqli_query, mysqli_store_result, mysqli_stmt_get_result. Buffering result sets on the client ensures that server resources are freed as soon as possible and it makes result set scrolling easier. The downside is the additional memory consumption on the client for buffering data. Note that mysqlnd (unlike the MySQL Client Library) respects the PHP memory limit because it uses PHP internal memory management functions to allocate memory. This is also the reason why memory_get_usage reports a higher memory consumption when using mysqlnd instead of the MySQL Client Library. memory_get_usage does not measure the memory consumption of the MySQL Client Library at all because the MySQL Client Library does not use PHP internal memory management functions monitored by the function!
unbuffered_setsConnectionNumber of unbuffered result sets returned by normal (non prepared statement) queries.Examples of API calls that will not buffer result sets on the client: mysqli_use_result
ps_buffered_setsConnectionNumber of buffered result sets returned by prepared statements. By default prepared statements are unbuffered.Examples of API calls that will not buffer result sets on the client: mysqli_stmt_store_result
ps_unbuffered_setsConnectionNumber of unbuffered result sets returned by prepared statements.By default prepared statements are unbuffered.
flushed_normal_setsConnectionNumber of result sets from normal (non prepared statement) queries with unread data which have been flushed silently for you. Flushing happens only with unbuffered result sets.Unbuffered result sets must be fetched completely before a new query can be run on the connection otherwise MySQL will throw an error. If the application does not fetch all rows from an unbuffered result set, mysqlnd does implicitly fetch the result set to clear the line. See also rows_skipped_normal, rows_skipped_ps. Some possible causes for an implicit flush:
  • Faulty client application

  • Client stopped reading after it found what it was looking for but has made MySQL calculate more records than needed

  • Client application has stopped unexpectedly

flushed_ps_setsConnectionNumber of result sets from prepared statements with unread data which have been flushed silently for you. Flushing happens only with unbuffered result sets.Unbuffered result sets must be fetched completely before a new query can be run on the connection otherwise MySQL will throw an error. If the application does not fetch all rows from an unbuffered result set, mysqlnd does implicitly fetch the result set to clear the line. See also rows_skipped_normal, rows_skipped_ps. Some possible causes for an implicit flush:
  • Faulty client application

  • Client stopped reading after it found what it was looking for but has made MySQL calculate more records than needed

  • Client application has stopped unexpectedly

ps_prepared_never_executedConnectionNumber of statements prepared but never executed.Prepared statements occupy server resources. You should not prepare a statement if you do not plan to execute it.
ps_prepared_once_executedConnectionNumber of prepared statements executed only one.One of the ideas behind prepared statements is that the same query gets executed over and over again (with different parameters) and some parsing and other preparation work can be saved, if statement execution is split up in separate prepare and execute stages. The idea is to prepare once and "cache" results, for example, the parse tree to be reused during multiple statement executions. If you execute a prepared statement only once the two stage processing can be inefficient compared to "normal" queries because all the caching means extra work and it takes (limited) server resources to hold the cached information. Consequently, prepared statements that are executed only once may cause performance hurts.
rows_fetched_from_server_ normal, rows_fetched_from_ server_psConnectionTotal number of result set rows successfully fetched from MySQL regardless if the client application has consumed them or not. Some of the rows may not have been fetched by the client application but have been flushed implicitly.See also packets_received_rset_ row
rows_buffered_from_ client_normal, rows_buffered_from_ client_psConnectionTotal number of successfully buffered rows originating from a "normal" query or a prepared statement. This is the number of rows that have been fetched from MySQL and buffered on client. Note that there are two distinct statistics on rows that have been buffered (MySQL to mysqlnd internal buffer) and buffered rows that have been fetched by the client application (mysqlnd internal buffer to client application). If the number of buffered rows is higher than the number of fetched buffered rows it can mean that the client application runs queries that cause larger result sets than needed resulting in rows not read by the client.Examples of queries that will buffer results: mysqli_query, mysqli_store_result
rows_fetched_from_ client_normal_buffered, rows_fetched_from_ client_ps_bufferedConnectionTotal number of rows fetched by the client from a buffered result set created by a normal query or a prepared statement. 
rows_fetched_from_ client_normal_unbuffered, rows_fetched_from_ client_ps_unbufferedConnectionTotal number of rows fetched by the client from a unbuffered result set created by a "normal" query or a prepared statement. 
rows_fetched_from_ client_ps_cursorConnectionTotal number of rows fetch by the client from a cursor created by a prepared statement. 
rows_skipped_normal, rows_skipped_psConnectionReserved for future use (currently not supported) 
copy_on_write_saved, copy_on_write_performedProcessWith mysqlnd, variables returned by the extensions point into mysqlnd internal network result buffers. If you do not change the variables, fetched data will be kept only once in memory. If you change the variables, mysqlnd has to perform a copy-on-write to protect the internal network result buffers from being changed. With the MySQL Client Library you always hold fetched data twice in memory. Once in the internal MySQL Client Library buffers and once in the variables returned by the extensions. In theory mysqlnd can save up to 40% memory. However, note that the memory saving cannot be measured using memory_get_usage. 
explicit_free_result, implicit_free_resultConnection, Process (only during prepared statement cleanup)Total number of freed result sets.The free is always considered explicit but for result sets created by an init command, for example, mysqli_options(MYSQLI_ INIT_COMMAND, ...)
proto_text_fetched_null, proto_text_fetched_bit, proto_text_fetched_tinyint proto_text_fetched_short, proto_text_fetched_int24, proto_text_fetched_int proto_text_fetched_bigint, proto_text_fetched_decimal, proto_text_fetched_float proto_text_fetched_double, proto_text_fetched_date, proto_text_fetched_year proto_text_fetched_time, proto_text_fetched_datetime, proto_text_fetched_timestamp proto_text_fetched_string, proto_text_fetched_blob, proto_text_fetched_enum proto_text_fetched_set, proto_text_fetched_geometry, proto_text_fetched_otherConnectionTotal number of columns of a certain type fetched from a normal query (MySQL text protocol).Mapping from C API / MySQL meta data type to statistics name:
  • MYSQL_TYPE_NULL - proto_text_fetched_null

  • MYSQL_TYPE_BIT - proto_text_fetched_bit

  • MYSQL_TYPE_TINY - proto_text_fetched_tinyint

  • MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT - proto_text_fetched_short

  • MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 - proto_text_fetched_int24

  • MYSQL_TYPE_LONG - proto_text_fetched_int

  • MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG - proto_text_fetched_bigint

  • MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL, MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL - proto_text_fetched_decimal

  • MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT - proto_text_fetched_float

  • MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE - proto_text_fetched_double

  • MYSQL_TYPE_DATE, MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE - proto_text_fetched_date

  • MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR - proto_text_fetched_year

  • MYSQL_TYPE_TIME - proto_text_fetched_time

  • MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME - proto_text_fetched_datetime

  • MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP - proto_text_fetched_timestamp



  • MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM - proto_text_fetched_enum

  • MYSQL_TYPE_SET - proto_text_fetched_set

  • MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY - proto_text_fetched_geometry

  • Any MYSQL_TYPE_* not listed before (there should be none) - proto_text_fetched_other

Note that the MYSQL_*-type constants may not be associated with the very same SQL column types in every version of MySQL.

proto_binary_fetched_null, proto_binary_fetched_bit, proto_binary_fetched_tinyint proto_binary_fetched_short, proto_binary_fetched_int24, proto_binary_fetched_int, proto_binary_fetched_bigint, proto_binary_fetched_decimal, proto_binary_fetched_float, proto_binary_fetched_double, proto_binary_fetched_date, proto_binary_fetched_year, proto_binary_fetched_time, proto_binary_fetched_ datetime, proto_binary_fetched_ timestamp, proto_binary_fetched_string, proto_binary_fetched_blob, proto_binary_fetched_enum, proto_binary_fetched_set, proto_binary_fetched_ geometry, proto_binary_fetched_otherConnectionTotal number of columns of a certain type fetched from a prepared statement (MySQL binary protocol).For type mapping see proto_text_* described in thepreceding text.

Table 22.61. Returned mysqlnd statistics: Connection

connect_success, connect_failureConnectionTotal number of successful / failed connection attempt.Reused connections and all other kinds of connections are included.
reconnectProcessTotal number of (real_)connect attempts made on an already opened connection handle.The code sequence $link = new mysqli(...); $link->real_connect(...) will cause a reconnect. But $link = new mysqli(...); $link->connect(...) will not because $link->connect(...) will explicitly close the existing connection before a new connection is established.
pconnect_successConnectionTotal number of successful persistent connection attempts.Note that connect_success holds the sum of successful persistent and non-persistent connection attempts. The number of successful non-persistent connection attempts is connect_success - pconnect_success.
active_connectionsConnectionTotal number of active persistent and non-persistent connections. 
active_persistent_ connectionsConnectionTotal number of active persistent connections.The total number of active non-persistent connections is active_connections - active_persistent_ connections.
explicit_closeConnectionTotal number of explicitly closed connections (ext/mysqli only).Examples of code snippets that cause an explicit close :
$link = new mysqli(...);$link->close(...)$link = new mysqli(...);$link->connect(...)
implicit_closeConnectionTotal number of implicitly closed connections (ext/mysqli only).Examples of code snippets that cause an implicit close :
  • $link = new mysqli(...); $link->real_connect(...)

  • unset($link)

  • Persistent connection: pooled connection has been created with real_connect and there may be unknown options set - close implicitly to avoid returning a connection with unknown options

  • Persistent connection: ping/change_user fails and ext/mysqli closes the connection

  • end of script execution: close connections that have not been closed by the user

disconnect_closeConnectionConnection failures indicated by the C API call mysql_real_connect during an attempt to establish a connection.It is called disconnect_close because the connection handle passed to the C API call will be closed.
in_middle_of_command_ closeProcessA connection has been closed in the middle of a command execution (outstanding result sets not fetched, after sending a query and before retrieving an answer, while fetching data, while transferring data with LOAD DATA).Unless you use asynchronous queries this should only happen if your script stops unexpectedly and PHP shuts down the connections for you.
init_command_executed_ countConnectionTotal number of init command executions, for example, mysqli_options( MYSQLI_INIT_COMMAND, ...).The number of successful executions is init_command_executed_ count -init_command_failed_ count.
init_command_failed_ countConnectionTotal number of failed init commands. 

Table 22.62. Returned mysqlnd statistics: COM_* Command

com_quit, com_init_db, com_query, com_field_list, com_create_db, com_drop_db, com_refresh, com_shutdown, com_statistics, com_process_info, com_connect, com_process_kill, com_debug, com_ping, com_time, com_delayed_insert, com_change_user, com_binlog_dump, com_table_dump, com_connect_out, com_register_slave, com_stmt_prepare, com_stmt_execute, com_stmt_send_long_data, com_stmt_close, com_stmt_reset, com_stmt_set_option, com_stmt_fetch, com_daemonConnectionTotal number of attempts to send a certain COM_* command from PHP to MySQL.

The statistics are incremented after checking the line and immediately before sending the corresponding MySQL client server protocol packet. If mysqlnd fails to send the packet over the wire the statistics will not be decremented. In case of a failure mysqlnd emits a PHP warning "Error while sending %s packet. PID=%d."

Usage examples:

  • Check if PHP sends certain commands to MySQL, for example, check if a client sends COM_PROCESS_KILL

  • Calculate the average number of prepared statement executions by comparing COM_EXECUTE with COM_PREPARE

  • Check if PHP has run any non-prepared SQL statements by checking if COM_QUERY is zero

  • Identify PHP scripts that run an excessive number of SQL statements by checking COM_QUERY and COM_EXECUTE


Table 22.63. Returned mysqlnd statistics: Miscellaneous

explicit_stmt_close, implicit_stmt_closeProcessTotal number of close prepared statements.A close is always considered explicit but for a failed prepare.
mem_emalloc_count, mem_emalloc_ammount, mem_ecalloc_count, mem_ecalloc_ammount, mem_erealloc_count, mem_erealloc_ammount, mem_efree_count, mem_malloc_count, mem_malloc_ammount, mem_calloc_count, mem_calloc_ammount, mem_realloc_count, mem_realloc_ammount, mem_free_countProcessMemory management calls.Development only.
command_buffer_too_smallConnectionNumber of network command buffer extensions while sending commands from PHP to MySQL.

mysqlnd allocates an internal command/network buffer of mysqlnd.net_cmd_buffer_size (php.ini) bytes for every connection. If a MySQL Client Server protocol command, for example, COM_QUERY (normal query), does not fit into the buffer, mysqlnd will grow the buffer to what is needed for sending the command. Whenever the buffer gets extended for one connection command_buffer_too_small will be incremented by one.

If mysqlnd has to grow the buffer beyond its initial size of mysqlnd.net_cmd_buffer_size (php.ini) bytes for almost every connection, you should consider to increase the default size to avoid re-allocations.

The default buffer size is 2048 bytes in PHP 5.3.0. In future versions the default will be 4kB or larger. The default can changed either through the php.ini setting mysqlnd.net_cmd_buffer_size or using mysqli_options(MYSQLI_OPT_NET_CMD_BUFFER_SIZE, int size).

It is recommended to set the buffer size to no less than 4096 bytes because mysqlnd also uses it when reading certain communication packet from MySQL. In PHP 5.3.0, mysqlnd will not grow the buffer if MySQL sends a packet that is larger than the current size of the buffer. As a consequence mysqlnd is unable to decode the packet and the client application will get an error. There are only two situations when the packet can be larger than the 2048 bytes default of mysqlnd.net_cmd_buffer_size in PHP 5.3.0: the packet transports a very long error message or the packet holds column meta data from COM_LIST_FIELD (mysql_list_fields) and the meta data comes from a string column with a very long default value (>1900 bytes). No bug report on this exists - it should happen rarely.

As of PHP 5.3.2 mysqlnd does not allow setting buffers smaller than 4096 bytes.

connection_reused Notes

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

This section provides a collection of miscellaneous notes on MySQL Native Driver usage.

  • Using mysqlnd means using PHP streams for underlying connectivity. For mysqlnd, the PHP streams documentation ( should be consulted on such details as timeout settings, not the documentation for the MySQL Client Library. MySQL Native Driver Plugin API

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

The MySQL Native Driver Plugin API is a feature of MySQL Native Driver, or mysqlnd. Mysqlnd plugins operate in the layer between PHP applications and the MySQL server. This is comparable to MySQL Proxy. MySQL Proxy operates on a layer between any MySQL client application, for example, a PHP application and, the MySQL server. Mysqlnd plugins can undertake typical MySQL Proxy tasks such as load balancing, monitoring and performance optimizations. Due to the different architecture and location, mysqlnd plugins do not have some of MySQL Proxy's disadvantages. For example, with plugins, there is no single point of failure, no dedicated proxy server to deploy, and no new programming language to learn (Lua).

A mysqlnd plugin can be thought of as an extension to mysqlnd. Plugins can intercept the majority of mysqlnd functions. The mysqlnd functions are called by the PHP MySQL extensions such as ext/mysql, ext/mysqli, and PDO_MYSQL. As a result, it is possible for a mysqlnd plugin to intercept all calls made to these extensions from the client application.

Internal mysqlnd function calls can also be intercepted, or replaced. There are no restrictions on manipulating mysqlnd internal function tables. It is possible to set things up so that when certain mysqlnd functions are called by the extensions that use mysqlnd, the call is directed to the appropriate function in the mysqlnd plugin. The ability to manipulate mysqlnd internal function tables in this way allows maximum flexibility for plugins.

Mysqlnd plugins are in fact PHP Extensions, written in C, that use the mysqlnd plugin API (which is built into MySQL Native Driver, mysqlnd). Plugins can be made 100% transparent to PHP applications. No application changes are needed because plugins operate on a different layer. The mysqlnd plugin can be thought of as operating in a layer below mysqlnd.

The following list represents some possible applications of mysqlnd plugins.

  • Load Balancing

    • Read/Write Splitting. An example of this is the PECL/mysqlnd_ms (Master Slave) extension. This extension splits read/write queries for a replication setup.

    • Failover

    • Round-Robin, least loaded

  • Monitoring

    • Query Logging

    • Query Analysis

    • Query Auditing. An example of this is the PECL/mysqlnd_sip (SQL Injection Protection) extension. This extension inspects queries and executes only those that are allowed according to a ruleset.

  • Performance

    • Caching. An example of this is the PECL/mysqlnd_qc (Query Cache) extension.

    • Throttling

    • Sharding. An example of this is the PECL/mysqlnd_mc (Multi Connect) extension. This extension will attempt to split a SELECT statement into n-parts, using SELECT ... LIMIT part_1, SELECT LIMIT part_n. It sends the queries to distinct MySQL servers and merges the result at the client.

MySQL Native Driver Plugins Available

There are a number of mysqlnd plugins already available. These include:

  • PECL/mysqlnd_mc - Multi Connect plugin.

  • PECL/mysqlnd_ms - Master Slave plugin.

  • PECL/mysqlnd_qc - Query Cache plugin.

  • PECL/mysqlnd_pscache - Prepared Statement Handle Cache plugin.

  • PECL/mysqlnd_sip - SQL Injection Protection plugin.

  • PECL/mysqlnd_uh - User Handler plugin. A comparison of mysqlnd plugins with MySQL Proxy

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Mysqlnd plugins and MySQL Proxy are different technologies using different approaches. Both are valid tools for solving a variety of common tasks such as load balancing, monitoring, and performance enhancements. An important difference is that MySQL Proxy works with all MySQL clients, whereas mysqlnd plugins are specific to PHP applications.

As a PHP Extension, a mysqlnd plugin gets installed on the PHP application server, along with the rest of PHP. MySQL Proxy can either be run on the PHP application server or can be installed on a dedicated machine to handle multiple PHP application servers.

Deploying MySQL Proxy on the application server has two advantages:

  1. No single point of failure

  2. Easy to scale out (horizontal scale out, scale by client)

MySQL Proxy (and mysqlnd plugins) can solve problems easily which otherwise would have required changes to existing applications.

However, MySQL Proxy does have some disadvantages:

  • MySQL Proxy is a new component and technology to master and deploy.

  • MySQL Proxy requires knowledge of the Lua scripting language.

MySQL Proxy can be customized with C and Lua programming. Lua is the preferred scripting language of MySQL Proxy. For most PHP experts Lua is a new language to learn. A mysqlnd plugin can be written in C. It is also possible to write plugins in PHP using PECL/mysqlnd_uh.

MySQL Proxy runs as a daemon - a background process. MySQL Proxy can recall earlier decisions, as all state can be retained. However, a mysqlnd plugin is bound to the request-based lifecycle of PHP. MySQL Proxy can also share one-time computed results among multiple application servers. A mysqlnd plugin would need to store data in a persistent medium to be able to do this. Another daemon would need to be used for this purpose, such as Memcache. This gives MySQL Proxy an advantage in this case.

MySQL Proxy works on top of the wire protocol. With MySQL Proxy you have to parse and reverse engineer the MySQL Client Server Protocol. Actions are limited to those that can be achieved by manipulating the communication protocol. If the wire protocol changes (which happens very rarely) MySQL Proxy scripts would need to be changed as well.

Mysqlnd plugins work on top of the C API, which mirrors the libmysql client and Connector/C APIs. This C API is basically a wrapper around the MySQL Client Server protocol, or wire protocol, as it is sometimes called. You can intercept all C API calls. PHP makes use of the C API, therefore you can hook all PHP calls, without the need to program at the level of the wire protocol.

Mysqlnd implements the wire protocol. Plugins can therefore parse, reverse engineer, manipulate and even replace the communication protocol. However, this is usually not required.

As plugins allow you to create implementations that use two levels (C API and wire protocol), they have greater flexibility than MySQL Proxy. If a mysqlnd plugin is implemented using the C API, any subsequent changes to the wire protocol do not require changes to the plugin itself. Obtaining the mysqlnd plugin API

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

The mysqlnd plugin API is simply part of the MySQL Native Driver PHP extension, ext/mysqlnd. Development started on the mysqlnd plugin API in December 2009. It is developed as part of the PHP source repository, and as such is available to the public either via Git, or through source snapshot downloads.

The following table shows PHP versions and the corresponding mysqlnd version contained within.

Table 22.64. The bundled mysqlnd version per PHP release

PHP VersionMySQL Native Driver version

Plugin developers can determine the mysqlnd version through accessing MYSQLND_VERSION, which is a string of the format "mysqlnd 5.0.7-dev - 091210 - $Revision: 300535", or through MYSQLND_VERSION_ID, which is an integer such as 50007. Developers can calculate the version number as follows:

Table 22.65. MYSQLND_VERSION_ID calculation table

Version (part)Example
Major*100005*10000 = 50000
Minor*1000*100 = 0
Patch7 = 7

During development, developers should refer to the mysqlnd version number for compatibility and version tests, as several iterations of mysqlnd could occur during the lifetime of a PHP development branch with a single PHP version number. MySQL Native Driver Plugin Architecture

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

This section provides an overview of the mysqlnd plugin architecture.

MySQL Native Driver Overview

Before developing mysqlnd plugins, it is useful to know a little of how mysqlnd itself is organized. Mysqlnd consists of the following modules:

Table 22.66. The mysqlnd organization chart, per module

Modules Statisticsmysqlnd_statistics.c
Resultset Metadatamysqlnd_result_meta.c
Wire protocolmysqlnd_wireprotocol.c

C Object Oriented Paradigm

At the code level, mysqlnd uses a C pattern for implementing object orientation.

In C you use a struct to represent an object. Members of the struct represent object properties. Struct members pointing to functions represent methods.

Unlike with other languages such as C++ or Java, there are no fixed rules on inheritance in the C object oriented paradigm. However, there are some conventions that need to be followed that will be discussed later.

The PHP Life Cycle

When considering the PHP life cycle there are two basic cycles:

  • PHP engine startup and shutdown cycle

  • Request cycle

When the PHP engine starts up it will call the module initialization (MINIT) function of each registered extension. This allows each module to setup variables and allocate resources that will exist for the lifetime of the PHP engine process. When the PHP engine shuts down it will call the module shutdown (MSHUTDOWN) function of each extension.

During the lifetime of the PHP engine it will receive a number of requests. Each request constitutes another life cycle. On each request the PHP engine will call the request initialization function of each extension. The extension can perform any variable setup and resource allocation required for request processing. As the request cycle ends the engine calls the request shutdown (RSHUTDOWN) function of each extension so the extension can perform any cleanup required.

How a plugin works

A mysqlnd plugin works by intercepting calls made to mysqlnd by extensions that use mysqlnd. This is achieved by obtaining the mysqlnd function table, backing it up, and replacing it by a custom function table, which calls the functions of the plugin as required.

The following code shows how the mysqlnd function table is replaced:

/* a place to store original function table */struct st_mysqlnd_conn_methods org_methods;void minit_register_hooks(TSRMLS_D) {  /* active function table */  struct st_mysqlnd_conn_methods * current_methods = mysqlnd_conn_get_methods();  /* backup original function table */  memcpy(&org_methods, current_methods, sizeof(struct st_mysqlnd_conn_methods);  /* install new methods */  current_methods->query = MYSQLND_METHOD(my_conn_class, query);}

Connection function table manipulations must be done during Module Initialization (MINIT). The function table is a global shared resource. In an multi-threaded environment, with a TSRM build, the manipulation of a global shared resource during the request processing will almost certainly result in conflicts.


Do not use any fixed-size logic when manipulating the mysqlnd function table: new methods may be added at the end of the function table. The function table may change at any time in the future.

Calling parent methods

If the original function table entries are backed up, it is still possible to call the original function table entries - the parent methods.

In some cases, such as for Connection::stmt_init(), it is vital to call the parent method prior to any other activity in the derived method.

MYSQLND_METHOD(my_conn_class, query)(MYSQLND *conn,  const char *query, unsigned int query_len TSRMLS_DC) {  php_printf("my_conn_class::query(query = %s)\n", query);  query = "SELECT 'query rewritten' FROM DUAL";  query_len = strlen(query);  return org_methods.query(conn, query, query_len); /* return with call to parent */}

Extending properties

A mysqlnd object is represented by a C struct. It is not possible to add a member to a C struct at run time. Users of mysqlnd objects cannot simply add properties to the objects.

Arbitrary data (properties) can be added to a mysqlnd objects using an appropriate function of the mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_<object>_data() family. When allocating an object mysqlnd reserves space at the end of the object to hold a void * pointer to arbitrary data. mysqlnd reserves space for one void * pointer per plugin.

The following table shows how to calculate the position of the pointer for a specific plugin:

Table 22.67. Pointer calculations for mysqlnd

Memory addressContents
0Beginning of the mysqlnd object C struct
nEnd of the mysqlnd object C struct
n + (m x sizeof(void*))void* to object data of the m-th plugin

If you plan to subclass any of the mysqlnd object constructors, which is allowed, you must keep this in mind!

The following code shows extending properties:

/* any data we want to associate */typedef struct my_conn_properties {  unsigned long query_counter;} MY_CONN_PROPERTIES;/* plugin id */unsigned int my_plugin_id;void minit_register_hooks(TSRMLS_D) {  /* obtain unique plugin ID */  my_plugin_id = mysqlnd_plugin_register();  /* snip - see Extending Connection: methods */}static MY_CONN_PROPERTIES** get_conn_properties(const MYSQLND *conn TSRMLS_DC) {  MY_CONN_PROPERTIES** props;  props = (MY_CONN_PROPERTIES**)mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_connection_data( conn, my_plugin_id);  if (!props || !(*props)) { *props = mnd_pecalloc(1, sizeof(MY_CONN_PROPERTIES), conn->persistent); (*props)->query_counter = 0;  }  return props;}

The plugin developer is responsible for the management of plugin data memory.

Use of the mysqlnd memory allocator is recommended for plugin data. These functions are named using the convention: mnd_*loc(). The mysqlnd allocator has some useful features, such as the ability to use a debug allocator in a non-debug build.

Table 22.68. When and how to subclass

 When to subclass?Each instance has its own private function table?How to subclass?
Connection (MYSQLND)MINITNomysqlnd_conn_get_methods()
Resultset (MYSQLND_RES)MINIT or laterYesmysqlnd_result_get_methods() or object method function table manipulation
Resultset Meta (MYSQLND_RES_METADATA)MINITNomysqlnd_result_metadata_get_methods()
Statement (MYSQLND_STMT)MINITNomysqlnd_stmt_get_methods()
Network (MYSQLND_NET)MINIT or laterYesmysqlnd_net_get_methods() or object method function table manipulation
Wire protocol (MYSQLND_PROTOCOL)MINIT or laterYesmysqlnd_protocol_get_methods() or object method function tablemanipulation

You must not manipulate function tables at any time later than MINIT if it is not allowed according to the above table.

Some classes contain a pointer to the method function table. All instances of such a class will share the same function table. To avoid chaos, in particular in threaded environments, such function tables must only be manipulated during MINIT.

Other classes use copies of a globally shared function table. The class function table copy is created together with the object. Each object uses its own function table. This gives you two options: you can manipulate the default function table of an object at MINIT, and you can additionally refine methods of an object without impacting other instances of the same class.

The advantage of the shared function table approach is performance. There is no need to copy a function table for each and every object.

Table 22.69. Constructor status

 Allocation, construction, resetCan be modified?Caller
Connection (MYSQLND)mysqlnd_init()Nomysqlnd_connect()


  • Connection::result_init()

Reset and re-initialized during:

  • Result::use_result()

  • Result::store_result

Yes, but call parent!
  • Connection::list_fields()

  • Statement::get_result()

  • Statement::prepare() (Metadata only)

  • Statement::resultMetaData()

Resultset Meta (MYSQLND_RES_METADATA)Connection::result_meta_init()Yes, but call parent!Result::read_result_metadata()
Statement (MYSQLND_STMT)Connection::stmt_init()Yes, but call parent!Connection::stmt_init()
Network (MYSQLND_NET)mysqlnd_net_init()NoConnection::init()
Wire protocol (MYSQLND_PROTOCOL)mysqlnd_protocol_init()NoConnection::init()

It is strongly recommended that you do not entirely replace a constructor. The constructors perform memory allocations. The memory allocations are vital for the mysqlnd plugin API and the object logic of mysqlnd. If you do not care about warnings and insist on hooking the constructors, you should at least call the parent constructor before doing anything in your constructor.

Regardless of all warnings, it can be useful to subclass constructors. Constructors are the perfect place for modifying the function tables of objects with non-shared object tables, such as Resultset, Network, Wire Protocol.

Table 22.70. Destruction status

 Derived method must call parent?Destructor
Connectionyes, after method executionfree_contents(), end_psession()
Resultsetyes, after method executionfree_result()
Resultset Metayes, after method executionfree()
Statementyes, after method executiondtor(), free_stmt_content()
Networkyes, after method executionfree()
Wire protocolyes, after method executionfree()

The destructors are the appropriate place to free properties, mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_<object>_data().

The listed destructors may not be equivalent to the actual mysqlnd method freeing the object itself. However, they are the best possible place for you to hook in and free your plugin data. As with constructors you may replace the methods entirely but this is not recommended. If multiple methods are listed in the above table you will need to hook all of the listed methods and free your plugin data in whichever method is called first by mysqlnd.

The recommended method for plugins is to simply hook the methods, free your memory and call the parent implementation immediately following this.


Due to a bug in PHP versions 5.3.0 to 5.3.3, plugins do not associate plugin data with a persistent connection. This is because ext/mysql and ext/mysqli do not trigger all the necessary mysqlnd end_psession() method calls and the plugin may therefore leak memory. This has been fixed in PHP 5.3.4. The mysqlnd plugin API

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

The following is a list of functions provided in the mysqlnd plugin API:

  • mysqlnd_plugin_register()

  • mysqlnd_plugin_count()

  • mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_connection_data()

  • mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_result_data()

  • mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_stmt_data()

  • mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_net_data()

  • mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_protocol_data()

  • mysqlnd_conn_get_methods()

  • mysqlnd_result_get_methods()

  • mysqlnd_result_meta_get_methods()

  • mysqlnd_stmt_get_methods()

  • mysqlnd_net_get_methods()

  • mysqlnd_protocol_get_methods()

There is no formal definition of what a plugin is and how a plugin mechanism works.

Components often found in plugins mechanisms are:

  • A plugin manager

  • A plugin API

  • Application services (or modules)

  • Application service APIs (or module APIs)

The mysqlnd plugin concept employs these features, and additionally enjoys an open architecture.

No Restrictions

A plugin has full access to the inner workings of mysqlnd. There are no security limits or restrictions. Everything can be overwritten to implement friendly or hostile algorithms. It is recommended you only deploy plugins from a trusted source.

As discussed previously, plugins can use pointers freely. These pointers are not restricted in any way, and can point into another plugin's data. Simple offset arithmetic can be used to read another plugin's data.

It is recommended that you write cooperative plugins, and that you always call the parent method. The plugins should always cooperate with mysqlnd itself.

Table 22.71. Issues: an example of chaining and cooperation

Extensionmysqlnd.query() pointercall stack if calling parent
  1. mysqlnd_cache.query()

  2. mysqlnd.query

  1. mysqlnd_monitor.query()

  2. mysqlnd_cache.query()

  3. mysqlnd.query

In this scenario, a cache (ext/mysqlnd_cache) and a monitor (ext/mysqlnd_monitor) plugin are loaded. Both subclass Connection::query(). Plugin registration happens at MINIT using the logic shown previously. PHP calls extensions in alphabetical order by default. Plugins are not aware of each other and do not set extension dependencies.

By default the plugins call the parent implementation of the query method in their derived version of the method.

PHP Extension Recap

This is a recap of what happens when using an example plugin, ext/mysqlnd_plugin, which exposes the mysqlnd C plugin API to PHP:

  • Any PHP MySQL application tries to establish a connection to

  • The PHP application will either use ext/mysql, ext/mysqli or PDO_MYSQL. All three PHP MySQL extensions use mysqlnd to establish the connection to

  • Mysqlnd calls its connect method, which has been subclassed by ext/mysqlnd_plugin.

  • ext/mysqlnd_plugin calls the userspace hook proxy::connect() registered by the user.

  • The userspace hook changes the connection host IP from to and returns the connection established by parent::connect().

  • ext/mysqlnd_plugin performs the equivalent of parent::connect( by calling the original mysqlnd method for establishing a connection.

  • ext/mysqlnd establishes a connection and returns to ext/mysqlnd_plugin. ext/mysqlnd_plugin returns as well.

  • Whatever PHP MySQL extension had been used by the application, it receives a connection to The PHP MySQL extension itself returns to the PHP application. The circle is closed. Getting started building a mysqlnd plugin

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It is important to remember that a mysqlnd plugin is itself a PHP extension.

The following code shows the basic structure of the MINIT function that will be used in the typical mysqlnd plugin:

/* my_php_mysqlnd_plugin.c */ static PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(mysqlnd_plugin) {  /* globals, ini entries, resources, classes */  /* register mysqlnd plugin */  mysqlnd_plugin_id = mysqlnd_plugin_register();  conn_m = mysqlnd_get_conn_methods();  memcpy(org_conn_m, conn_m, sizeof(struct st_mysqlnd_conn_methods));  conn_m->query = MYSQLND_METHOD(mysqlnd_plugin_conn, query);  conn_m->connect = MYSQLND_METHOD(mysqlnd_plugin_conn, connect);}
/* my_mysqlnd_plugin.c */ enum_func_status MYSQLND_METHOD(mysqlnd_plugin_conn, query)(/* ... */) {  /* ... */}enum_func_status MYSQLND_METHOD(mysqlnd_plugin_conn, connect)(/* ... */) {  /* ... */}

Task analysis: from C to userspace

 class proxy extends mysqlnd_plugin_connection {  public function connect($host, ...) { .. }}mysqlnd_plugin_set_conn_proxy(new proxy());


  1. PHP: user registers plugin callback

  2. PHP: user calls any PHP MySQL API to connect to MySQL

  3. C: ext/*mysql* calls mysqlnd method

  4. C: mysqlnd ends up in ext/mysqlnd_plugin

  5. C: ext/mysqlnd_plugin

    1. Calls userspace callback

    2. Or orginal mysqlnd method, if userspace callback not set

You need to carry out the following:

  1. Write a class "mysqlnd_plugin_connection" in C

  2. Accept and register proxy object through "mysqlnd_plugin_set_conn_proxy()"

  3. Call userspace proxy methods from C (optimization - zend_interfaces.h)

Userspace object methods can either be called using call_user_function() or you can operate at a level closer to the Zend Engine and use zend_call_method().

Optimization: calling methods from C using zend_call_method

The following code snippet shows the prototype for the zend_call_method function, taken from zend_interfaces.h.

 ZEND_API zval* zend_call_method(  zval **object_pp, zend_class_entry *obj_ce,  zend_function **fn_proxy, char *function_name,  int function_name_len, zval **retval_ptr_ptr,  int param_count, zval* arg1, zval* arg2 TSRMLS_DC);

Zend API supports only two arguments. You may need more, for example:

 enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn__connect)(  MYSQLND *conn, const char *host,  const char * user, const char * passwd,  unsigned int passwd_len, const char * db,  unsigned int db_len, unsigned int port,  const char * socket, unsigned int mysql_flags TSRMLS_DC);

To get around this problem you will need to make a copy of zend_call_method() and add a facility for additional parameters. You can do this by creating a set of MY_ZEND_CALL_METHOD_WRAPPER macros.

Calling PHP userspace

This code snippet shows the optimized method for calling a userspace function from C:

 /* my_mysqlnd_plugin.c */MYSQLND_METHOD(my_conn_class,connect)(  MYSQLND *conn, const char *host /* ... */ TSRMLS_DC) {  enum_func_status ret = FAIL;  zval * global_user_conn_proxy = fetch_userspace_proxy();  if (global_user_conn_proxy) { /* call userspace proxy */ ret = MY_ZEND_CALL_METHOD_WRAPPER(global_user_conn_proxy,host, /*...*/);  } else { /* or original mysqlnd method = do nothing, be transparent */ ret = org_methods.connect(conn, host, user, passwd,  passwd_len, db, db_len, port,  socket, mysql_flags TSRMLS_CC);  }  return ret;}

Calling userspace: simple arguments

/* my_mysqlnd_plugin.c */ MYSQLND_METHOD(my_conn_class,connect)(  /* ... */, const char *host, /* ...*/) {  /* ... */  if (global_user_conn_proxy) { /* ... */ zval* zv_host; MAKE_STD_ZVAL(zv_host); ZVAL_STRING(zv_host, host, 1); MY_ZEND_CALL_METHOD_WRAPPER(global_user_conn_proxy, zv_retval,zv_host /*, ...*/); zval_ptr_dtor(&zv_host); /* ... */  }  /* ... */}

Calling userspace: structs as arguments

/* my_mysqlnd_plugin.c */MYSQLND_METHOD(my_conn_class, connect)(  MYSQLND *conn, /* ...*/) {  /* ... */  if (global_user_conn_proxy) { /* ... */ zval* zv_conn; ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE(zv_conn, (void *)conn, le_mysqlnd_plugin_conn); MY_ZEND_CALL_METHOD_WRAPPER(global_user_conn_proxy, zv_retval, zv_conn,zv_host /*, ...*/); zval_ptr_dtor(&zv_conn); /* ... */  }  /* ... */}

The first argument of many mysqlnd methods is a C "object". For example, the first argument of the connect() method is a pointer to MYSQLND. The struct MYSQLND represents a mysqlnd connection object.

The mysqlnd connection object pointer can be compared to a standard I/O file handle. Like a standard I/O file handle a mysqlnd connection object shall be linked to the userspace using the PHP resource variable type.

From C to userspace and back

 class proxy extends mysqlnd_plugin_connection {  public function connect($conn, $host, ...) { /* "pre" hook */ printf("Connecting to host = '%s'\n", $host); debug_print_backtrace(); return parent::connect($conn);  }  public function query($conn, $query) { /* "post" hook */ $ret = parent::query($conn, $query); printf("Query = '%s'\n", $query); return $ret;  }}mysqlnd_plugin_set_conn_proxy(new proxy());

PHP users must be able to call the parent implementation of an overwritten method.

As a result of subclassing it is possible to refine only selected methods and you can choose to have "pre" or "post" hooks.

Buildin class: mysqlnd_plugin_connection::connect()

/*  my_mysqlnd_plugin_classes.c */ PHP_METHOD("mysqlnd_plugin_connection", connect) {  /* ... simplified! ... */  zval* mysqlnd_rsrc;  MYSQLND* conn;  char* host; int host_len;  if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "rs", &mysqlnd_rsrc, &host, &host_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_NULL();  }  ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(conn, MYSQLND* conn, &mysqlnd_rsrc, -1, "Mysqlnd Connection", le_mysqlnd_plugin_conn);  if (PASS == org_methods.connect(conn, host, /* simplified! */ TSRMLS_CC)) RETVAL_TRUE;  else RETVAL_FALSE;}

22.9.6. Mysqlnd replication and load balancing plugin(mysqlnd_ms)

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The mysqlnd replication and load balancing plugin (mysqlnd_ms) adds easy to use MySQL replication support to all PHP MySQL extensions that use mysqlnd.

As of version PHP 5.3.3 the MySQL native driver for PHP (mysqlnd) features an internal plugin C API. C plugins, such as the replication and load balancing plugin, can extend the functionality of mysqlnd.

The MySQL native driver for PHP is a C library that ships together with PHP as of PHP 5.3.0. It serves as a drop-in replacement for the MySQL Client Library (libmysql/libmysqlclient). Using mysqlnd has several advantages: no extra downloads are required because it's bundled with PHP, it's under the PHP license, there is lower memory consumption in certain cases, and it contains new functionality such as asynchronous queries.

Mysqlnd plugins like mysqlnd_ms operate, for the most part, transparently from a user perspective. The replication and load balancing plugin supports all PHP applications, and all MySQL PHP extensions. It does not change existing APIs. Therefore, it can easily be used with existing PHP applications. Key Features

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The key features of PECL/mysqlnd_ms are as follows.

  • Transparent and therefore easy to use.

    • Supports all of the PHP MySQL extensions.

    • SSL support.

    • A consistent API.

    • Little to no application changes required, dependent on the required usage scenario.

    • Lazy connections: connections to master and slave servers are not opened before a SQL statement is executed.

    • Optional: automatic use of master after the first write in a web request, to lower the possible impact of replication lag.

  • Can be used with any MySQL clustering solution.

    • MySQL Replication: Read-write splitting is done by the plugin. Primary focus of the plugin.

    • MySQL Cluster: Read-write splitting can be disabled. Configuration of multiple masters possible

    • Third-party solutions: the plugin is optimized for MySQL Replication but can be used with any other kind of MySQL clustering solution.

  • Featured read-write split strategies

    • Automatic detection of SELECT.

    • Supports SQL hints to overrule automatism.

    • User-defined.

    • Can be disabled for, for example, when using synchronous clusters such as MySQL Cluster.

  • Featured load balancing strategies

    • Round Robin: choose a different slave in round-robin fashion for every slave request.

    • Random: choose a random slave for every slave request.

    • Random once (sticky): choose a random slave once to run all slave requests for the duration of a web request.

    • User-defined. The application can register callbacks with mysqlnd_ms.

    • PHP 5.4.0 or newer: transaction aware when using API calls only to control transactions.

    • Weighted load balancing: servers can be assigned different priorities, for example, to direct more requests to a powerful machine than to another less powerful machine. Or, to prefer nearby machines to reduce latency.

  • Global transaction ID

    • Client-side emulation. Makes manual master server failover and slave promotion easier with asynchronous clusters, such as MySQL Replication.

    • Support for built-in global transaction identifier feature of MySQL 5.6.5-m8 or newer.

    • Supports using transaction ids to identify up-to-date asynchronous slaves for reading when session consistency is required.

    • Throttling: optionally, the plugin can wait for a slave to become "synchronous" before continuing.

  • Service and consistency levels

    • Applications can request eventual, session and strong consistency service levels for connections. Appropriate cluster nodes will be searched automatically.

    • Eventual consistent MySQL Replication slave accesses can be replaced with fast local cache accesses transparently to reduce server load. Limitations

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The built-in read-write-split mechanism is very basic. Every query which starts with SELECT is considered a read request to be sent to a MySQL slave server. All other queries (such as SHOW statements) are considered as write requests that are sent to the MySQL master server. The build-in behavior can be overruled using SQL hints, or a user-defined callback function.

The read-write splitter is not aware of multi-statements. Multi-statements are considered as one statement. The decision of where to run the statement will be based on the beginning of the statement string. For example, if using mysqli_multi_query to execute the multi-statement SELECT id FROM test ; INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1), the statement will be redirected to a slave server because it begins with SELECT. The INSERT statement, which is also part of the multi-statement, will not be redirected to a master server.


Applications must be aware of the consequences of connection switches that are performed for load balancing purposes. Please check the documentation on connection pooling and switching, transaction handling, failover load balancing and read-write splitting. On the name

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The shortcut mysqlnd_ms stands for mysqlnd master slave plugin. The name was chosen for a quick-and-dirty proof-of-concept. In the beginning the developers did not expect to continue using the code base. Quickstart and Examples

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

The mysqlnd replication load balancing plugin is easy to use. This quickstart will demo typical use-cases, and provide practical advice on getting started.

It is strongly recommended to read the reference sections in addition to the quickstart. The quickstart tries to avoid discussing theoretical concepts and limitations. Instead, it will link to the reference sections. It is safe to begin with the quickstart. However, before using the plugin in mission critical environments we urge you to read additionally the background information from the reference sections.

The focus is on using PECL mysqlnd_ms for work with an asynchronous MySQL cluster, namely MySQL replication. Generally speaking an asynchronous cluster is more difficult to use than a synchronous one. Thus, users of, for example, MySQL Cluster will find more information than needed. Setup

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The plugin is implemented as a PHP extension. See also the installation instructions to install the PECL/mysqlnd_ms extension.

Compile or configure the PHP MySQL extension (API) (mysqli, PDO_MYSQL, mysql) that you plan to use with support for the mysqlnd library. PECL/mysqlnd_ms is a plugin for the mysqlnd library. To use the plugin with any of the PHP MySQL extensions, the extension has to use the mysqlnd library.

Then, load the extension into PHP and activate the plugin in the PHP configuration file using the PHP configuration directive named mysqlnd_ms.enable.

Example 22.215. Enabling the plugin (php.ini)


The plugin uses its own configuration file. Use the PHP configuration directive mysqlnd_ms.ini_file to set the full file path to the plugin-specific configuration file. This file must be readable by PHP (e.g., the web server user).

Create a plugin-specific configuration file. Save the file to the path set by the PHP configuration directive mysqlnd_ms.ini_file.

The plugins configuration file is JSON based. It is divided into one or more sections. Each section has a name, for example, myapp. Every section makes its own set of configuration settings.

A section must, at a minimum, list the MySQL replication master server, and set a list of slaves. The plugin supports using only one master server per section. Multi-master MySQL replication setups are not yet fully supported. Use the configuration setting master to set the hostname, and the port or socket of the MySQL master server. MySQL slave servers are configured using the slave keyword.

Example 22.216. Minimal plugin-specific configuration file (mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini)

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": [ ] }}

Configuring a MySQL slave server list is required, although it may contain an empty list. It is recommended to always configure at least one slave server.

Server lists can use anonymous or non-anonymous syntax. Non-anonymous lists include alias names for the servers, such as master_0 for the master in the above example. The quickstart uses the more verbose non-anonymous syntax.

Example 22.217. Recommended minimal plugin-specific config (mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini)

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } } }}

If there are at least two servers in total, the plugin can start to load balance and switch connections. Switching connections is not always transparent and can cause issues in certain cases. The reference sections about connection pooling and switching, transaction handling, fail over load balancing and read-write splitting all provide more details. And potential pitfalls are described later in this guide.

It is the responsibility of the application to handle potential issues caused by connection switches, by configuring a master with at least one slave server, which allows switching to work therefore related problems can be found.

The MySQL master and MySQL slave servers, which you configure, do not need to be part of MySQL replication setup. For testing purpose you can use single MySQL server and make it known to the plugin as a master and slave server as shown below. This could help you to detect many potential issues with connection switches. However, such a setup will not be prone to the issues caused by replication lag.

Example 22.218. Using one server as a master and as a slave (testing only!)

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } } }} Running statements

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The plugin can be used with any PHP MySQL extension (mysqli, mysql, and PDO_MYSQL) that is compiled to use the mysqlnd library. PECL/mysqlnd_ms plugs into the mysqlnd library. It does not change the API or behavior of those extensions.

Whenever a connection to MySQL is being opened, the plugin compares the host parameter value of the connect call, with the section names from the plugin specific configuration file. If, for example, the plugin specific configuration file has a section myapp then the section should be referenced by opening a MySQL connection to the host myapp

Example 22.219. Plugin specific configuration file (mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini)

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } } }}

Example 22.220. Opening a load balanced connection

<?php/* Load balanced following "myapp" section rules from the plugins config file */$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=myapp;dbname=database', 'username', 'password');$mysql = mysql_connect("myapp", "username", "password");?>

The connection examples above will be load balanced. The plugin will send read-only statements to the MySQL slave server with the IP and will listen on port 3306 for the MySQL client connection. All other statements will be directed to the MySQL master server running on the host localhost. If on Unix like operating systems, the master on localhost will be accepting MySQL client connections on the Unix domain socket /tmp/mysql.sock, while TCP/IP is the default port on Windows. The plugin will use the user name username and the password password to connect to any of the MySQL servers listed in the section myapp of the plugins configuration file. Upon connect, the plugin will select database as the current schemata.

The username, password and schema name are taken from the connect API calls and used for all servers. In other words: you must use the same username and password for every MySQL server listed in a plugin configuration file section. The is not a general limitation. As of PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.1.0, it is possible to set the username and password for any server in the plugins configuration file, to be used instead of the credentials passed to the API call.

The plugin does not change the API for running statements. Read-write splitting works out of the box. The following example assumes that there is no significant replication lag between the master and the slave.

Example 22.221. Executing statements

<?php/* Load balanced following "myapp" section rules from the plugins config file */$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (mysqli_connect_errno())  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* Statements will be run on the master */if (!$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test")) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);}if (!$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT)")) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);}if (!$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1)")) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);}/* read-only: statement will be run on a slave */if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM test")) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);} else { $row = $res->fetch_assoc(); $res->close(); printf("Slave returns id = '%s'\n", $row['id'];}$mysqli->close();?> 

The above example will output something similar to:

Slave returns id = '1' Connection state

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

The plugin changes the semantics of a PHP MySQL connection handle. A new connection handle represents a connection pool, instead of a single MySQL client-server network connection. The connection pool consists of a master connection, and optionally any number of slave connections.

Every connection from the connection pool has its own state. For example, SQL user variables, temporary tables and transactions are part of the state. For a complete list of items that belong to the state of a connection, see the connection pooling and switching concepts documentation. If the plugin decides to switch connections for load balancing, the application could be given a connection which has a different state. Applications must be made aware of this.

Example 22.222. Plugin config with one slave and one master

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } } }}

Example 22.223. Pitfall: connection state and SQL user variables

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* Connection 1, connection bound SQL user variable, no SELECT thus run on master */if (!$mysqli->query("SET @myrole='master'")) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);}/* Connection 2, run on slave because SELECT */if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT @myrole AS _role"))) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);} else { $row = $res->fetch_assoc(); $res->close(); printf("@myrole = '%s'\n", $row['_role']);}$mysqli->close();?> 

The above example will output:

@myrole = ''

The example opens a load balanced connection and executes two statements. The first statement SET @myrole='master' does not begin with the string SELECT. Therefore the plugin does not recognize it as a read-only query which shall be run on a slave. The plugin runs the statement on the connection to the master. The statement sets a SQL user variable which is bound to the master connection. The state of the master connection has been changed.

The next statement is SELECT @myrole AS _role. The plugin does recognize it as a read-only query and sends it to the slave. The statement is run on a connection to the slave. This second connection does not have any SQL user variables bound to it. It has a different state than the first connection to the master. The requested SQL user variable is not set. The example script prints @myrole = ''.

It is the responsibility of the application developer to take care of the connection state. The plugin does not monitor all connection state changing activities. Monitoring all possible cases would be a very CPU intensive task, if it could be done at all.

The pitfalls can easily be worked around using SQL hints. SQL Hints

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SQL hints can force a query to choose a specific server from the connection pool. It gives the plugin a hint to use a designated server, which can solve issues caused by connection switches and connection state.

SQL hints are standard compliant SQL comments. Because SQL comments are supposed to be ignored by SQL processing systems, they do not interfere with other programs such as the MySQL Server, the MySQL Proxy, or a firewall.

Three SQL hints are supported by the plugin: The MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH hint makes the plugin run a statement on the master, MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH enforces the use of the slave, and MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH will run a statement on the same server that was used for the previous statement.

The plugin scans the beginning of a statement for the existence of an SQL hint. SQL hints are only recognized if they appear at the beginning of the statement.

Example 22.224. Plugin config with one slave and one master

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } } }}

Example 22.225. SQL hints to prevent connection switches

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (mysqli_connect_errno())  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* Connection 1, connection bound SQL user variable, no SELECT thus run on master */if (!$mysqli->query("SET @myrole='master'")) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);}/* Connection 1, run on master because of SQL hint */if (!($res = $mysqli->query(sprintf("/*%s*/SELECT @myrole AS _role",MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH)))) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);} else { $row = $res->fetch_assoc(); $res->close(); printf("@myrole = '%s'\n", $row['_role']);}$mysqli->close();?> 

The above example will output:

@myrole = 'master'

In the above example, using MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH prevents session switching from the master to a slave when running the SELECT statement.

SQL hints can also be used to run SELECT statements on the MySQL master server. This may be desired if the MySQL slave servers are typically behind the master, but you need current data from the cluster.

In version 1.2.0 the concept of a service level has been introduced to address cases when current data is required. Using a service level requires less attention and removes the need of using SQL hints for this use case. Please, find more information below in the service level and consistency section.

Example 22.226. Fighting replication lag

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* Force use of master, master has always fresh and current data */if (!$mysqli->query(sprintf("/*%s*/SELECT critical_data FROM important_table",MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH))) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);}?>

A use case may include the creation of tables on a slave. If an SQL hint is not given, then the plugin will send CREATE and INSERT statements to the master. Use the SQL hint MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH if you want to run any such statement on a slave, for example, to build temporary reporting tables.

Example 22.227. Table creation on a slave

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* Force use of slave */if (!$mysqli->query(sprintf("/*%s*/CREATE TABLE slave_reporting(id INT)",MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH))) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);}/* Continue using this particular slave connection */if (!$mysqli->query(sprintf("/*%s*/INSERT INTO slave_reporting(id) VALUES (1), (2), (3)",MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH))) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);}/* Don't use MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH which would allow switching to another slave! */if ($res = $mysqli->query(sprintf("/*%s*/SELECT COUNT(*) AS _num FROM slave_reporting",MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH))) {  $row = $res->fetch_assoc();  $res->close();  printf("There are %d rows in the table 'slave_reporting'", $row['_num']);} else {  printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);}$mysqli->close();?>

The SQL hint MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED forbids switching a connection, and forces use of the previously used connection. Transactions

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

The current version of the plugin is not transaction safe by default, because it is not aware of running transactions in all cases. SQL transactions are units of work to be run on a single server. The plugin does not always know when the unit of work starts and when it ends. Therefore, the plugin may decide to switch connections in the middle of a transaction.

No kind of MySQL load balancer can detect transaction boundaries without any kind of hint from the application.

You can either use SQL hints to work around this limitation. Alternatively, you can activate transaction API call monitoring. In the latter case you must use API calls only to control transactions, see below.

Example 22.228. Plugin config with one slave and one master

[myapp]{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } } }}

Example 22.229. Using SQL hints for transactions

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* Not a SELECT, will use master */if (!$mysqli->query("START TRANSACTION")) { /* Please use better error handling in your code */ die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}/* Prevent connection switch! */if (!$mysqli->query(sprintf("/*%s*/INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1)", MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH)))) { /* Please do proper ROLLBACK in your code, don't just die */ die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}if ($res = $mysqli->query(sprintf("/*%s*/SELECT COUNT(*) AS _num FROM test", MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH)))) {  $row = $res->fetch_assoc();  $res->close();  if ($row['_num'] > 1000) {   if (!$mysqli->query(sprintf("/*%s*/INSERT INTO events(task) VALUES ('cleanup')", MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH)))) { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));   }  }} else { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}if (!$mysqli->query(sprintf("/*%s*/UPDATE log SET last_update = NOW()", MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH)))) { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}if (!$mysqli->query(sprintf("/*%s*/COMMIT", MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH)))) { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}$mysqli->close();?>

Starting with PHP 5.4.0, the mysqlnd library allows the plugin to monitor the status of the autocommit mode, if the mode is set by API calls instead of using SQL statements such as SET AUTOCOMMIT=0. This makes it possible for the plugin to become transaction aware. In this case, you do not need to use SQL hints.

If using PHP 5.4.0 or newer, API calls that enable autocommit mode, and when setting the plugin configuration option trx_stickiness=master, the plugin can automatically disable load balancing and connection switches for SQL transactions. In this configuration, the plugin stops load balancing if autocommit is disabled and directs all statements to the master. This prevents connection switches in the middle of a transaction. Once autocommit is re-enabled, the plugin starts to load balance statements again.

Example 22.230. Transaction aware load balancing: trx_stickiness setting

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "trx_stickiness": "master" }}

Example 22.231. Transaction aware

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* Disable autocommit, plugin will run all statements on the master */$mysqli->autocommit(FALSE);if (!$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1)")) { /* Please do proper ROLLBACK in your code, don't just die */ die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}if ($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS _num FROM test")) {  $row = $res->fetch_assoc();  $res->close();  if ($row['_num'] > 1000) {   if (!$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO events(task) VALUES ('cleanup')")) { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));   }  }} else { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}if (!$mysqli->query("UPDATE log SET last_update = NOW()")) { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}if (!$mysqli->commit()) { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}/* Plugin assumes that the transaction has ended and starts load balancing again */$mysqli->autocommit(TRUE);$mysqli->close();?>
Version requirement

The plugin configuration option trx_stickiness=master requires PHP 5.4.0 or newer. Service level and consistency

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Version requirement

Service levels have been introduced in PECL mysqlnd_ms version 1.2.0-alpha. mysqlnd_ms_set_qos is available with PHP 5.4.0 or newer.

Different types of MySQL cluster solutions offer different service and data consistency levels to their users. An asynchronous MySQL replication cluster offers eventual consistency by default. A read executed on an asynchronous slave may return current, stale or no data at all, depending on whether the slave has replayed all changesets from the master or not.

Applications using an MySQL replication cluster need to be designed to work correctly with eventual consistent data. In some cases, however, stale data is not acceptable. In those cases only certain slaves or even only master accesses are allowed to achieve the required quality of service from the cluster.

As of PECL mysqlnd_ms 1.2.0 the plugin is capable of selecting MySQL replication nodes automatically that deliver session consistency or strong consistency. Session consistency means that one client can read its writes. Other clients may or may not see the clients' write. Strong consistency means that all clients will see all writes from the client.

Example 22.232. Session consistency: read your writes

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } } }}

Example 22.233. Requesting session consistency

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* read-write splitting: master used */if (!$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO orders(order_id, item) VALUES (1, 'christmas tree, 1.8m')")) {   /* Please use better error handling in your code */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}/* Request session consistency: read your writes */if (!mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_SESSION))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* Plugin picks a node which has the changes, here: master */if (!$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT item FROM orders WHERE order_id = 1"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));var_dump($res->fetch_assoc());/* Back to eventual consistency: stale data allowed */if (!mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_EVENTUAL))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* Plugin picks any slave, stale data is allowed */if (!$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT item, price FROM specials"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));?>

Service levels can be set in the plugins configuration file and at runtime using mysqlnd_ms_set_qos. In the example the function is used to enforce session consistency (read your writes) for all future statements until further notice. The SELECT statement on the orders table is run on the master to ensure the previous write can be seen by the client. Read-write splitting logic has been adapted to fulfill the service level.

After the application has read its changes from the orders table it returns to the default service level, which is eventual consistency. Eventual consistency puts no restrictions on choosing a node for statement execution. Thus, the SELECT statement on the specials table is executed on a slave.

The new functionality supersedes the use of SQL hints and the master_on_write configuration option. In many cases mysqlnd_ms_set_qos is easier to use, more powerful improves portability.

Example 22.234. Maximum age/slave lag

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "failover" : "master" }}

Example 22.235. Limiting slave lag

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* Read from slaves lagging no more than four seconds */$ret = mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_EVENTUAL, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_OPTION_AGE, 4);if (!$ret)  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* Plugin picks any slave, which may or may not have the changes */if (!$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT item, price FROM daytrade"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* Back to default: use of all slaves and masters permitted */if (!mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_EVENTUAL))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));?>

The eventual consistency service level can be used with an optional parameter to set a maximum slave lag for choosing slaves. If set, the plugin checks SHOW SLAVE STATUS for all configured slaves. In case of the example, only slaves for which Slave_IO_Running=Yes, Slave_SQL_Running=Yes and Seconds_Behind_Master <= 4 is true are considered for executing the statement SELECT item, price FROM daytrade.

Checking SHOW SLAVE STATUS is done transparently from an applications perspective. Errors, if any, are reported as warnings. No error will be set on the connection handle. Even if all SHOW SLAVE STATUS SQL statements executed by the plugin fail, the execution of the users statement is not stopped, given that master fail over is enabled. Thus, no application changes are required.

Expensive and slow operation

Checking SHOW SLAVE STATUS for all slaves adds overhead to the application. It is an expensive and slow background operation. Try to minimize the use of it. Unfortunately, a MySQL replication cluster does not give clients the possibility to request a list of candidates from a central instance. Thus, a more efficient way of checking the slaves lag is not available.

Please, note the limitations and properties of SHOW SLAVE STATUS as explained in the MySQL reference manual.

To prevent mysqlnd_ms from emitting a warning if no slaves can be found that lag no more than the defined number of seconds behind the master, it is necessary to enable master fail over in the plugins configuration file. If no slaves can be found and fail over is turned on, the plugin picks a master for executing the statement.

If no slave can be found and fail over is turned off, the plugin emits a warning, it does not execute the statement and it sets an error on the connection.

Example 22.236. Fail over not set

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } } }}

Example 22.237. No slave within time limit

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* Read from slaves lagging no more than four seconds */$ret = mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_EVENTUAL, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_OPTION_AGE, 4);if (!$ret)  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* Plugin picks any slave, which may or may not have the changes */if (!$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT item, price FROM daytrade"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* Back to default: use of all slaves and masters permitted */if (!mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_EVENTUAL))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));?> 

The above example will output:

PHP Warning:  mysqli::query(): (mysqlnd_ms) Couldn't find the appropriate slave connection. 0 slaves to choose from. Something is wrong in %s on line %dPHP Warning:  mysqli::query(): (mysqlnd_ms) No connection selected by the last filter in %s on line %d[2000] (mysqlnd_ms) No connection selected by the last filter Global transaction IDs

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Version requirement

A client-side global transaction ID injection has been introduced in mysqlnd_ms version 1.2.0-alpha. The feature is not required for synchronous clusters, such as MySQL Cluster. Use it with asynchronous clusters such as classical MySQL replication.

As of MySQL 5.6.5-m8 the MySQL server features built-in global transaction identifiers. The MySQL built-in global transaction ID feature is supported by PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.3.0-alpha or later.

PECL/mysqlnd_ms can either use its own global transaction ID emulation or the global transaction ID feature built-in to MySQL 5.6.5-m8 or later. From a developer perspective the client-side and server-side approach offer the same features with regards to service levels provided by PECL/mysqlnd_ms. Their differences are discussed in the concepts section.

The quickstart first demonstrates the use of the client-side global transaction ID emulation built-in to PECL/mysqlnd_ms before its show how to use the server-side counterpart. The order ensures that the underlying idea is discussed first.

Idea and client-side emulation

In its most basic form a global transaction ID (GTID) is a counter in a table on the master. The counter is incremented whenever a transaction is committed on the master. Slaves replicate the table. The counter serves two purposes. In case of a master failure, it helps the database administrator to identify the most recent slave for promoting it to the new master. The most recent slave is the one with the highest counter value. Applications can use the global transaction ID to search for slaves which have replicated a certain write (identified by a global transaction ID) already.

PECL/mysqlnd_ms can inject SQL for every committed transaction to increment a GTID counter. The so created GTID is accessible by the application to identify an applications write operation. This enables the plugin to deliver session consistency (read your writes) service level by not only querying masters but also slaves which have replicated the change already. Read load is taken away from the master.

Client-side global transaction ID emulation has some limitations. Please, read the concepts section carefully to fully understand the principles and ideas behind it, before using in production environments. The background knowledge is not required to continue with the quickstart.

First, create a counter table on your master server and insert a record into it. The plugin does not assist creating the table. Database administrators must make sure it exists. Depending on the error reporting mode, the plugin will silently ignore the lack of the table or bail out.

Example 22.238. Create counter table on master


In the plugins configuration file set the SQL to update the global transaction ID table using on_commit from the global_transaction_id_injection section. Make sure the table name used for the UPDATE statement is fully qualified. In the example, test.trx is used to refer to table trx in the schema (database) test. Use the table that was created in the previous step. It is important to set the fully qualified table name because the connection on which the injection is done may use a different default database. Make sure the user that opens the connection is allowed to execute the UPDATE.

Enable reporting of errors that may occur when mysqlnd_ms does global transaction ID injection.

Example 22.239. Plugin config: SQL for client-side GTID injection

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "global_transaction_id_injection":{ "on_commit":"UPDATE test.trx SET trx_id = trx_id + 1", "report_error":true } }}

Example 22.240. Transparent global transaction ID injection

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* auto commit mode, transaction on master, GTID must be incremented */if (!$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* auto commit mode, transaction on master, GTID must be incremented */if (!$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT)"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* auto commit mode, transaction on master, GTID must be incremented */if (!$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1)"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* auto commit mode, read on slave, no increment */if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM test")))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));var_dump($res->fetch_assoc());?> 

The above example will output:

array(1) {  ["id"]=>  string(1) "1"}

The example runs three statements in auto commit mode on the master, causing three transactions on the master. For every such statement, the plugin will inject the configured UPDATE transparently before executing the users SQL statement. When the script ends the global transaction ID counter on the master has been incremented by three.

The fourth SQL statement executed in the example, a SELECT, does not trigger an increment. Only transactions (writes) executed on a master shall increment the GTID counter.

SQL for global transaction ID: efficient solution wanted!

The SQL used for the client-side global transaction ID emulation is inefficient. It is optimized for clearity not for performance. Do not use it for production environments. Please, help finding an efficient solution for inclusion in the manual. We appreciate your input.

Example 22.241. Plugin config: SQL for fetching GTID

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "global_transaction_id_injection":{ "on_commit":"UPDATE test.trx SET trx_id = trx_id + 1", "fetch_last_gtid" : "SELECT MAX(trx_id) FROM test.trx", "report_error":true } }}

Example 22.242. Obtaining GTID after injection

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* auto commit mode, transaction on master, GTID must be incremented */if (!$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));printf("GTID after transaction %s\n", mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid($mysqli));/* auto commit mode, transaction on master, GTID must be incremented */if (!$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT)"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));printf("GTID after transaction %s\n", mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid($mysqli));?> 

The above example will output:

GTID after transaction 7GTID after transaction 8

Applications can ask PECL mysqlnd_ms for a global transaction ID which belongs to the last write operation performed by the application. The function mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid returns the GTID obtained when executing the SQL statement from the fetch_last_gtid entry of the global_transaction_id_injection section from the plugins configuration file. The function may be called after the GTID has been incremented.

Applications are adviced not to run the SQL statement themselves as this bares the risk of accidently causing an implicit GTID increment. Also, if the function is used, it is easy to migrate an application from one SQL statement for fetching a transaction ID to another, for example, if any MySQL server ever features built-in global transaction ID support.

The quickstart shows a SQL statement which will return a GTID equal or greater to that created for the previous statement. It is exactly the GTID created for the previous statement if no other clients have incremented the GTID in the time span between the statement execution and the SELECT to fetch the GTID. Otherwise, it is greater.

Example 22.243. Plugin config: Checking for a certain GTID

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "global_transaction_id_injection":{ "on_commit":"UPDATE test.trx SET trx_id = trx_id + 1", "fetch_last_gtid" : "SELECT MAX(trx_id) FROM test.trx", "check_for_gtid" : "SELECT trx_id FROM test.trx WHERE trx_id >= #GTID", "report_error":true } }}

Example 22.244. Session consistency service level and GTID combined

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* auto commit mode, transaction on master, GTID must be incremented */if (!$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test") || !$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT)") || !$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1)"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* GTID as an identifier for the last write */$gtid = mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid($mysqli);/* Session consistency (read your writes): try to read from slaves not only master */if (false == mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_SESSION, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_OPTION_GTID, $gtid)) { die(sprintf("[006] [%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}/* Either run on master or a slave which has replicated the INSERT */if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM test"))) { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}var_dump($res->fetch_assoc());?>

A GTID returned from mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid can be used as an option for the session consistency service level. Session consistency delivers read your writes. Session consistency can be requested by calling mysqlnd_ms_set_qos. In the example, the plugin will execute the SELECT statement either on the master or on a slave which has replicated the previous INSERT already.

PECL mysqlnd_ms will transparently check every configured slave if it has replicated the INSERT by checking the slaves GTID table. The check is done running the SQL set with the check_for_gtid option from the global_transaction_id_injection section of the plugins configuration file. Please note, that this is a slow and expensive procedure. Applications should try to use it sparsely and only if read load on the master becomes to high otherwise.

Use of the server-side global transaction ID feature

Starting with MySQL 5.6.5-m8 the MySQL Replication system features server-side global transaction IDs. Transaction identifiers are automatically generated and maintained by the server. Users do not need to take care of maintaining them. There is no need to setup any tables in advance, or for setting on_commit. A client-side emulation is no longer needed.

Clients can continue to use global transaction identifier to achieve session consistency when reading from MySQL Replication slaves. The algorithm works as described above. Different SQL statements must be configured for fetch_last_gtid and check_for_gtid. The statements are given below. Please note, MySQL 5.6.5-m8 is a development version. Details of the server implementation may change in the future and require adoption of the SQL statements shown.

Using the following configuration any of the above described functionality can be used together with the server-side global transaction ID feature. mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid and mysqlnd_ms_set_qos continue to work as described above. The only difference is that the server does not use a simple sequence number but a string containing of a server identifier and a sequence number. Thus, users cannot easily derive an order from GTIDs returned by mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid.

Example 22.245. Plugin config: using MySQL 5.6.5-m8 built-in GTID feature

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "global_transaction_id_injection":{ "fetch_last_gtid" : "SELECT @@GLOBAL.GTID_DONE AS trx_id FROM DUAL", "check_for_gtid" : "SELECT GTID_SUBSET('#GTID', @@GLOBAL.GTID_DONE) AS trx_id FROM DUAL", "report_error":true } }} Cache integration

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Version requirement and dependencies

Cache integration is available as of PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.3.0-beta (under development). PECL/mysqlnd_qc 1.1.0 (under development) or newer is used as a cache. Both plugins must be installed. PECL/mysqlnd_ms must be compiled to support the cache feature. Use of PHP 5.4.0 or newer is mandatory.

Databases clusters can deliver different levels of consistency. As of PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.2.0 it is possible to advice the plugin to consider only cluster nodes that can deliver the consistency level requested. For example, if using asynchronous MySQL Replication with its cluster-wide eventual consistency, it is possible to request session consistency (read your writes) at any time using mysqlnd_ms_set_quos. Please, see also the service level and consistency introduction.

Example 22.246. Recap: quality of service to request read your writes

/* Request session consistency: read your writes */if (!mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_SESSION))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));

Assuming PECL/mysqlnd has been explicitly told to deliver no consistency level higher than eventual consistency, it is possible to replace a database node read access with a client-side cache using time-to-live (TTL) as its invalidation strategy. Both the database node and the cache may or may not serve current data as this is what eventual consistency defines.

Replacing a database node read access with a local cache access can improve overall performance and lower the database load. If the cache entry is every reused by other clients than the one creating the cache entry, a database access is saved and thus database load is lowered. Furthermore, system performance can become better if computation and delivery of a database query is slower than a local cache access.

Example 22.247. Plugin config: no special entries for caching

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, }}

Example 22.248. Caching a slave request

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));if (!$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test") || !$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT)") || !$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1)"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* Explicitly allow eventual consistency and caching (TTL <= 60 seconds) */if (false == mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_EVENTUAL, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_OPTION_CACHE, 60)) { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}/* To make this example work, we must wait for a slave to catch up. Brute force style. */$attempts = 0;do {  /* check if slave has the table */  if ($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM test")) { break;  } else if ($mysqli->errno) { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));  }  /* wait for slave to catch up */  usleep(200000);} while ($attempts++ < 10);/* Query has been run on a slave, result is in the cache */assert($res);var_dump($res->fetch_assoc());/* Served from cache */$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM test");?>

The example shows how to use the cache feature. First, you have to set the quality of service to eventual consistency and explicitly allow for caching. This is done by calling mysqlnd_ms_set_qos. Then, the result set of every read-only statement is cached for upto that many seconds as allowed with mysqlnd_ms_set_qos.

The actual TTL is lower or equal to the value set with mysqlnd_ms_set_qos. The value passed to the function sets the maximum age (seconds) of the data delivered. To calculate the actual TTL value the replication lag on a slave is checked and subtracted from the given value. If, for example, the maximum age is set to 60 seconds and the slave reports a lag of 10 seconds the resulting TTL is 50 seconds. The TTL is calculated individually for every cached query.

Example 22.249. Read your writes and caching combined

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));if (!$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test") || !$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT)") || !$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1)"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* Explicitly allow eventual consistency and caching (TTL <= 60 seconds) */if (false == mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_EVENTUAL, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_OPTION_CACHE, 60)) { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}/* To make this example work, we must wait for a slave to catch up. Brute force style. */$attempts = 0;do {  /* check if slave has the table */  if ($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM test")) { break;  } else if ($mysqli->errno) { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));  }  /* wait for slave to catch up */  usleep(200000);} while ($attempts++ < 10);assert($res);/* Query has been run on a slave, result is in the cache */var_dump($res->fetch_assoc());/* Served from cache */if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM test"))) die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));var_dump($res->fetch_assoc());/* Update on master */if (!$mysqli->query("UPDATE test SET id = 2")) die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* Read your writes */if (false == mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_SESSION)) { die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));}/* Fetch latest data */if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM test"))) die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));var_dump($res->fetch_assoc());?>

The quality of service can be changed at any time to avoid further cache usage. If needed, you can switch to read your writes (session consistency). In that case, the cache will not be used and fresh data is read. Failover

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By default, the plugin does not attempt to fail over if connecting to a host fails. This prevents pitfalls related to connection state. It is recommended to manually handle connection errors in a way similar to a failed transaction. You should catch the error, rebuild the connection state and rerun your query as shown below.

If connection state is no issue to you, you can alternatively enable automatic and silent failover. Depending on the configuration, the automatic and silent failover will either attempt to fail over to the master before issuing and error or, try to connect to other slaves, given the query allowes for it, before attempting to connect to a master.

Example 22.250. Manual failover, automatic optional

  { "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "simulate_slave_failure", "port": "0" }, "slave_1": { "host": "", "port": 3311 } },   "filters": { "roundrobin": [] } } }

Example 22.251. Manual failover

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));$sql = "SELECT 1 FROM DUAL";/* error handling as it should be done regardless of the plugin */if (!($res = $link->query($sql))) {  /* plugin specific: check for connection error */  switch ($link->errno) { case 2002: case 2003: case 2005:  printf("Connection error - trying next slave!\n");  /* load balancer will pick next slave */  $res = $link->query($sql);  break; default:  /* no connecion error, failover is unlikely to help */  die(sprintf("SQL error: [%d] %s", $link->errno, $link->error));  break;  }}if ($res) {  var_dump($res->fetch_assoc());}?> Concepts

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This explains the architecture and related concepts for this plugin, and describes the impact that MySQL replication and this plugin have on developmental tasks while using a database cluster. Reading and understanding these concepts is required, in order to use this plugin with success. Architecture

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The mysqlnd replication and load balancing plugin is implemented as a PHP extension. It is written in C and operates under the hood of PHP. During the startup of the PHP interpreter, in the module init phase of the PHP engine, it gets registered as a mysqlnd plugin to replace selected mysqlnd C methods.

At PHP runtime, it inspects queries sent from mysqlnd (PHP) to the MySQL server. If a query is recognized as read-only, it will be sent to one of the configured slave servers. Statements are considered read-only if they either start with SELECT, the SQL hint /*ms=slave*/ or a slave had been chosen for running the previous query, and the query started with the SQL hint /*ms=last_used*/. In all other cases, the query will be sent to the MySQL replication master server.

For better portability, applications should use the MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH , MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH , and MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH predefined mysqlnd_ms constants, instead of their literal values, such as /*ms=slave*/.

The plugin handles the opening and closing of database connections to both master and slave servers. From an application point of view, there continues to be only one connection handle. However, internally, this one public connection handle represents a pool of network connections that are managed by the plugin. The plugin proxies queries to the master server, and to the slaves using multiple connections.

Database connections have a state consisting of, for example, transaction status, transaction settings, character set settings, and temporary tables. The plugin will try to maintain the same state among all internal connections, whenever this can be done in an automatic and transparent way. In cases where it is not easily possible to maintain state among all connections, such as when using BEGIN TRANSACTION, the plugin leaves it to the user to handle. Connection pooling and switching

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The replication and load balancing plugin changes the semantics of a PHP MySQL connection handle. The existing API of the PHP MySQL extensions (mysqli, mysql, and PDO_MYSQL) are not changed in a way that functions are added or removed. But their behaviour changes when using the plugin. Existing applications do not need to be adapted to a new API, but they may need to be modified because of the behaviour changes.

The plugin breaks the one-by-one relationship between a mysqli, mysql, and PDO_MYSQL connection handle and a MySQL network connection. And a mysqli, mysql, and PDO_MYSQL connection handle represents a local pool of connections to the configured MySQL replication master and MySQL replication slave servers. The plugin redirects queries to the master and slave servers. At some point in time one and the same PHP connection handle may point to the MySQL master server. Later on, it may point to one of the slave servers or still the master. Manipulating and replacing the network connection referenced by a PHP MySQL connection handle is not a transparent operation.

Every MySQL connection has a state. The state of the connections in the connection pool of the plugin can differ. Whenever the plugin switches from one wire connection to another, the current state of the user connection may change. The applications must be aware of this.

The following list shows what the connection state consists of. The list may not be complete.

  • Transaction status
  • Temporary tables
  • Table locks
  • Session system variables and session user variables
  • The current database set using USE and other state chaining SQL commands
  • Prepared statements
  • HANDLER variables
  • Locks acquired with GET_LOCK()

Connection switches happen right before queries are executed. The plugin does not switch the current connection until the next statement is executed.

Replication issues

See also the MySQL reference manual chapter about replication features and related issues. Some restrictions may not be related to the PHP plugin, but are properties of the MySQL replication system.

Broadcasted messages

The plugins philosophy is to align the state of connections in the pool only if the state is under full control of the plugin, or if it is necessary for security reasons. Just a few actions that change the state of the connection fall into this category.

The following is a list of connection client library calls that change state, and are broadcasted to all open connections in the connection pool.

If any of the listed calls below are to be executed, the plugin loops over all open master and slave connections. The loop continues until all servers have been contacted, and the loop does not break if a server indicates a failure. If possible, the failure will propagate to the called user API function, which may be detected depending on which underlying library function was triggered.

Library callNotesVersion
change_user()Called by the mysqli_change_user user API call. Also triggered upon reuse of a persistent mysqli connection.Since 1.0.0.
select_dbCalled by the following user API calls: mysql_select_db, mysql_list_tables, mysql_db_query, mysql_list_fields, mysqli_select_db. Note, that SQL USE is not monitored.Since 1.0.0.
set_charset()Called by the following user API calls: mysql_set_charset. mysqli_set_charset. Note, that SQL SET NAMES is not monitored.Since 1.0.0.
set_server_option()Called by the following user API calls: mysqli_multi_query, mysqli_real_query, mysqli_query, mysql_query.Since 1.0.0.
set_client_option()Called by the following user API calls: mysqli_options, mysqli_ssl_set, mysqli_connect, mysql_connect, mysql_pconnect.Since 1.0.0.
set_autocommit()Called by the following user API calls: mysqli_autocommit, PDO::setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT).Since 1.0.0. PHP >= 5.4.0.
ssl_set()Called by the following user API calls:mysqli_ssl_set.Since 1.1.0.

Broadcasting and lazy connections

The plugin does not proxy or "remember" all settings to apply them on connections opened in the future. This is important to remember, if using lazy connections. Lazy connections are connections which are not opened before the client sends the first connection. Use of lazy connections is the default plugin action.

The following connection library calls each changed state, and their execution is recorded for later use when lazy connections are opened. This helps ensure that the connection state of all connections in the connection pool are comparable.

Library callNotesVersion
change_user()User, password and database recorded for future use.Since 1.1.0.
select_dbDatabase recorded for future use.Since 1.1.0.
set_charset()Calls set_client_option(MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, charset) on lazy connection to ensure charset will be used upon opening the lazy connection.Since 1.1.0.
set_autocommit()Adds SET AUTOCOMMIT=0|1 to the list of init commands of a lazy connection using set_client_option(MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, "SETAUTOCOMMIT=...%quot;).Since 1.1.0. PHP >= 5.4.0.
Connection state

The connection state is not only changed by API calls. Thus, even if PECL mysqlnd_ms monitors all API calls, the application must still be aware. Ultimately, it is the applications responsibility to maintain the connection state, if needed.

Charsets and string escaping

Due to the use of lazy connections, which are a default, it can happen that an application tries to escape a string for use within SQL statements before a connection has been established. In this case string escaping is not possible. The string escape function does not know what charset to use before a connection has been established.

To overcome the problem a new configuration setting server_charset has been introduced in version 1.4.0.

Attention has to be paid on escaping strings with a certain charset but using the result on a connection that uses a different charset. Please note, that PECL/mysqlnd_ms manipulates connections and one application level connection represents a pool of multiple connections that all may have different default charsets. It is recommended to configure the servers involved to use the same default charsets. The configuration setting server_charset does help with this situation as well. If using server_charset, the plugin will set the given charset on all newly opened connections. Transaction handling

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Transaction handling is fundamentally changed. An SQL transaction is a unit of work that is run on one database server. The unit of work consists of one or more SQL statements.

By default the plugin is not aware of SQL transactions. The plugin may switch connections for load balancing at any point in time. Connection switches may happen in the middle of a transaction. This is against the nature of an SQL transaction. By default, the plugin is not transaction safe.

Any kind of MySQL load balancer must be hinted about the begin and end of a transaction. Hinting can either be done implicitly by monitoring API calls or using SQL hints. Both options are supported by the plugin, depending on your PHP version. API monitoring requires PHP 5.4.0 or newer. The plugin, like any other MySQL load balancer, cannot detect transaction boundaries based on the MySQL Client Server Protocol. Thus, entirely transparent transaction aware load balancing is not possible. The least intrusive option is API monitoring, which requires little to no application changes, depending on your application.

Please, find examples of using SQL hints or the API monitoring in the examples section. The details behind the API monitoring, which makes the plugin transaction aware, are described below.

Beginning with PHP 5.4.0, the mysqlnd library allows this plugin to subclass the library C API call set_autocommit(), to detect the status of autocommit mode.

The PHP MySQL extensions either issue a query (such as SET AUTOCOMMIT=0|1), or use the mysqlnd library call set_autocommit() to control the autocommit setting. If an extension makes use of set_autocommit(), the plugin can be made transaction aware. Transaction awareness cannot be achieved if using SQL to set the autocommit mode. The library function set_autocommit() is called by the mysqli_autocommit and PDO::setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT) user API calls.

The plugin configuration option trx_stickiness=master can be used to make the plugin transactional aware. In this mode, the plugin stops load balancing if autocommit becomes disabled, and directs all statements to the master until autocommit gets enabled.

An application that does not want to set SQL hints for transactions but wants to use the transparent API monitoring to avoid application changes must make sure that the autocommit settings is changed exclusively through the listed API calls. Error handling

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Applications using PECL/mysqlnd_ms should implement proper error handling for all user API calls. And because the plugin changes the semantics of a connection handle, API calls may return unexpected errors. If using the plugin on a connection handle that no longer represents an individual network connection, but a connection pool, an error code and error message will be set on the connection handle whenever an error occurs on any of the network connections behind.

If using lazy connections, which is the default, connections are not opened until they are needed for query execution. Therefore, an API call for a statement execution may return a connection error. In the example below, an error is provoked when trying to run a statement on a slave. Opening a slave connection fails because the plugin configuration file lists an invalid host name for the slave.

Example 22.252. Provoking a connection error

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "invalid_host_name", } }, "lazy_connections": 1 }}

The explicit activation of lazy connections is for demonstration purpose only.

Example 22.253. Connection error on query execution

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (mysqli_connect_errno())  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* Connection 1, connection bound SQL user variable, no SELECT thus run on master */if (!$mysqli->query("SET @myrole='master'")) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);}/* Connection 2, run on slave because SELECT, provoke connection error */if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT @myrole AS _role"))) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);} else { $row = $res->fetch_assoc(); $res->close(); printf("@myrole = '%s'\n", $row['_role']);}$mysqli->close();?> 

The above example will output something similar to:

PHP Warning:  mysqli::query(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in %s on line %dPHP Warning:  mysqli::query(): [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (trying to connect via tcp://invalid_host_name:3306)in %s on line %d[2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

Applications are expected to handle possible connection errors by implementing proper error handling.

Depending on the use case, applications may want to handle connection errors differently from other errors. Typical connection errors are 2002 (CR_CONNECTION_ERROR) - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '%s' (%d), 2003 (CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR) - Can't connect to MySQL server on '%s' (%d) and 2005 (CR_UNKNOWN_HOST) - Unknown MySQL server host '%s' (%d). For example, the application may test for the error codes and manually perform a fail over. The plugins philosophy is not to offer automatic fail over, beyond master fail over, because fail over is not a transparent operation.

Example 22.254. Provoking a connection error

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "invalid_host_name" }, "slave_1": { "host": "" } }, "lazy_connections": 1, "filters": { "roundrobin": [ ] } }}

Explicitly activating lazy connections is done for demonstration purposes, as is round robin load balancing as opposed to the default random once type.

Example 22.255. Most basic failover

<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (mysqli_connect_errno())  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* Connection 1, connection bound SQL user variable, no SELECT thus run on master */if (!$mysqli->query("SET @myrole='master'")) { printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);}/* Connection 2, first slave */$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT VERSION() AS _version");/* Hackish manual fail over */if (2002 == $mysqli->errno || 2003 == $mysqli->errno || 2004 == $mysqli->errno) {  /* Connection 3, first slave connection failed, trying next slave */  $res = $mysqli->query("SELECT VERSION() AS _version");}if (!$res) {  printf("ERROR, [%d] '%s'\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);} else { /* Error messages are taken from connection 3, thus no error */ printf("SUCCESS, [%d] '%s'\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error); $row = $res->fetch_assoc(); $res->close(); printf("version = %s\n", $row['_version']);}$mysqli->close();?> 

The above example will output something similar to:

[1045] Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)PHP Warning:  mysqli::query(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in %s on line %dPHP Warning:  mysqli::query(): [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (trying to connect via tcp://invalid_host_name:3306) in %s on line %dSUCCESS, [0] ''version = 5.6.2-m5-log

In some cases, it may not be easily possible to retrieve all errors that occur on all network connections through a connection handle. For example, let's assume a connection handle represents a pool of three open connections. One connection to a master and two connections to the slaves. The application changes the current database using the user API call mysqli_select_db, which then calls the mysqlnd library function to change the schemata. mysqlnd_ms monitors the function, and tries to change the current database on all connections to harmonize their state. Now, assume the master succeeds in changing the database, and both slaves fail. Upon the initial error from the first slave, the plugin will set an appropriate error on the connection handle. The same is done when the second slave fails to change the database. The error message from the first slave is lost.

Such cases can be debugged by either checking for errors of the type E_WARNING (see above) or, if no other option, investigation of the mysqlnd_ms debug and trace log. Failover

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By default, connection failover handling is left to the user. The application is responsible for checking return values of the database functions it calls and reacting to possible errors. If, for example, the plugin recognizes a query as a read-only query to be sent to the slave servers, and the slave server selected by the plugin is not available, the plugin will raise an error after not executing the statement.

Default: manual failover

It is up to the application to handle the error and, if required, re-issue the query to trigger the selection of another slave server for statement execution. The plugin will make no attempts to failover automatically, because the plugin cannot ensure that an automatic failover will not change the state of the connection. For example, the application may have issued a query which depends on SQL user variables which are bound to a specific connection. Such a query might return incorrect results if the plugin would switch the connection implicitly as part of automatic failover. To ensure correct results, the application must take care of the failover, and rebuild the required connection state. Therefore, by default, no automatic failover is performed by the plugin.

A user that does not change the connection state after opening a connection may activate automatic failover. Please note, that automatic failover logic is limited to connection attempts. Automatic failover is not used for already established connections. There is no way to instruct the plugin to attempt failover on a connection that has been connected to MySQL already in the past.

Automatic failover

The failover policy is configured in the plugins configuration file, by using the failover configuration directive.

Automatic and silent failover can be enabled through the failover configuration directive. Automatic failover can either be configured to try exactly one master after a slave failure or, alternatively, loop over slaves and masters before returning an error to the user. The number of connection attempts can be limited and failed hosts can be excluded from future load balancing attempts. Limiting the number of retries and remembering failed hosts are considered experimental features, albeit being resonable stable. Syntax and semantics may change in future versions.

A basic manual failover example is provided within the error handling section.

Standby servers

Using weighted load balancing, introduced in PECL/mysqlnd 1.4.0, it is possible to configure standby servers that are sparsely used during normal operations. A standby server that is primarily used as a worst-case standby failover target can be assigned a very low weight/priority in relation to all other servers. As long as all servers are up and running the majority of the workload is assigned to the servers which have hight weight values. Few requests will be directed to the standby system which has a very low weight value.

Upon failure of the servers with a high priority, you can still failover to the standby, which has been given a low load balancing priority by assigning a low weight to it. Failover can be some manually or automatically. If done automatically, you may want to combine it with the remember_failed option.

At this point, it is not possible to instruct the load balancer to direct no requests at all to a standby. This may not be much of a limitation given that the highest weight you can assign to a server is 65535. Given two slaves, of which one shall act as a standby and has been assigned a weight of 1, the standby will have to handle far less than one percent of the overall workload.

Failover and primary copy

Please note, if using a primary copy cluster, such as MySQL Replication, it is difficult to do connection failover in case of a master failure. At any time there is only one master in the cluster for a given dataset. The master is a single point of failure. If the master fails, clients have no target to fail over write requests. In case of a master outage the database administrator must take care of the situation and update the client configurations, if need be. Load balancing

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Four load balancing strategies are supported to distribute statements over the configured MySQL slave servers:


Chooses a random server whenever a statement is executed.

random once (default)

Chooses a random server after the first statement is executed, and uses the decision for the rest of the PHP request.

It is the default, and the lowest impact on the connection state.

round robin

Iterates over the list of configured servers.

user-defined via callback

Is used to implement any other strategy.

The load balancing policy is configured in the plugins configuration file using the random, roundrobin, and user filters.

Servers can be prioritized assigning a weight. A server that has been given a weight of two will get twice as many requests as a server that has been given the default weight of one. Prioritization can be handy in heterogenous environments. For example, you may want to assign more requests to a powerful machine than to a less powerful. Or, you may have configured servers that are close or far from the client, thus expose different latencies. Read-write splitting

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

The plugin executes read-only statements on the configured MySQL slaves, and all other queries on the MySQL master. Statements are considered read-only if they either start with SELECT, the SQL hint /*ms=slave*/, or if a slave had been chosen for running the previous query and the query starts with the SQL hint /*ms=last_used*/. In all other cases, the query will be sent to the MySQL replication master server. It is recommended to use the constants MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH , MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH and MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH instead of /*ms=slave*/. See also the list of mysqlnd_ms constants.

SQL hints are a special kind of standard compliant SQL comments. The plugin does check every statement for certain SQL hints. The SQL hints are described within the mysqlnd_ms constants documentation, constants that are exported by the extension. Other systems involved with the statement processing, such as the MySQL server, SQL firewalls, and SQL proxies, are unaffected by the SQL hints, because those systems are designed to ignore SQL comments.

The built-in read-write splitter can be replaced by a user-defined filter, see also the user filter documentation.

A user-defined read-write splitter can request the built-in logic to send a statement to a specific location, by invoking mysqlnd_ms_is_select.


The built-in read-write splitter is not aware of multi-statements. Multi-statements are seen as one statement. The splitter will check the beginning of the statement to decide where to run the statement. If, for example, a multi-statement begins with SELECT 1 FROM DUAL; INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1); ... the plugin will run it on a slave although the statement is not read-only. Filter

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Version requirement

Filters exist as of mysqlnd_ms version 1.1.0-beta.

filters. PHP applications that implement a MySQL replication cluster must first identify a group of servers in the cluster which could execute a statement before the statement is executed by one of the candidates. In other words: a defined list of servers must be filtered until only one server is available.

The process of filtering may include using one or more filters, and filters can be chained. And they are executed in the order they are defined in the plugins configuration file.

Explanation: comparing filter chaining to pipes

The concept of chained filters can be compared to using pipes to connect command line utilities on an operating system command shell. For example, an input stream is passed to a processor, filtered, and then transferred to be output. Then, the output is passed as input to the next command, which is connected to the previous using the pipe operator.

Available filters:

The random filter implements the 'random' and 'random once' load balancing policies. The 'round robin' load balancing can be configured through the roundrobin filter. Setting a 'user defined callback' for server selection is possible with the user filter. The quality_of_service filter finds cluster nodes capable of delivering a certain service, for example, read-your-writes or, not lagging more seconds behind the master than allowed.

Filters can accept parameters to change their behaviour. The random filter accepts an optional sticky parameter. If set to true, the filter changes load balancing from random to random once. Random picks a random server every time a statement is to be executed. Random once picks a random server when the first statement is to be executed and uses the same server for the rest of the PHP request.

One of the biggest strength of the filter concept is the possibility to chain filters. This strength does not become immediately visible because tje random, roundrobin and user filters are supposed to output no more than one server. If a filter reduces the list of candidates for running a statement to only one server, it makes little sense to use that one server as input for another filter for further reduction of the list of candidates.

An example filter sequence that will fail:

  • Statement to be executed: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL. Passed to all filters.
  • All configured nodes are passed as input to the first filter. Master nodes: master_0. Slave nodes:slave_0, slave_1
  • Filter: random, argument sticky=1. Picks a random slave once to be used for the rest of the PHP request. Output: slave_0.
  • Output of slave_0 and the statement to be executed is passed as input to the next filter. Here: roundrobin, server list passed to filter is: slave_0.
  • Filter: roundrobin. Server list consists of one server only, round robin will always return the same server.

A second type of filter exists: multi filter. A multi filter emits zero, one or multiple servers after processing. The quality_of_service filter is an example. If the service quality requested sets an upper limit for the slave lag and more than one slave is lagging behind less than the allowed number of seconds, the filter returns more than one cluster node. A multi filter must be followed by other to further reduce the list of candidates for statement execution until a candidate is found.

A filter sequence with the quality_of_service multi filter followed by a load balancing filter.

  • Statement to be executed: SELECT sum(price) FROM orders WHERE order_id = 1. Passed to all filters.
  • All configured nodes are passed as input to the first filter. Master nodes: master_0. Slave nodes: slave_0, slave_1, slave_2, slave_3
  • Filter: quality_of_service, rule set: session_consistency (read-your-writes) Output: master_0
  • Output of master_0 and the statement to be executed is passed as input to the next filter, which is roundrobin.
  • Filter: roundrobin. Server list consists of one server. Round robin selects master_0.

A filter sequence must not end with a multi filter. If trying to use a filter sequence which ends with a multi filter the plugin may emit a warning like (mysqlnd_ms) Error in configuration. Last filter is multi filter. Needs to be non-multi one. Stopping in %s on line %d. Furthermore, an appropriate error on the connection handle may be set.

Speculation towards the future: MySQL replication filtering

In future versions, there may be additional multi filters. For example, there may be a table filter to support MySQL replication filtering. This would allow you to define rules for which database or table is to be replicated to which node of a replication cluster. Assume your replication cluster consists of four slaves (slave_0, slave_1, slave_2, slave_3) two of which replicate a database named sales (slave_0, slave_1). If the application queries the database slaves, the hypothetical table filter reduces the list of possible servers to slave_0 and slave_1. Because the output and list of candidates consists of more than one server, it is necessary and possible to add additional filters to the candidate list, for example, using a load balancing filter to identify a server for statement execution. Service level and consistency

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Version requirement

Service levels have been introduced in mysqlnd_ms version 1.2.0-alpha. mysqlnd_ms_set_qos requires PHP 5.4.0 or newer.

The plugin can be used with different kinds of MySQL database clusters. Different clusters can deliver different levels of service to applications. The service levels can be grouped by the data consistency levels that can be achieved. The plugin knows about:

  • eventual consistency
  • session consistency
  • strong consistency

Depending how a cluster is used it may be possible to achieve higher service levels than the default one. For example, a read from an asynchronous MySQL replication slave is eventual consistent. Thus, one may say the default consistency level of a MySQL replication cluster is eventual consistency. However, if the master only is used by a client for reading and writing during a session, session consistency (read your writes) is given. PECL mysqlnd 1.2.0 abstracts the details of choosing an appropriate node for any of the above service levels from the user.

Service levels can be set through the qualify-of-service filter in the plugins configuration file and at runtime using the function mysqlnd_ms_set_qos.

The plugin defines the different service levels as follows.

Eventual consistency is the default service provided by an asynchronous cluster, such as classical MySQL replication. A read operation executed on an arbitrary node may or may not return stale data. The applications view of the data is eventual consistent.

Session consistency is given if a client can always read its own writes. An asynchronous MySQL replication cluster can deliver session consistency if clients always use the master after the first write or never query a slave which has not yet replicated the clients write operation.

The plugins understanding of strong consistency is that all clients always see the committed writes of all other clients. This is the default when using MySQL Cluster or any other cluster offering synchronous data distribution.

Service level parameters

Eventual consistency and session consistency service level accept parameters.

Eventual consistency is the service provided by classical MySQL replication. By default, all nodes qualify for read requests. An optional age parameter can be given to filter out nodes which lag more than a certain number of seconds behind the master. The plugin is using SHOW SLAVE STATUS to measure the lag. Please, see the MySQL reference manual to learn about accuracy and reliability of the SHOW SLAVE STATUS command.

Session consistency (read your writes) accepts an optional GTID parameter to consider reading not only from the master but also from slaves which already have replicated a certain write described by its transaction identifier. This way, when using asynchronous MySQL replication, read requests may be load balanced over slaves while still ensuring session consistency.

The latter requires the use of client-side global transaction id injection.

Advantages of the new approach

The new approach supersedes the use of SQL hints and the configuration option master_on_write in some respects. If an application running on top of an asynchronous MySQL replication cluster cannot accept stale data for certain reads, it is easier to tell the plugin to choose appropriate nodes than prefixing all read statements in question with the SQL hint to enforce the use of the master. Furthermore, the plugin may be able to use selected slaves for reading.

The master_on_write configuration option makes the plugin use the master after the first write (session consistency, read your writes). In some cases, session consistency may not be needed for the rest of the session but only for some, few read operations. Thus, master_on_write may result in more read load on the master than necessary. In those cases it is better to request a higher than default service level only for those reads that actually need it. Once the reads are done, the application can return to default service level. Switching between service levels is only possible using mysqlnd_ms_set_qos.

Performance considerations

A MySQL replication cluster cannot tell clients which slaves are capable of delivering which level of service. Thus, in some cases, clients need to query the slaves to check their status. PECL mysqlnd_ms transparently runs the necessary SQL in the background. However, this is an expensive and slow operation. SQL statements are run if eventual consistency is combined with an age (slave lag) limit and if session consistency is combined with a global transaction ID.

If eventual consistency is combined with an maximum age (slave lag), the plugin selects candidates for statement execution and load balancing for each statement as follows. If the statement is a write all masters are considered as candidates. Slaves are not checked and not considered as candidates. If the statement is a read, the plugin transparently executes SHOW SLAVE STATUS on every slaves connection. It will loop over all connections, send the statement and then start checking for results. Usually, this is slightly faster than a loop over all connections in which for every connection a query is send and the plugin waits for its results. A slave is considered a candidate if SHOW SLAVE STATUS reports Slave_IO_Running=Yes, Slave_SQL_Running=Yes and Seconds_Behind_Master is less or equal than the allowed maximum age. In case of an SQL error, the plugin emits a warning but does not set an error on the connection. The error is not set to make it possible to use the plugin as a drop-in.

If session consistency is combined with a global transaction ID, the plugin executes the SQL statement set with the fetch_last_gtid entry of the global_transaction_id_injection section from the plugins configuration file. Further details are identical to those described above.

In version 1.2.0 no additional optimizations are done for executing background queries. Future versions may contain optimizations, depending on user demand.

If no parameters and options are set, no SQL is needed. In that case, the plugin consider all nodes of the type shown below.

  • eventual consistency, no further options set: all masters, all slaves
  • session consistency, no further options set: all masters
  • strong consistency (no options allowed): all masters


The quality of service filter can be combied with Global transaction IDs to throttle clients. Throttling does reduce the write load on the master by slowing down clients. If session consistency is requested and global transactions idenentifier are used to check the status of a slave, the check can be done in two ways. By default a slave is checked and skipped immediately if it does not match the criteria for session consistency. Alternatively, the plugin can wait for a slave to catch up to the master until session consistency is possible. To enable the throttling, you have to set wait_for_gtid_timeout configuration option. Global transaction IDs

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Version requirement

Client side global transaction ID injection exists as of mysqlnd_ms version 1.2.0-alpha. Transaction boundaries are detected by monitoring API calls. This is possible as of PHP 5.4.0. Please, see also Transaction handling.

As of MySQL 5.6.5-m8 the MySQL server features built-in global transaction identifiers. The MySQL built-in global transaction ID feature is supported by PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.3.0-alpha or later. Neither are client-side transaction boundary monitoring nor any setup activities required if using the server feature.

Idea and client-side emulation

PECL/mysqlnd_ms can do client-side transparent global transaction ID injection. In its most basic form, a global transaction identifier is a counter which is incremented for every transaction executed on the master. The counter is held in a table on the master. Slaves replicate the counter table.

In case of a master failure a database administrator can easily identify the most recent slave for promiting it as a new master. The most recent slave has the highest transaction identifier.

Application developers can ask the plugin for the global transaction identifier (GTID) for their last successful write operation. The plugin will return an identifier that refers to an transaction no older than that of the clients last write operation. Then, the GTID can be passed as a parameter to the quality of service (QoS) filter as an option for session consistency. Session consistency ensures read your writes. The filter ensures that all reads are either directed to a master or a slave which has replicated the write referenced by the GTID.

When injection is done

The plugin transparently maintains the GTID table on the master. In autocommit mode the plugin injects an UPDATE statement before executing the users statement for every master use. In manual transaction mode, the injection is done before the application calls commit() to close a transaction. The configuration option report_error of the GTID section in the plugins configuration file is used to control whether a failed injection shall abort the current operation or be ignored silently (default).

Please note, the PHP version requirements for transaction boundary monitoring and their limits.


Client-side global transaction ID injection has shortcomings. The potential issues are not specific to PECL/mysqlnd_ms but are rather of general nature.

  • Global transaction ID tables must be deployed on all masters and replicas.
  • The GTID can have holes. Only PHP clients using the plugin will maintain the table. Other clients will not.
  • Client-side transaction boundary detection is based on API calls only.
  • Client-side transaction boundary detection does not take implicit commit into account. Some MySQL SQL statements cause an implicit commit and cannot be rolled back.

Using server-side global transaction identifier

Starting with PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.3.0-alpha the MySQL 5.6.5-m8 or newer built-in global transaction identifier feature is supported. Use of the server feature lifts all of the above listed limitations. Please, see the MySQL Reference Manual for limitations and preconditions for using server built-in global transaction identifiers.

Whether to use the client-side emulation or the server built-in functionality is a question not directly related to the plugin, thus it is not discussed in depth. There are no plans to remove the client-side emulation and you can continue to use it, if the server-side solution is no option. This may be the case in heterogenous environments with old MySQL server or, if any of the server-side solution limitations is not acceptable.

From an applications perspective there is hardly a difference in using one or the other approach. The following properties differ.

  • Client-side emulation, as shown in the manual, is using an easy to compare sequence number for global transactions. Multi-master is not handled to keep the manual examples easy.

    Server-side built-in feature is using a combination of a server identifier and a sequence number as a global transaction identifier. Comparison cannot use numeric algebra. Instead a SQL function must be used. Please, see the MySQL Reference Manual for details.

  • Plugin global transaction ID statistics are only available with client-side emulation because they monitor the emulation.
Global transaction identifiers in distributed systems

Global transaction identifiers can serve multiple purposes in the context of distributed systems, such as a database cluster. Global transaction identifiers can be used for, for example, system wide identification of transactions, global ordering of transactions, heartbeat mechanism and for checking the replication status of replicas. PECL/mysqlnd_ms, a clientside driver based software, does focus on using GTIDs for tasks that can be handled at the client, such as checking the replication status of replicas for asynchronous replication setups. Cache integration

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Version requirement

The feature requires used of PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.3.0-beta or later and PECL/mysqlnd_qc 1.1.0-alpha or new. PECL/mysqlnd_ms must be compiled to support the feature. PHP 5.4.0 or newer is required.

Suitable MySQL clusters

The feature is targeted for use with MySQL Replication (primary copy). Currently, no other kinds of MySQL clusters are supported. Users of such cluster must control PECL/mysqlnd_qc manually if they are interested in client-side query caching.

Support for MySQL replication clusters (asynchronous primary copy) is the main focus of PECL/mysqlnd_ms. The slaves of a MySQL replication cluster may or may not reflect the latest updates from the master. Slaves are asynchronous and can lag behind the master. A read from a slave is eventual consistent from a cluster-wide perspective.

The same level of consistency is offered by a local cache using time-to-live (TTL) invalidation strategy. Current data or stale data may be served. Eventually, data searched for in the cache is not available and the source of the cache needs to be accessed.

Given that both a MySQL Replication slave (asynchronous secondary) and a local TTL-driven cache deliver the same level of service it is possible to transparently replace a remote database access with a local cache access to gain better possibility.

As of PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.3.0-beta the plugin is capable of transparently controlling PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.1.0-alpha or newer to cache a read-only query if explicitly allowed by setting an appropriate quality of service through mysqlnd_ms_set_qos. Please, see the quickstart for a code example. Both plugins must be installed, PECL/mysqlnd_ms must be compiled to support the cache feature and PHP 5.4.0 or newer has to be used.

Applications have full control of cache usage and can request fresh data at any time, if need be. Thec ache usage can be enabled and disabled time during the execution of a script. The cache will be used if mysqlnd_ms_set_qos sets the quality of service to eventual consistency and enables cache usage. Cache usage is disabled by requesting higher consistency levels, for example, session consistency (read your writes). Once the quality of service has been relaxed to eventual consistency the cache can be used again.

If caching is enabled for a read-only statement, PECL/mysqlnd_ms may inject SQL hints to control caching by PECL/mysqlnd_qc. It may modify the SQL statement it got from the application. Subsequent SQL processors are supposed to ignore the SQL hints. A SQL hint is a SQL comment. Comments must not be ignored, for example, by the database server.

The TTL of a cache entry is computed on a per statement basis. Applications set an maximum age for the data they want to retrieve using mysqlnd_ms_set_qos. The age sets an approximate upper limit of how many seconds the data returned may lag behind the master.

The following logic is used to compute the actual TTL if caching is enabled. The logic takes the estimated slave lag into account for choosing a TTL. If, for example, there are two slaves lagging 5 and 10 seconds behind and the maximum age allowed is 60 seconds, the TTL is set to 50 seconds. Please note, the age setting is no more than an estimated guess.

  • Check whether the statement is read-only. If not, don't cache.
  • If caching is enabled, check the slave lag of all configured slaves. Establish slave connections if none exist so far and lazy connections are used.
  • Send SHOW SLAVE STATUS to all slaves. Do not wait for the first slave to reply before sending to the second slave. Clients often wait long for replies, thus we send out all requests in a burst before fetching in a second stage.
  • Loop over all slaves. For every slave wait for its reply. Do not start checking another slave before the currently waited for slave has replied. Check for Slave_IO_Running=Yes and Slave_SQL_Running=Yes. If both conditions hold true, fetch the value of Seconds_Behind_Master. In case of any errors or if conditions fail, set an error on the slave connection. Skip any such slave connection for the rest of connection filtering.
  • Search for the maximum value of Seconds_Behind_Master from all slaves that passed the previous conditions. Substract the value from the maximum age provided by the user with mysqlnd_ms_set_qos. Use the result as a TTL.
  • The filtering may sort out all slaves. If so, the maximum age is used as TTL, because the maximum lag found equals zero. It is perfectly valid to sort out all slaves. In the following it is up to subsequent filter to decide what to do. The built-in load balancing filter will pick the master.
  • Inject the appropriate SQL hints to enable caching by PECL/mysqlnd_qc.
  • Proceed with the connection filtering, e.g. apply load balancing rules to pick a slave.
  • PECL/mysqlnd_qc is loaded after PECL/mysqlnd_ms by PHP. Thus, it will see all query modifications of PECL/mysqlnd_ms and cache the query if instructed to do so.

The algorithm may seem expensive. SHOW SLAVE STATUS is a very fast operation. Given a sufficient number of requests and cache hits per second the cost of checking the slaves lag can easily outweight the costs of the cache decision.

Suggestions on a better algorithm are always welcome. Supported clusters

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Any application using any kind of MySQL cluster is faced with the same tasks:

  • Identify nodes capable of executing a given statement with the required service level
  • Load balance requests within the list of candidates
  • Automatic fail over within candidates, if needed

The plugin is optimized for fulfilling these tasks in the context of a classical asynchronous MySQL replication cluster consisting of a single master and many slaves (primary copy). When using classical, asynchronous MySQL replication all of the above listed tasks need to be mastered at the client side.

Other types of MySQL cluster may have lower requirements on the application side. For example, if all nodes in the cluster can answer read and write requests, no read-write splitting needs to be done (multi-master, update-all). If all nodes in the cluster are synchronous, they automatically provide the highest possible quality of service which makes choosing a node easier. In this case, the plugin may serve the application after some reconfiguration to disable certain features, such as built-in read-write splitting.

Documentation focus

The documentation focusses describing the use of the plugin with classical asynchronous MySQL replication clusters (primary copy). Support for this kind of cluster has been the original development goal. Use of other clusters is briefly described below. Please note, that this is still work in progress.

Using asynchronous clusters with single master

Primary use case of the plugin. Follow the hints given in the descriptions of each feature.

Version requirement

The following cluster may require use of settings not available before mysqlnd_ms 1.2.0-alpha.

Using asynchronous clusters with multiple masters

This setup is currently unsupported.

The plugin has no built-in functionality to direct certain writes to certain masters. It is considered to add table filtering to future versions. Table filter would allow restricting both read and writes to certain slaves and masters based on the database/schema and table used by a statement.

A table filtering feature is prepared in the plugins source code. However, it is instable and must not be used. Bug reports on table filtering will be rejected.

Using synchronous clusters such as MySQL Cluster

MySQL Cluster is a synchronous cluster solution. All cluster nodes accept read and write requests. In the context of the plugin, all nodes shall be considered as masters.

Use the load balancing and fail over features only.

  • Disable the plugins built-in read-write splitting.
  • Configure masters only.
  • Consider random once load balancing strategy, which is the plugins default. If random once is used, only masters are configured and no SQL hints are used to force using a certain node, no connection switches will happen for the duration of a web request. Thus, no special handling is required for transactions. The plugin will pick one master at the beginning of the PHP script and use it until the script terminates.
  • Do not set the quality of service. All nodes have all the data. This automatically gives you the highest possible service quality (strong consistency).
  • Do not enable client-side global transaction injection. It is neither required to help with server-side fail over nor to assist the quality of service filter choosing an appropriate node.

Disabling built-in read-write splitting.

Configure masters only. Installing/Configuring

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group. Requirements

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

PHP 5.3.6 or newer. Some advanced functionality requires PHP 5.4.0 or newer.

The mysqlnd_ms replication and load balancing plugin supports all PHP applications and all available PHP MySQL extensions (mysqli, mysql, PDO_MYSQL). The PHP MySQL extension must be configured to use mysqlnd in order to be able to use the mysqlnd_ms plugin for mysqlnd. Installation

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

This PECL extension is not bundled with PHP.

Information for installing this PECL extension may be found in the manual chapter titled Installation of PECL extensions. Additional information such as new releases, downloads, source files, maintainer information, and a CHANGELOG, can be located here:

A DLL for this PECL extension is currently unavailable. See also the building on Windows section. Runtime Configuration

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

The behaviour of these functions is affected by settings in php.ini.

Table 22.72. Mysqlnd_ms Configure Options


Here's a short explanation of the configuration directives.

mysqlnd_ms.enable integer

Enables or disables the plugin. If disabled, the extension will not plug into mysqlnd to proxy internal mysqlnd C API calls.

mysqlnd_ms.force_config_usage integer

If enabled, the plugin checks if the host (server) parameters value of any MySQL connection attempt, matches a section name from the plugin configuration file. If not, the connection attempt is blocked.

mysqlnd_ms.ini_file string

Plugin specific configuration file. This setting has been renamed to mysqlnd_ms.config_file in version 1.4.0.

mysqlnd_ms.config_file string

Plugin specific configuration file. This setting superseeds mysqlnd_ms.ini_file since 1.4.0.

mysqlnd_ms.collect_statistics integer

Enables or disables the collection of statistics. The collection of statistics is disabled by default for performance reasons. Statistics are returned by the function mysqlnd_ms_get_stats.

mysqlnd_ms.multi_master integer

Enables or disables support of MySQL multi master replication setups. Please, see also supported clusters.

mysqlnd_ms.disable_rw_split integer

Enables or disables built-in read write splitting.

Controls whether load balancing and lazy connection functionality can be used independently of read write splitting. If read write splitting is disabled, only servers from the master list will be used for statement execution. All configured slave servers will be ignored.

The SQL hint MYSQLND_MS_USE_SLAVE will not be recognized. If found, the statement will be redirected to a master.

Disabling read write splitting impacts the return value of mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select. The function will no longer propose query execution on slave servers.

Multiple master servers

Setting mysqlnd_ms.multi_master=1 allows the plugin to use multiple master servers, instead of only the first master server of the master list.

Please, see also supported clusters. Plugin configuration file (>=1.1.x)

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Changelog: Feature was added in PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.1.0-beta

The below description applies to PECL/mysqlnd_ms >= 1.1.0-beta. It is not valid for prior versions.

The plugin uses its own configuration file. The configuration file holds information about the MySQL replication master server, the MySQL replication slave servers, the server pick (load balancing) policy, the failover strategy, and the use of lazy connections.

The plugin loads its configuration file at the beginning of a web request. It is then cached in memory and used for the duration of the web request. This way, there is no need to restart PHP after deploying the configuration file. Configuration file changes will become active almost instantly.

The PHP configuration directive mysqlnd_ms.ini_file is used to set the plugins configuration file. Please note, that the PHP configuration directive may not be evaluated for every web request. Therefore, changing the plugins configuration file name or location may require a PHP restart. However, no restart is required to read changes if an already existing plugin configuration file is updated.

Using and parsing JSON is efficient, and using JSON makes it easier to express hierarchical data structures than the standard php.ini format.

Example 22.256. Converting a PHP array (hash) into JSON format

Or alternatively, a developer may be more familiar with the PHP array syntax, and prefer it. This example demonstrates how a developer might convert a PHP array to JSON.

<?php$config = array(  "myapp" => array( "master" => array(  "master_0" => array( "host"   => "localhost", "socket" => "/tmp/mysql.sock",  ), ), "slave" => array(),  ),);file_put_contents("mysqlnd_ms.ini", json_encode($config, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));printf("mysqlnd_ms.ini file created...\n");printf("Dumping file contents...\n");printf("%s\n", str_repeat("-", 80));echo file_get_contents("mysqlnd_ms.ini");printf("\n%s\n", str_repeat("-", 80));?> 

The above example will output:

mysqlnd_ms.ini file created...Dumping file contents...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/tmp\/mysql.sock" } }, "slave": [ ] }}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A plugin configuration file consists of one or more sections. Sections are represented by the top-level object properties of the object encoded in the JSON file. Sections could also be called configuration names.

Applications reference sections by their name. Applications use section names as the host (server) parameter to the various connect methods of the mysqli, mysql and PDO_MYSQL extensions. Upon connect, the mysqlnd plugin compares the hostname with all of the section names from the plugin configuration file. If the hostname and section name match, then the plugin will load the settings for that section.

Example 22.257. Using section names example

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "" }, "slave_1": { "host": "", "port": 3306 } } }, "localhost": { "master": [ { "host": "localhost", "socket": "\/path\/to\/mysql.sock" } ], "slave": [ { "host": "", "port": "3305" }, { "host": "", "port": "3309" } ] }} 
<?php/* All of the following connections will be load balanced */$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=myapp;dbname=database', 'username', 'password');$mysql = mysql_connect("myapp", "username", "password");$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "username", "password", "database");?>

Section names are strings. It is valid to use a section name such as, or localhost. If, for example, an application connects to localhost and a plugin configuration section localhost exists, the semantics of the connect operation are changed. The application will no longer only use the MySQL server running on the host localhost, but the plugin will start to load balance MySQL queries following the rules from the localhost configuration section. This way you can load balance queries from an application without changing the applications source code. Please keep in mind, that such a configuration may not contribute to overall readability of your applications source code. Using section names that can be mixed up with host names should be seen as a last resort.

Each configuration section contains, at a minimum, a list of master servers and a list of slave servers. The master list is configured with the keyword master, while the slave list is configured with the slave keyword. Failing to provide a slave list will result in a fatal E_ERROR level error, although a slave list may be empty. It is possible to allow no slaves. However, this is only recommended with synchronous clusters, please see also supported clusters. The main part of the documentation focusses on the use of asynchronous MySQL replication clusters.

The master and slave server lists can be optionally indexed by symbolic names for the servers they describe. Alternatively, an array of descriptions for slave and master servers may be used.

Example 22.258. List of anonymous slaves

"slave": [ { "host": "", "port": "3305" }, { "host": "", "port": "3309" }]

An anonymous server list is encoded by the JSON array type. Optionally, symbolic names may be used for indexing the slave or master servers of a server list, and done so using the JSON object type.

Example 22.259. Master list using symbolic names

"master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" }}

It is recommended to index the server lists with symbolic server names. The alias names will be shown in error messages.

The order of servers is preserved and taken into account by mysqlnd_ms. If, for example, you configure round robin load balancing strategy, the first SELECT statement will be executed on the slave that appears first in the slave server list.

A configured server can be described with the host, port, socket, db, user, password and connect_flags. It is mandatory to set the database server host using the host keyword. All other settings are optional.

Example 22.260. Keywords to configure a server

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "db_server_host", "port": "db_server_port", "socket": "db_server_socket", "db": "database_resp_schema", "user": "user", "password": "password", "connect_flags": 0 } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "db_server_host", "port": "db_server_port", "socket": "db_server_socket" } } }}

If a setting is omitted, the plugin will use the value provided by the user API call used to open a connection. Please, see the using section names example above.

The configuration file format has been changed in version 1.1.0-beta to allow for chained filters. Filters are responsible for filtering the configured list of servers to identify a server for execution of a given statement. Filters are configured with the filter keyword. Filters are executed by mysqlnd_ms in the order of their appearance. Defining filters is optional. A configuration section in the plugins configuration file does not need to have a filters entry.

Filters replace the pick[] setting from prior versions. The new random and roundrobin provide the same functionality.

Example 22.261. New roundrobin filter, old functionality

   { "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" }, "slave_1": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "filters": { "roundrobin": [ ] } }}

The function mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server has been removed. Setting a callback is now done with the user filter. Some filters accept parameters. The user filter requires and accepts a mandatory callback parameter to set the callback previously set through the function mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server.

Example 22.262. The user filter replacesmysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server

"filters": { "user": { "callback": "pick_server" }}

Here is a short explanation of the configuration directives that can be used.

master array or object

List of MySQL replication master servers. The list of either of the JSON type array to declare an anonymous list of servers or of the JSON type object. Please, see above for examples.

Setting at least one master server is mandatory. The plugin will issue an error of type E_ERROR if the user has failed to provide a master server list for a configuration section. The fatal error may read (mysqlnd_ms) Section [master] doesn't exist for host [name_of_a_config_section] in %s on line %d.

A server is described with the host, port, socket, db, user, password and connect_flags. It is mandatory to provide at a value for host. If any of the other values is not given, it will be taken from the user API connect call, please, see also: using section names example.

Table of server configuration keywords.


Database server host. This is a mandatory setting. Failing to provide, will cause an error of type E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR when the plugin tries to connect to the server. The error message may read (mysqlnd_ms) Cannot find [host] in [%s] section in config in %s on line %d.

Since 1.1.0.

Database server TCP/IP port.

Since 1.1.0.

Database server Unix domain socket.

Since 1.1.0.

Database (schemata).

Since 1.1.0.

MySQL database user.

Since 1.1.0.

MySQL database user password.

Since 1.1.0.

Connection flags.

Since 1.1.0.

The plugin supports using only one master server. An experimental setting exists to enable multi-master support. The details are not documented. The setting is meant for development only.

slave array or object

List of one or more MySQL replication slave servers. The syntax is identical to setting master servers, please, see master above for details.

The plugin supports using one or more slave servers.

Setting a list of slave servers is mandatory. The plugin will report an error of the type E_ERROR if slave is not given for a configuration section. The fatal error message may read (mysqlnd_ms) Section [slave] doesn't exist for host [%s] in %s on line %d. Note, that it is valid to use an empty slave server list. The error has been introduced to prevent accidently setting no slaves by forgetting about the slave setting. A master-only setup is still possible using an empty slave server list.

If an empty slave list is configured and an attempt is made to execute a statement on a slave the plugin may emit a warning like mysqlnd_ms) Couldn't find the appropriate slave connection. 0 slaves to choose from. upon statement execution. It is possible that another warning follows such as (mysqlnd_ms) No connection selected by the last filter.

global_transaction_id_injection array or object

Global transaction identifier configuration related to both the use of the server built-in global transaction ID feature and the client-side emulation.


SQL statement for accessing the latest global transaction identifier. The SQL statement is run if the plugin needs to know the most recent global transaction identifier. This can be the case, for example, when checking MySQL Replication slave status. Also used with mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid.

Since 1.2.0.

SQL statement for checking if a replica has replicated all transactions up to and including ones searched for. The SQL statement is run when searching for replicas which can offer a higher level of consistency than eventual consistency. The statement must contain a placeholder #GTID which is to be replaced with the global transaction identifier searched for by the plugin. Please, check the quickstart for examples.

Since 1.2.0.

Whether to emit an error of type warning if an issue occurs while executing any of the configured SQL statements.

Since 1.2.0.

Client-side global transaction ID emulation only. SQL statement to run when a transaction finished to update the global transaction identifier sequence number on the master. Please, see the quickstart for examples.

Since 1.2.0.

Instructs the plugin to wait up to wait_for_gtid_timeout seconds for a slave to catch up when searching for slaves that can deliver session consistency. The setting limits the time spend for polling the slave status. If polling the status takes very long, the total clock time spend waiting may exceed wait_for_gtid_timeout. The plugin calls sleep(1) to sleep one second between each two polls.

The setting can be used both with the plugins client-side emulation and the server-side global transaction identifier feature of MySQL 5.6.

Waiting for a slave to replicate a certain GTID needed for session consistency also means throttling the client. By throttling the client the write load on the master is reduced indirectly. A primary copy based replication system, such as MySQL Replication, is given more time to reach a consistent state. This can be desired, for example, to increase the number of data copies for high availability considerations or to prevent the master from being overloaded.

Since 1.4.0.
filters object

List of filters. A filter is responsible to filter the list of available servers for executing a given statement. Filters can be chained. The random and roundrobin filter replace the pick[] directive used in prior version to select a load balancing policy. The user filter replaces the mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server function.

Filters may accept parameters to refine their actions.

If no load balancing policy is set, the plugin will default to random_once. The random_once policy picks a random slave server when running the first read-only statement. The slave server will be used for all read-only statements until the PHP script execution ends. No load balancing policy is set and thus, defaulting takes place, if neither the random nor the roundrobin are part of a configuration section.

If a filter chain is configured so that a filter which output no more than once server is used as input for a filter which should be given more than one server as input, the plugin may emit a warning upon opening a connection. The warning may read: (mysqlnd_ms) Error while creating filter '%s' . Non-multi filter '%s' already created. Stopping in %s on line %d. Futhermore an error of the error code 2000, the sql state HY000 and an error message similar to the warning may be set on the connection handle.

Example 22.263. Invalid filter sequence

   { "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "filters": [ "roundrobin", "random" ] }} 
<?php$link = new mysqli("myapp", "root", "", "test");printf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error());$link->query("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL");?> 

The above example will output:

PHP Warning:  mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2000): (mysqlnd_ms) Error while creating filter 'random' . Non-multi filter 'roundrobin' already created. Stopping in filter_warning.php on line 1 [2000] (mysqlnd_ms) Error while creating filter 'random' . Non-multi filter 'roundrobin' already created. StoppingPHP Warning:  mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in filter_warning.php on line 3
Filter: random object

The random filter features the random and random once load balancing policies, set through the pick[] directive in older versions.

The random policy will pick a random server whenever a read-only statement is to be executed. The random once strategy picks a random slave server once and continues using the slave for the rest of the PHP web request. Random once is a default, if load balancing is not configured through a filter.

If the random filter is not given any arguments, it stands for random load balancing policy.

Example 22.264. Random load balancing with random filter

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" }, "slave_1": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "filters": [ "random" ] }}

Optionally, the sticky argument can be passed to the filter. If the parameter sticky is set to the string 1, the filter follows the random once load balancing strategy.

Example 22.265. Random once load balancing with random filter

{ "filters": { "random": { "sticky": "1" } }}

Both the random and roundrobin filters support setting a priority, a weight for a server, since PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.4.0. If the weight argument is passed to the filter, it must assign a weight for all servers. Servers must be given an alias name in the slave respectively master server lists. The alias must be used to reference servers for assigning a priority with weight.

Example 22.266. Referencing error

[E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR] mysqli_real_connect(): (mysqlnd_ms) Unknown server 'slave3' in 'random' filter configuration. Stopping in %s on line %d

Using a wrong alias name with weight may result in an error similar to the shown above.

If weight is omitted, the default weight of all servers is one.

Example 22.267. Assigning a weight for load balancing

{   "myapp": {   "master": {   "master1":{   "host":"localhost",   "socket":"\/var\/run\/mysql\/mysql.sock"   }   },   "slave": {   "slave1": {   "host":"",   "port":3306   },   "slave2": {   "host":"",   "port":3306   },   "slave3": {   "host":"",   "port":3306   },   },   "filters": {   "random": {   "weights": {   "slave1":8,   "slave2":4,   "slave3":1,   "master1":1   }   }   }   }}

At the average a server assigned a weight of two will be selected twice as often as a server assigned a weight of one. Different weights can be assigned to reflect differently sized machines, to prefer co-located slaves which have a low network latency or, to configure a standby failover server. In the latter case, you may want to assign the standby server a very low weight in relation to the other servers. For example, given the configuration above slave3 will get only some eight percent of the requests in the average. As long as slave1 and slave2 are running, it will be used sparsely, similar to a standby failover server. Upon failure of slave1 and slave2, the usage of slave3 increases. Please, check the notes on failover before using weight this way.

Valid weight values range from 1 to 65535.

Unknown arguments are ignored by the filter. No warning or error is given.

The filter expects one or more servers as input. Outputs one server. A filter sequence such as random, roundrobin may cause a warning and an error message to be set on the connection handle when executing a statement.

List of filter arguments.


Enables or disabled random once load balancing policy. See above.

Since 1.2.0.

Assigns a load balancing weight/priority to a server. Please, see above for a description.

Since 1.4.0.
Filter: roundrobin object

If using the roundrobin filter, the plugin iterates over the list of configured slave servers to pick a server for statement execution. If the plugin reaches the end of the list, it wraps around to the beginning of the list and picks the first configured slave server.

Example 22.268. roundrobin filter

   { "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "filters": [ "roundrobin" ] }}

Expects one or more servers as input. Outputs one server. A filter sequence such as roundrobin, random may cause a warning and an error message to be set on the connection handle when executing a statement.

List of filter arguments.


Assigns a load balancing weight/priority to a server. Please, find a description above.

Since 1.4.0.
Filter: user object

The user replaces mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server function, which was removed in 1.1.0-beta. The filter sets a callback for user-defined read/write splitting and server selection.

The plugins built-in read/write query split mechanism decisions can be overwritten in two ways. The easiest way is to prepend a query string with the SQL hints MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH , MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH or MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH . Using SQL hints one can control, for example, whether a query shall be send to the MySQL replication master server or one of the slave servers. By help of SQL hints it is not possible to pick a certain slave server for query execution.

Full control on server selection can be gained using a callback function. Use of a callback is recommended to expert users only because the callback has to cover all cases otherwise handled by the plugin.

The plugin will invoke the callback function for selecting a server from the lists of configured master and slave servers. The callback function inspects the query to run and picks a server for query execution by returning the hosts URI, as found in the master and slave list.

If the lazy connections are enabled and the callback chooses a slave server for which no connection has been established so far and establishing the connection to the slave fails, the plugin will return an error upon the next action on the failed connection, for example, when running a query. It is the responsibility of the application developer to handle the error. For example, the application can re-run the query to trigger a new server selection and callback invocation. If so, the callback must make sure to select a different slave, or check slave availability, before returning to the plugin to prevent an endless loop.

Example 22.269. Setting a callback

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "filters": { "user": { "callback": "pick_server" } } }}

The callback is supposed to return a host to run the query on. The host URI is to be taken from the master and slave connection lists passed to the callback function. If callback returns a value neither found in the master nor in the slave connection lists the plugin will emit an error of the type E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR The error may read like (mysqlnd_ms) User filter callback has returned an unknown server. The server 'server that is not in master or slave list' can neither be found in the master list nor in the slave list. If the application catches the error to ignore it, follow up errors may be set on the connection handle, for example, (mysqlnd_ms) No connection selected by the last filter with the error code 2000 and the sqlstate HY000. Furthermore a warning may be emitted.

Referencing a non-existing function as a callback will result in any error of the type E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR whenever the plugin tries to callback function. The error message may reads like: (mysqlnd_ms) Specified callback (pick_server) is not a valid callback. If the application catches the error to ignore it, follow up errors may be set on the connection handle, for example, (mysqlnd_ms) Specified callback (pick_server) is not a valid callback with the error code 2000 and the sqlstate HY000. Furthermore a warning may be emitted.

The following parameters are passed from the plugin to the callback.


URI of the currently connected database server.

Since 1.1.0.

Query string of the statement for which a server needs to be picked.

Since 1.1.0.

List of master servers to choose from. Note, that the list of master servers may not be identical to the list of configured master servers if the filter is not the first in the filter chain. Previously run filters may have reduced the master list already.

Since 1.1.0.

List of slave servers to choose from. Note, that the list of master servers may not be identical to the list of configured master servers if the filter is not the first in the filter chain. Previously run filters may have reduced the master list already.

Since 1.1.0.

URI of the server of the connection used to execute the previous statement on.

Since 1.1.0.

Boolean flag indicating whether the statement is part of an open transaction. If autocommit mode is turned off, this will be set to TRUE . Otherwise it is set to FALSE .

Transaction detection is based on monitoring the mysqlnd library call set_autocommit. Monitoring is not possible before PHP 5.4.0. Please, see connection pooling and switching concepts discussion for further details.

Since 1.1.0.

Example 22.270. Using a callback

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" }, "slave_1": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "filters": { "user": { "callback": "pick_server" } } }} 
<?phpfunction pick_server($connected, $query, $masters, $slaves, $last_used_connection,$in_transaction){ static $slave_idx = 0; static $num_slaves = NULL; if (is_null($num_slaves))  $num_slaves = count($slaves); /* default: fallback to the plugins build-in logic */ $ret = NULL; printf("User has connected to '%s'...\n", $connected); printf("... deciding where to run '%s'\n", $query); $where = mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select($query); switch ($where) {  case MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_MASTER:   printf("... using master\n");   $ret = $masters[0];   break;  case MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_SLAVE:   /* SELECT or SQL hint for using slave */   if (stristr($query, "FROM table_on_slave_a_only"))   { /* a table which is only on the first configured slave  */ printf("... access to table available only on slave A detected\n"); $ret = $slaves[0];   }   else   { /* round robin */ printf("... some read-only query for a slave\n"); $ret = $slaves[$slave_idx++ % $num_slaves];   }   break;  case MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_LAST_USED:   printf("... using last used server\n");   $ret = $last_used_connection;   break; } printf("... ret = '%s'\n", $ret); return $ret;}$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "root", "", "test");if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL"))) printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);else $res->close();if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT 2 FROM DUAL"))) printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);else $res->close();if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM table_on_slave_a_only"))) printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);else $res->close();$mysqli->close();?> 

The above example will output:

User has connected to 'myapp'...... deciding where to run 'SELECT 1 FROM DUAL'... some read-only query for a slave... ret = 'tcp://'User has connected to 'myapp'...... deciding where to run 'SELECT 2 FROM DUAL'... some read-only query for a slave... ret = 'tcp://'User has connected to 'myapp'...... deciding where to run 'SELECT * FROM table_on_slave_a_only'... access to table available only on slave A detected... ret = 'tcp://'
Filter: user_multi object

The user_multi differs from the user only in one aspect. Otherwise, their syntax is identical. The user filter must pick and return exactly one node for statement execution. A filter chain usually ends with a filter that emits only one node. The filter chain shall reduce the list of candidates for statement execution down to one. This, only one node left, is the case after the user filter has been run.

The user_multi filter is a multi filter. It returns a list of slave and a list of master servers. This list needs further filtering to identify exactly one node for statement execution. A multi filter is typically placed at the top of the filter chain. The quality_of_service filter is another example of a multi filter.

The return value of the callback set for user_multi must be an an array with two elements. The first element holds a list of selected master servers. The second element contains a list of selected slave servers. The lists shall contain the keys of the slave and master servers as found in the slave and master lists passed to the callback. The below example returns random master and slave lists extracted from the functions input.

Example 22.271. Returning random masters and slaves

<?phpfunction pick_server($connected, $query, $masters, $slaves, $last_used_connection,$in_transaction){  $picked_masters = array()  foreach ($masters as $key => $value) { if (mt_rand(0, 2) > 1)  $picked_masters[] = $key;  }  $picked_slaves = array()  foreach ($slaves as $key => $value) { if (mt_rand(0, 2) > 1)  $picked_slaves[] = $key;  }  return array($picked_masters, $picked_slaves);}?>

The plugin will issue an error of type E_RECOVERABLE if the callback fails to return a server list. The error may read (mysqlnd_ms) User multi filter callback has not returned a list of servers to use. The callback must return an array in %s on line %d. In case the server list is not empty but has invalid servers key/ids in it, an error of type E_RECOVERABLE will the thrown with an error message like (mysqlnd_ms) User multi filter callback has returned an invalid list of servers to use. Server id is negative in %s on line %d, or similar.

Whether an error is emitted in case of an empty slave or master list depends on the configuration. If an empty master list is returned for a write operation, it is likely that the plugin will emit a warning that may read (mysqlnd_ms) Couldn't find the appropriate master connection. 0 masters to choose from. Something is wrong in %s on line %d. Typically a follow up error of type E_ERROR will happen. In case of a read operation and an empty slave list the behavior depends on the fail over configuration. If fail over to master is enabled, no error should appear. If fail over to master is deactivated the plugin will emit a warning that may read (mysqlnd_ms) Couldn't find the appropriate slave connection. 0 slaves to choose from. Something is wrong in %s on line %d.

Filter: quality_of_service object

The quality_of_service identifies cluster nodes capable of delivering a certain quality of service. It is a multi filter which returns zero, one or multiple of its input servers. Thus, it must be followed by other filters to reduce the number of candidates down to one for statement execution.

The quality_of_service filter has been introduced in 1.2.0-alpha. In the 1.2 series the filters focus is on the consistency aspect of service quality. Different types of clusters offer different default data consistencies. For example, an asynchronous MySQL replication slave offers eventual consistency. The slave may not be able to deliver requested data because it has not replicated the write, it may serve stale database because its lagging behind or it may serve current information. Often, this is acceptable. In some cases higher consistency levels are needed for the application to work correct. In those cases, the quality_of_service can filter out cluster nodes which cannot deliver the necessary quality of service.

The quality_of_service filter can be replaced or created at runtime. A successful call to mysqlnd_ms_set_qos removes all existing qos filter entries from the filter list and installs a new one at the very beginning. All settings that can be made through mysqlnd_ms_set_qos can also be in the plugins configuration file. However, use of the function is by far the most common use case. Instead of setting session consistency and strong consistency service levels in the plugins configuration file it is recommended to define only masters and no slaves. Both service levels will force the use of masters only. Using an empty slave list shortens the configuration file, thus improving readability. The only service level for which there is a case of defining in the plugins configuration file is the combination of eventual consistency and maximum slave lag.


Request eventual consistency. Allows the use of all master and slave servers. Data returned may or may not be current.

Eventual consistency accepts an optional age parameter. If age is given the plugin considers only slaves for reading for which MySQL replication reports a slave lag less or equal to age. The replication lag is measure using SHOW SLAVE STATUS. If the plugin fails to fetch the replication lag, the slave tested is skipped. Implementation details and tips are given in the quality of service concepts section.

Please note, if a filter chain generates an empty slave list and the PHP configuration directive mysqlnd_ms.multi_master=0 is used, the plugin may emit a warning.

Example 22.272. Global limit on slave lag

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" }, "slave_1": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "filters": { "quality_of_service": { "eventual_consistency": { "age":123 } } } }}
Since 1.2.0.

Request session consistency (read your writes). Allows use of all masters and all slaves which are in sync with the master. If no further parameters are given slaves are filtered out as there is no reliable way to test if a slave has caught up to the master or is lagging behind. Please note, if a filter chain generates an empty slave list and the PHP configuration directive mysqlnd_ms.multi_master=0 is used, the plugin may emit a warning.

Session consistency temporarily requested using mysqlnd_ms_set_qos is a valuable alternative to using master_on_write. master_on_write is likely to send more statements to the master than needed. The application may be able to continue operation at a lower consistency level after it has done some critical reads.

Since 1.1.0.

Request strong consistency. Only masters will be used.

Since 1.2.0.
failover Up to and including 1.3.x: string. Since 1.4.0: object.

Failover policy. Supported policies: disabled (default), master, loop_before_master (Since 1.4.0).

If no failover policy is set, the plugin will not do any automatic failover (failover=disabled). Whenever the plugin fails to connect a server it will emit a warning and set the connections error code and message. Thereafter it is up to the application to handle the error and, for example, resent the last statement to trigger the selection of another server.

Please note, the automatic failover logic is applied when opening connections only. Once a connection has been opened no automatic attempts are made to reopen it in case of an error. If, for example, the server a connection is connected to is shut down and the user attempts to run a statement on the connection, no automatic failover will be tried. Instead, an error will be reported.

If using failover=master the plugin will implicitly failover to a master, if available. Please check the concepts documentation to learn about potential pitfalls and risks of using failover=master.

Example 22.273. Optional master failover when failing to connect to slave(PECL/mysqlnd_ms < 1.4.0)

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "failover": "master" }}

Since PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.4.0 the failover configuration keyword refers to an object.

Example 22.274. New syntax since 1.4.0

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "failover": {"strategy": "master" } }}

Failover policy. Possible values: disabled (default), master, loop_before_master

A value of disabled disables automatic failover.

Setting master instructs the plugin to try to connect to a master in case of a slave connection error. If the master connection attempt fails, the plugin exists the failover loop and returns an error to the user.

If using loop_before_master and a slave request is made, the plugin tries to connect to other slaves before failing over to a master. If multiple master are given and multi master is enabled, the plugin also loops over the list of masters and attempts to connect before returning an error to the user.

Since 1.4.0.

Remember failures for the duration of a web request. Default: false.

If set to true the plugin will remember failed hosts and skip the hosts in all future load balancing made for the duration of the current web request.

Since 1.4.0. Experimental feature. The feature is only available together with the random and roundrobin load balancing filter. The behavior and syntax is likely to change in the future.

Maximum number of connection attempts before skipping host. Default: 0 (no limit).

The setting is used to prevent hosts from being dropped of the host list upon the first failure. If set to n > 0, the plugin will keep the node in the node list even after a failed connection attempt. The node will not be removed immediately from the slave respectively master lists after the first connection failure but instead be tried to connect to up to n times in future load balancing rounds before being removed.

Since 1.4.0. Experimental feature. The feature is only available together with the random and roundrobin load balancing filter. The behavior and syntax is likely tochange in the future.

Setting failover to any other value but disabled, master or loop_before_master will not emit any warning or error.

lazy_connections bool

Controls the use of lazy connections. Lazy connections are connections which are not opened before the client sends the first connection. Lazy connections are a default.

It is strongly recommended to use lazy connections. Lazy connections help to keep the number of open connections low. If you disable lazy connections and, for example, configure one MySQL replication master server and two MySQL replication slaves, the plugin will open three connections upon the first call to a connect function although the application might use the master connection only.

Lazy connections bare a risk if you make heavy use of actions which change the state of a connection. The plugin does not dispatch all state changing actions to all connections from the connection pool. The few dispatched actions are applied to already opened connections only. Lazy connections opened in the future are not affected. Only some settings are "remembered" and applied when lazy connections are opened.

Example 22.275. Disabling lazy connection

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "lazy_connections": 0 }}

Please, see also server_charset to overcome potential problems with string escaping and servers using different default charsets.

server_charset string

The setting has been introduced in 1.4.0. It is recommended to set it if using lazy connections.

The server_charset setting serves two purposes. It acts as a fallback charset to be used for string escaping done before a connection has been established and it helps to avoid escaping pitfalls in heterogeneous environments which servers using different default charsets.

String escaping takes a connections charset into account. String escaping is not possible before a connection has been opened and the connections charset is known. The use of lazy connections delays the actual opening of connections until a statement is send.

An application using lazy connections may attempt to escape a string before sending a statement. In fact, this should be a common case as the statement string may contain the string that is to be escaped. However, due to the lazy connection feature no connection has been opened yet and escaping fails. The plugin may report an error of the type E_WARNING and a message like (mysqlnd_ms) string escaping doesn't work without established connection. Possible solution is to add server_charset to your configuration to inform you of the pitfall.

Setting server_charset makes the plugin use the given charset for string escaping done on lazy connection handles before establishing a network connection to MySQL. Furthermore, the plugin will enforce the use of the charset when the connection is established.

Enforcing the use of the configured charset used for escaping is done to prevent tapping into the pitfall of using a different charset for escaping than used later for the connection. This has the additional benefit of removing the need to align the charset configuration of all servers used. No matter what the default charset on any of the servers is, the plugin will set the configured one as a default.

The plugin does not stop the user from changing the charset at any time using the set_charset call or corresponding SQL statements. Please, note that the use of SQL is not recommended as it cannot be monitored by the plugin. The user can, for example, change the charset on a lazy connection handle after escaping a string and before the actual connection is opened. The charset set by the user will be used for any subsequent escaping before the connection is established. The connection will be established using the configured charset, no matter what the server charset is or what the user has set before. Once a connection has been opened, set_charset is of no meaning anymore.

Example 22.276. String escaping on a lazy connection handle

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "lazy_connections": 1, "server_charset" : "utf8" }} 
<?php$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");$mysqli->real_escape("this will be escaped using the server_charset setting - utf8");$mysqli->set_charset("latin1");$mysqli->real_escape("this will be escaped using latin1");/* server_charset implicitly set - utf8 connection */$mysqli->query("SELECT 'This connection will be set to server_charset upon establishing'AS _msg FROM DUAL");/* latin1 used from now on */$mysqli->set_charset("latin1");?>
master_on_write bool

If set, the plugin will use the master server only after the first statement has been executed on the master. Applications can still send statements to the slaves using SQL hints to overrule the automatic decision.

The setting may help with replication lag. If an application runs an INSERT the plugin will, by default, use the master to execute all following statements, including SELECT statements. This helps to avoid problems with reads from slaves which have not replicated the INSERT yet.

Example 22.277. Master on write for consistent reads

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "master_on_write": 1 }}

Please, note the quality_of_service filter introduced in version 1.2.0-alpha. It gives finer control, for example, for achieving read-your-writes and, it offers additional functionality introducing service levels.

trx_stickiness string

Transaction stickiness policy. Supported policies: disabled (default), master.

The setting requires 5.4.0 or newer. If used with PHP older than 5.4.0, the plugin will emit a warning like (mysqlnd_ms) trx_stickiness strategy is not supported before PHP 5.3.99.

If no transaction stickiness policy is set or, if setting trx_stickiness=disabled, the plugin is not transaction aware. Thus, the plugin may load balance connections and switch connections in the middle of a transaction. The plugin is not transaction safe. SQL hints must be used avoid connection switches during a transaction.

As of PHP 5.4.0 the mysqlnd library allows the plugin to monitor the autocommit mode set by calls to the libraries set_autocommit() function. If setting set_stickiness=master and autocommit gets disabled by a PHP MySQL extension invoking the mysqlnd library internal function call set_autocommit(), the plugin is made aware of the begin of a transaction. Then, the plugin stops load balancing and directs all statements to the master server until autocommit is enabled. Thus, no SQL hints are required.

An example of a PHP MySQL API function calling the mysqlnd library internal function call set_autocommit() is mysqli_autocommit.

Although setting ser_stickiness=master, the plugin cannot be made aware of autocommit mode changes caused by SQL statements such as SET AUTOCOMMIT=0.

Example 22.278. Using master to execute transactions

{ "myapp": { "master": { "master_0": { "host": "localhost" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } }, "trx_stickiness": "master" }} Plugin configuration file (<= 1.0.x)

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.


The below description applies to PECL/mysqlnd_ms < 1.1.0-beta. It is not valid for later versions.

The plugin is using its own configuration file. The configuration file holds information on the MySQL replication master server, the MySQL replication slave servers, the server pick (load balancing) policy, the failover strategy and the use of lazy connections.

The PHP configuration directive mysqlnd_ms.ini_file is used to set the plugins configuration file.

The configuration file mimics standard the php.ini format. It consists of one or more sections. Every section defines its own unit of settings. There is no global section for setting defaults.

Applications reference sections by their name. Applications use section names as the host (server) parameter to the various connect methods of the mysqli, mysql and PDO_MYSQL extensions. Upon connect the mysqlnd plugin compares the hostname with all section names from the plugin configuration file. If hostname and section name match, the plugin will load the sections settings.

Example 22.279. Using section names example

[myapp]master[] = localhostslave[] =[] =[localhost]master[] = localhost:/tmp/mysql/mysql.sockslave[] =[] = 
<?php/* All of the following connections will be load balanced */$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=myapp;dbname=database', 'username', 'password');$mysql = mysql_connect("myapp", "username", "password");$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "username", "password", "database");?>

Section names are strings. It is valid to use a section name such as, or localhost. If, for example, an application connects to localhost and a plugin configuration section [localhost] exists, the semantics of the connect operation are changed. The application will no longer only use the MySQL server running on the host localhost but the plugin will start to load balance MySQL queries following the rules from the [localhost] configuration section. This way you can load balance queries from an application without changing the applications source code.

The master[], slave[] and pick[] configuration directives use a list-like syntax. Configuration directives supporting list-like syntax may appear multiple times in a configuration section. The plugin maintains the order in which entries appear when interpreting them. For example, the below example shows two slave[] configuration directives in the configuration section [myapp]. If doing round-robin load balancing for read-only queries, the plugin will send the first read-only query to the MySQL server mysql_slave_1 because it is the first in the list. The second read-only query will be send to the MySQL server mysql_slave_2 because it is the second in the list. Configuration directives supporting list-like syntax result are ordered from top to bottom in accordance to their appearance within a configuration section.

Example 22.280. List-like syntax

[myapp]master[] = mysql_master_serverslave[] = mysql_slave_1slave[] = mysql_slave_2

Here is a short explanation of the configuration directives that can be used.

master[] string

URI of a MySQL replication master server. The URI follows the syntax hostname[:port|unix_domain_socket].

The plugin supports using only one master server.

Setting a master server is mandatory. The plugin will report a warning upon connect if the user has failed to provide a master server for a configuration section. The warning may read (mysqlnd_ms) Cannot find master section in config. Furthermore the plugin may set an error code for the connection handle such as HY000/2000 (CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR). The corresponding error message depends on your language settings.

slave[] string

URI of one or more MySQL replication slave servers. The URI follows the syntax hostname[:port|unix_domain_socket].

The plugin supports using one or more slave servers.

Setting a slave server is mandatory. The plugin will report a warning upon connect if the user has failed to provide at least one slave server for a configuration section. The warning may read (mysqlnd_ms) Cannot find slaves section in config. Furthermore the plugin may set an error code for the connection handle such as HY000/2000 (CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR). The corresponding error message depends on your language settings.

pick[] string

Load balancing (server picking) policy. Supported policies: random, random_once (default), roundrobin, user.

If no load balancing policy is set, the plugin will default to random_once. The random_once policy picks a random slave server when running the first read-only statement. The slave server will be used for all read-only statements until the PHP script execution ends.

The random policy will pick a random server whenever a read-only statement is to be executed.

If using roundrobin the plugin iterates over the list of configured slave servers to pick a server for statement execution. If the plugin reaches the end of the list, it wraps around to the beginning of the list and picks the first configured slave server.

Setting more than one load balancing policy for a configuration section makes only sense in conjunction with user and mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server. If the user defined callback fails to pick a server, the plugin falls back to the second configured load balancing policy.

failover string

Failover policy. Supported policies: disabled (default), master.

If no failover policy is set, the plugin will not do any automatic failover (failover=disabled). Whenever the plugin fails to connect a server it will emit a warning and set the connections error code and message. Thereafter it is up to the application to handle the error and, for example, resent the last statement to trigger the selection of another server.

If using failover=master the plugin will implicitly failover to a slave, if available. Please check the concepts documentation to learn about potential pitfalls and risks of using failover=master.

lazy_connections bool

Controls the use of lazy connections. Lazy connections are connections which are not opened before the client sends the first connection.

It is strongly recommended to use lazy connections. Lazy connections help to keep the number of open connections low. If you disable lazy connections and, for example, configure one MySQL replication master server and two MySQL replication slaves, the plugin will open three connections upon the first call to a connect function although the application might use the master connection only.

Lazy connections bare a risk if you make heavy use of actions which change the state of a connection. The plugin does not dispatch all state changing actions to all connections from the connection pool. The few dispatched actions are applied to already opened connections only. Lazy connections opened in the future are not affected. If, for example, the connection character set is changed using a PHP MySQL API call, the plugin will change the character set of all currently opened connection. It will not remember the character set change to apply it on lazy connections opened in the future. As a result the internal connection pool would hold connections using different character sets. This is not desired. Remember that character sets are taken into account for escaping.

master_on_write bool

If set, the plugin will use the master server only after the first statement has been executed on the master. Applications can still send statements to the slaves using SQL hints to overrule the automatic decision.

The setting may help with replication lag. If an application runs an INSERT the plugin will, by default, use the master to execute all following statements, including SELECT statements. This helps to avoid problems with reads from slaves which have not replicated the INSERT yet.

trx_stickiness string

Transaction stickiness policy. Supported policies: disabled (default), master.

Experimental feature.

The setting requires 5.4.0 or newer. If used with PHP older than 5.4.0, the plugin will emit a warning like (mysqlnd_ms) trx_stickiness strategy is not supported before PHP 5.3.99.

If no transaction stickiness policy is set or, if setting trx_stickiness=disabled, the plugin is not transaction aware. Thus, the plugin may load balance connections and switch connections in the middle of a transaction. The plugin is not transaction safe. SQL hints must be used avoid connection switches during a transaction.

As of PHP 5.4.0 the mysqlnd library allows the plugin to monitor the autocommit mode set by calls to the libraries trx_autocommit() function. If setting trx_stickiness=master and autocommit gets disabled by a PHP MySQL extension invoking the mysqlnd library internal function call trx_autocommit(), the plugin is made aware of the begin of a transaction. Then, the plugin stops load balancing and directs all statements to the master server until autocommit is enabled. Thus, no SQL hints are required.

An example of a PHP MySQL API function calling the mysqlnd library internal function call trx_autocommit() is mysqli_autocommit.

Although setting trx_stickiness=master, the plugin cannot be made aware of autocommit mode changes caused by SQL statements such as SET AUTOCOMMIT=0. Testing

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.


The section applies to mysqlnd_ms 1.1.0 or newer, not the 1.0 series.

The PECL/mysqlnd_ms test suite is in the tests/ directory of the source distribution. The test suite consists of standard phpt tests, which are described on the PHP Quality Assurance Teams website.

Running the tests requires setting up one to four MySQL servers. Some tests don't connect to MySQL at all. Others require one server for testing. Some require two distinct servers. In some cases two servers are used to emulate a replication setup. In other cases a master and a slave of an existing MySQL replication setup are required for testing. The tests will try to detect how many servers and what kind of servers are given. If the required servers are not found, the test will be skipped automatically.

Before running the tests, edit tests/ to configure the MySQL servers to be used for testing.

The most basic configuration is as follows.

 putenv("MYSQL_TEST_HOST=localhost"); putenv("MYSQL_TEST_PORT=3306"); putenv("MYSQL_TEST_USER=root"); putenv("MYSQL_TEST_PASSWD="); putenv("MYSQL_TEST_DB=test"); putenv("MYSQL_TEST_ENGINE=MyISAM"); putenv("MYSQL_TEST_SOCKET="); putenv("MYSQL_TEST_SKIP_CONNECT_FAILURE=1"); putenv("MYSQL_TEST_CONNECT_FLAGS=0"); putenv("MYSQL_TEST_EXPERIMENTAL=0"); /* replication cluster emulation */ putenv("MYSQL_TEST_EMULATED_MASTER_HOST=". getenv("MYSQL_TEST_HOST")); putenv("MYSQL_TEST_EMULATED_SLAVE_HOST=". getenv("MYSQL_TEST_HOST")); /* real replication cluster */ putenv("MYSQL_TEST_MASTER_HOST=". getenv("MYSQL_TEST_EMULATED_MASTER_HOST")); putenv("MYSQL_TEST_SLAVE_HOST=". getenv("MYSQL_TEST_EMULATED_SLAVE_HOST")); 

MYSQL_TEST_HOST, MYSQL_TEST_PORT and MYSQL_TEST_SOCKET define the hostname, TCP/IP port and Unix domain socket of the default database server. MYSQL_TEST_USER and MYSQL_TEST_PASSWD contain the user and password needed to connect to the database/schema configured with MYSQL_TEST_DB. All configured servers must have the same database user configured to give access to the test database.

Using host, host:port or host:/path/to/socket syntax one can set an alternate host, host and port or host and socket for any of the servers.

putenv("MYSQL_TEST_SLAVE_HOST="));putenv("MYSQL_TEST_MASTER_HOST=myserver_hostname:/path/to/socket")); Debugging and Tracing

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

The mysqlnd debug log can be used to debug and trace the actitivities of PECL/mysqlnd_ms. As a mysqlnd PECL/mysqlnd_ms adds trace information to the mysqlnd library debug file. Please, see the mysqlnd.debug PHP configuration directive documentation for a detailed description on how to configure the debug log.

Configuration setting example to activate the debug log:


The debug log shows mysqlnd library and PECL/mysqlnd_ms plugin function calls, similar to a trace log. Mysqlnd library calls are usually prefixed with mysqlnd_. PECL/mysqlnd internal calls begin with mysqlnd_ms.

Example excerpt from the debug log (connect):

[...]>mysqlnd_connect| info : host=myapp user=root db=test port=3306 flags=131072| >mysqlnd_ms::connect| | >mysqlnd_ms_config_json_section_exists| | | info : section=[myapp] len=[5]| | | >mysqlnd_ms_config_json_sub_section_exists| | | | info : section=[myapp] len=[5]| | | | info : ret=1| | | <mysqlnd_ms_config_json_sub_section_exists| | | info : ret=1| | <mysqlnd_ms_config_json_section_exists[...]   

The debug log is not only useful for plugin developers but also to find the cause of user errors. For example, if your application does not do proper error handling and fails to record error messages, checking the debug and trace log may help finding the cause. Use of the debug log to debug application issues should be considered only if no other option is available. Writing the debug log to disk is a slow operation and may have negative impact on the application performance.

Example excerpt from the debug log (connection failure):

[...]| | | | | | | info : adding error [Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)] to the list| | | | | | | info : PACKET_FREE(0)| | | | | | | info : PACKET_FREE(0x7f3ef6323f50)| | | | | | | info : PACKET_FREE(0x7f3ef6324080)| | | | | | <mysqlnd_auth_handshake| | | | | | info : switch_to_auth_protocol=n/a| | | | | | info : conn->error_info.error_no = 1045| | | | | <mysqlnd_connect_run_authentication| | | | | info : PACKET_FREE(0x7f3ef63236d8)| | | | | >mysqlnd_conn::free_contents| | | | | | >mysqlnd_net::free_contents| | | | | | <mysqlnd_net::free_contents| | | | | | info : Freeing memory of members| | | | | | info : scheme=unix:///tmp/mysql.sock| | | | | | >mysqlnd_error_list_pdtor| | | | | | <mysqlnd_error_list_pdtor| | | | | <mysqlnd_conn::free_contents| | | | <mysqlnd_conn::connect[...]   

The trace log can also be used to verify correct behaviour of PECL/mysqlnd_ms itself, for example, to check which server has been selected for query execution and why.

Example excerpt from the debug log (plugin decision):

[...]>mysqlnd_ms::query| info : query=DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test| >_mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_connection_data| | info : plugin_id=5| <_mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_connection_data| >mysqlnd_ms_pick_server_ex| | info : conn_data=0x7fb6a7d3e5a0 *conn_data=0x7fb6a7d410d0| | >mysqlnd_ms_select_servers_all| | <mysqlnd_ms_select_servers_all| | >mysqlnd_ms_choose_connection_rr| | | >mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select[...]| | | <mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select[...]| | | info : Init the master context| | | info : list(0x7fb6a7d3f598) has 1| | | info : Using master connection| | | >mysqlnd_ms_advanced_connect| | | | >mysqlnd_conn::connect| | | | | info : host=localhost user=root db=test port=3306 flags=131072 persistent=0state=0   

In this case the statement DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test has been executed. Note that the statement string is shown in the log file. You may want to take measures to restrict access to the log for security considerations.

The statement has been load balanced using round robin policy, as you can easily guess from the functions name >mysqlnd_ms_choose_connection_rr. It has been sent to a master server running on host=localhost user=root db=test port=3306 flags=131072 persistent=0 state=0. Monitoring

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

Plugin activity can be monitored using the mysqlnd trace log, mysqlnd statistics, mysqlnd_ms plugin statistics and external PHP debugging tools. Use of the trace log should be limited to debugging. It is recommended to use the plugins statistics for monitoring.

Writing a trace log is a slow operation. If using an external PHP debugging tool, please refer to the vendors manual about its performance impact and the type of information collected. In many cases, external debugging tools will provide call stacks. Often, a call stack or a trace log is more difficult to interpret than the statistics provided by the plugin.

Plugin statistics tell how often which kind of cluster node has been used (slave or master), why the node was used, if lazy connections have been used and if global transaction ID injection has been performed. The monitoring information provided enables user to verify plugin decisions and to plan their cluster resources based on usage pattern. The function mysqlnd_ms_get_stats is used to access the statistics. Please, see the functions description for a list of available statistics.

Statistics are collected on a per PHP process basis. Their scope is a PHP process. Depending on the PHP deployment model a process may serve one or multiple web requests. If using CGI model, a PHP process serves one web request. If using FastCGI or pre-fork web server models, a PHP process usually serves multiple web requests. The same is the case with a threaded web server. Please, note that threads running in parallel can update the statistics in parallel. Thus, if using a threaded PHP deployment model, statistics can be changed by more than one script at a time. A script cannot rely on the fact that it sees only its own changes to statistics.

Example 22.281. Verify plugin activity in a non-threaded deployment model

<?php/* Load balanced following "myapp" section rules from the plugins config file (not shown) */$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (mysqli_connect_errno())  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));$stats_before = mysqlnd_ms_get_stats();if ($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT 'Read request' FROM DUAL")) {  var_dump($res->fetch_all());}$stats_after = mysqlnd_ms_get_stats();if ($stats_after['use_slave'] <= $stats_before['use_slave']) {  echo "According to the statistics the read request has not been run on a slave!";}?>

Statistics are aggregated for all plugin activities and all connections handled by the plugin. It is not possible to tell how much a certain connection handle has contributed to the overall statistics.

Utilizing PHPs register_shutdown_function function or the auto_append_file PHP configuration directive it is easily possible to dump statistics into, for example, a log file when a script finishes. Instead of using a log file it is also possible to send the statistics to an external monitoring tool for recording and display.

Example 22.282. Recording statistics during shutdown

<?phpfunction check_stats() {  $msg = str_repeat("-", 80) . "\n";  $msg .= var_export(mysqlnd_ms_get_stats(), true) . "\n";  $msg .= str_repeat("-", 80) . "\n";  error_log($msg);}register_shutdown_function("check_stats");?> Predefined Constants

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

The constants below are defined by this extension, andwill only be available when the extension has eitherbeen compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.

SQL hint related

Example 22.283. Example demonstrating the usage of mysqlnd_ms constants

The mysqlnd replication and load balancing plugin (mysqlnd_ms) performs read/write splitting. This directs write queries to a MySQL master server, and read-only queries to the MySQL slave servers. The plugin has a built-in read/write split logic. All queries which start with SELECT are considered read-only queries, which are then sent to a MySQL slave server that is listed in the plugin configuration file. All other queries are directed to the MySQL master server that is also specified in the plugin configuration file.

User supplied SQL hints can be used to overrule automatic read/write splitting, to gain full control on the process. SQL hints are standards compliant SQL comments. The plugin will scan the beginning of a query string for an SQL comment for certain commands, which then control query redirection. Other systems involved in the query processing are unaffected by the SQL hints because other systems will ignore the SQL comments.

The plugin supports three SQL hints to direct queries to either the MySQL slave servers, the MySQL master server, or the last used MySQL server. SQL hints must be placed at the beginning of a query to be recognized by the plugin.

For better portability, it is recommended to use the string constants MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH , MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH and MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH instead of their literal values.

<?php/* Use constants for maximum portability */$master_query = "/*" . MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH . "*/SELECT id FROM test";/* Valid but less portable: using literal instead of constant */$slave_query = "/*ms=slave*/SHOW TABLES";printf("master_query = '%s'\n", $master_query);printf("slave_query = '%s'\n", $slave_query);?>   

The above examples will output:

master_query = /*ms=master*/SELECT id FROM testslave_query = /*ms=slave*/SHOW TABLES

SQL hint used to send a query to the MySQL replication master server.
SQL hint used to send a query to one of the MySQL replication slave servers.
SQL hint used to send a query to the last used MySQL server. The last used MySQL server can either be a master or a slave server in a MySQL replication setup.

mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select related

If mysqlnd_ms_is_select returns MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_MASTER for a given query, the built-in read/write split mechanism recommends sending the query to a MySQL replication master server.
If mysqlnd_ms_is_select returns MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_SLAVE for a given query, the built-in read/write split mechanism recommends sending the query to a MySQL replication slave server.
If mysqlnd_ms_is_select returns MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_LAST_USED for a given query, the built-in read/write split mechanism recommends sending the query to the last used server.

mysqlnd_ms_set_qos, quality of service filter and service level related

Use to request the service level eventual consistency from the mysqlnd_ms_set_qos. Eventual consistency is the default quality of service when reading from an asynchronous MySQL replication slave. Data returned in this service level may or may not be stale, depending on whether the selected slaves happens to have replicated the lastest changes from the MySQL replication master or not.
Use to request the service level session consistency from the mysqlnd_ms_set_qos. Session consistency is defined as read your writes. The client is guaranteed to see his latest changes.
Use to request the service level strong consistency from the mysqlnd_ms_set_qos. Strong consistency is used to ensure all clients see each others changes.
Used as a service level option with mysqlnd_ms_set_qos to parameterize session consistency.
Used as a service level option with mysqlnd_ms_set_qos to parameterize eventual consistency.


The plugins version number can be obtained using MYSQLND_MS_VERSION or MYSQLND_MS_VERSION_ID . MYSQLND_MS_VERSION is the string representation of the numerical version number MYSQLND_MS_VERSION_ID , which is an integer such as 10000. Developers can calculate the version number as follows.

Version (part)Example
Major*100001*10000 = 10000
Minor*1000*100 = 0
Patch0 = 0

Plugin version string, for example, "1.0.0-prototype".
Plugin version number, for example, 10000. Mysqlnd_ms Functions

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group. mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

  • mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid

    Returns the latest global transaction ID


string mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid(mixed connection);

Returns a global transaction identifier which belongs to a write operation no older than the last write performed by the client. It is not guaranteed that the global transaction identifier is identical to that one created for the last write transaction performed by the client.



A PECL/mysqlnd_ms connection handle to a MySQL server of the type PDO_MYSQL, mysqli> or ext/mysql. The connection handle is obtained when opening a connection with a host name that matches a mysqlnd_ms configuration file entry using any of the above three MySQL driver extensions.

Return Values

Returns a global transaction ID (GTID) on success. Otherwise, returns FALSE .

The function mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid returns the GTID obtained when executing the SQL statement from the fetch_last_gtid entry of the global_transaction_id_injection section from the plugins configuration file.

The function may be called after the GTID has been incremented.



mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid requires PHP >= 5.4.0 and PECL mysqlnd_ms >= 1.2.0. Internally, it is using a mysqlnd library C functionality not available with PHP 5.3.


Example 22.284. mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtidexample

<?php/* Open mysqlnd_ms connection using mysqli, PDO_MySQL or mysql extension */$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* auto commit mode, transaction on master, GTID must be incremented */if (!$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));printf("GTID after transaction %s\n", mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid($mysqli));/* auto commit mode, transaction on master, GTID must be incremented */if (!$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE test(id INT)"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));printf("GTID after transaction %s\n", mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid($mysqli));?>

See Also

Global Transaction IDs mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connection

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

  • mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connection

    Returns an array which describes the last used connection


array mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connection(mixed connection);

Returns an array which describes the last used connection from the plugins connection pool currently pointed to by the user connection handle. If using the plugin, a user connection handle represents a pool of database connections. It is not possible to tell from the user connection handles properties to which database server from the pool the user connection handle points.

The function can be used to debug or monitor PECL mysqlnd_ms.



A MySQL connection handle obtained from any of the connect functions of the mysqli, mysql or PDO_MYSQL extensions.

Return Values

FALSE on error. Otherwise, an array which describes the connection used to execute the last statement on.

Array which describes the connection.

schemeConnection scheme. Either tcp://host:port or unix://host:socket. If you want to distinguish connections from each other use a combination of scheme and thread_id as a unique key. Neither scheme nor thread_id alone are sufficient to distinguish two connections from each other. Two servers may assign the same thread_id to two different connections. Thus, connections in the pool may have the same thread_id. Also, do not rely on uniqueness of scheme in a pool. Your QA engineers may use the same MySQL server instance for two distinct logical roles and add it multiple times to the pool. This hack is used, for example, in the test suite.Since 1.1.0.
hostDatabase server host used with the connection. The host is only set with TCP/IP connections. It is empty with Unix domain or Windows named pipe connections,Since 1.1.0.
host_infoA character string representing the server hostname and the connection type.Since 1.1.2.
portDatabase server port used with the connection.Since 1.1.0.
socket_or_pipeUnix domain socket or Windows named pipe used with the connection. The value is empty for TCP/IP connections.Since 1.1.2.
thread_idConnection thread id.Since 1.1.0.
last_messageInfo message obtained from the MySQL C API function mysql_info(). Please, see mysqli_infofor a description.Since 1.1.0.
errnoError code.Since 1.1.0.
errorError message.Since 1.1.0.
sqlstateError SQLstate code.Since 1.1.0.



mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connection requires PHP >= 5.4.0 and PECL mysqlnd_ms >> 1.1.0. Internally, it is using a mysqlnd library C call not available with PHP 5.3.


The example assumes that myapp refers to a plugin configuration file section and represents a connection pool.

Example 22.285. mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connectionexample

<?php$link = new mysqli("myapp", "user", "password", "database");$res = $link->query("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL");var_dump(mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connection($link));?> 

The above example will output:

array(10) {  ["scheme"]=>  string(22) "unix:///tmp/mysql.sock"  ["host_info"]=>  string(25) "Localhost via UNIX socket"  ["host"]=>  string(0) ""  ["port"]=>  int(3306)  ["socket_or_pipe"]=>  string(15) "/tmp/mysql.sock"  ["thread_id"]=>  int(46253)  ["last_message"]=>  string(0) ""  ["errno"]=>  int(0)  ["error"]=>  string(0) ""  ["sqlstate"]=>  string(5) "00000"} mysqlnd_ms_get_stats

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

  • mysqlnd_ms_get_stats

    Returns query distribution and connection statistics


array mysqlnd_ms_get_stats();

Returns an array of statistics collected by the replication and load balancing plugin.

The PHP configuration setting mysqlnd_ms.collect_statistics controls the collection of statistics. The collection of statistics is disabled by default for performance reasons.

The scope of the statistics is the PHP process. Depending on your deployment model a PHP process may handle one or multiple requests.

Statistics are aggregated for all connections and all storage handler. It is not possible to tell how much queries originating from mysqli, PDO_MySQL or mysql API calls have contributed to the aggregated data values.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

Returns NULL if the PHP configuration directive mysqlnd_ms.enable has disabled the plugin. Otherwise, returns array of statistics.

Array of statistics


The semantics of this statistic has changed between 1.0.1 - 1.1.0.

The meaning for version 1.0.1 is as follows. Number of statements considered as read-only by the built-in query analyzer. Neither statements which begin with a SQL hint to force use of slave nor statements directed to a slave by an user-defined callback are included. The total number of statements sent to the slaves is use_slave + use_slave_sql_hint + use_slave_callback.

PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.1.0 introduces a new concept of chained filters. The statistics is now set by the internal load balancing filter. With version 1.1.0 the load balancing filter is always the last in the filter chain, if used. In future versions a load balancing filter may be followed by other filters causing another change in the meaning of the statistic. If, in the future, a load balancing filter is followed by another filter it is no longer guaranteed that the statement, which increments use_slave, will be executed on the slaves.

The meaning for version 1.1.0 is as follows. Number of statements sent to the slaves. Statements directed to a slave by the user filter (an user-defined callback) are not included. The latter are counted by use_slave_callback.

Since 1.0.0.

The semantics of this statistic has changed between 1.0.1 - 1.1.0.

The meaning for version 1.0.1 is as follows. Number of statements not considered as read-only by the built-in query analyzer. Neither statements which begin with a SQL hint to force use of master nor statements directed to a master by an user-defined callback are included. The total number of statements sent to the master is use_master + use_master_sql_hint + use_master_callback.

PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.1.0 introduces a new concept of chained filters. The statictics is now set by the internal load balancing filter. With version 1.1.0 the load balancing filter is always the last in the filter chain, if used. In future versions a load balancing filter may be followed by other filters causing another change in the meaning of the statistic. If, in the future, a load balancing filter is followed by another filter it is no longer guaranteed that the statement, which increments use_master, will be executed on the slaves.

The meaning for version 1.1.0 is as follows. Number of statements sent to the masters. Statements directed to a master by the user filter (an user-defined callback) are not included. The latter are counted by use_master_callback.

Since 1.0.0.
use_slave_guessNumber of statements the built-in query analyzer recommends sending to a slave because they contain no SQL hint to force use of a certain server. The recommendation may be overruled in the following. It is not guaranteed whether the statement will be executed on a slave or not. This is how often the internal is_select function has guessed that a slave shall be used. Please, see also the user space function mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select.Since 1.1.0.
use_master_guessNumber of statements the built-in query analyzer recommends sending to a master because they contain no SQL hint to force use of a certain server. The recommendation may be overruled in the following. It is not guaranteed whether the statement will be executed on a slave or not. This is how often the internal is_select function has guessed that a master shall be used. Please, see also the user space function mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select.Since 1.1.0.
use_slave_sql_hintNumber of statements sent to a slave because statement begins with the SQL hint to force use of slave.Since 1.0.0.
use_master_sql_hintNumber of statements sent to a master because statement begins with the SQL hint to force use of master.Since 1.0.0.
use_last_used_sql_hintNumber of statements sent to server which has run the previous statement, because statement begins with the SQL hint to force use of previously used server.Since 1.0.0.
use_slave_callbackNumber of statements sent to a slave because an user-defined callback has chosen a slave server for statement execution.Since 1.0.0.
use_master_callbackNumber of statements sent to a master because an user-defined callback has chosen a master server for statement execution.Since 1.0.0.
non_lazy_connections_slave_successNumber of successfully opened slave connections from configurations not using lazy connections. The total number of successfully opened slave connections is non_lazy_connections_slave_success + lazy_connections_slave_successSince 1.0.0.
non_lazy_connections_slave_failureNumber of failed slave connection attempts from configurations not using lazy connections. The total number of failed slave connection attempts is non_lazy_connections_slave_failure + lazy_connections_slave_failureSince 1.0.0.
non_lazy_connections_master_successNumber of successfully opened master connections from configurations not using lazy connections. The total number of successfully opened master connections is non_lazy_connections_master_success + lazy_connections_master_successSince 1.0.0.
non_lazy_connections_master_failureNumber of failed master connection attempts from configurations not using lazy connections. The total number of failed master connection attempts is non_lazy_connections_master_failure + lazy_connections_master_failureSince 1.0.0.
lazy_connections_slave_successNumber of successfully opened slave connections from configurations using lazy connections.Since 1.0.0.
lazy_connections_slave_failureNumber of failed slave connection attempts from configurations using lazy connections.Since 1.0.0.
lazy_connections_master_successNumber of successfully opened master connections from configurations using lazy connections.Since 1.0.0.
lazy_connections_master_failureNumber of failed master connection attempts from configurations using lazy connections.Since 1.0.0.
trx_autocommit_onNumber of autocommit mode activations via API calls. This figure may be used to monitor activity related to the plugin configuration setting trx_stickiness. If, for example, you want to know if a certain API call invokes the mysqlnd library function trx_autocommit(), which is a requirement for trx_stickiness, you may call the user API function in question and check if the statistic has changed. The statistic is modified only by the plugins internal subclassed trx_autocommit() method.Since 1.0.0.
trx_autocommit_offNumber of autocommit mode deactivations via API calls.Since 1.0.0.
trx_master_forcedNumber of statements redirected to the master while trx_stickiness=master and autocommit mode is disabled.Since 1.0.0.
gtid_autocommit_injections_successNumber of successful SQL injections in autocommit mode as part of the plugins client-side global transaction id emulation.Since 1.2.0.
gtid_autocommit_injections_failureNumber of failed SQL injections in autocommit mode as part of the plugins client-side global transaction id emulation.Since 1.2.0.
gtid_commit_injections_successNumber of successful SQL injections in commit mode as part of the plugins client-side global transaction id emulation.Since 1.2.0.
gtid_commit_injections_failureNumber of failed SQL injections in commit mode as part of the plugins client-side global transaction id emulation.Since 1.2.0.
gtid_implicit_commit_injections_successNumber of successful SQL injections when implicit commit is detected as part of the plugins client-side global transaction id emulation. Implicit commit happens, for example, when autocommit has been turned off, a query is executed and autocommit is enabled again. In that case, the statement will be committed by the server and SQL to maintain is injected before the autocommit is re-enabled.Since 1.2.0.
gtid_implicit_commit_injections_failureNumber of failed SQL injections when implicit commit is detected as part of the plugins client-side global transaction id emulation. Implicit commit happens, for example, when autocommit has been turned off, a query is executed and autocommit is enabled again. In that case, the statement will be committed by the server and SQL to maintain is injected before theautocommit is re-enabled.Since 1.2.0.


Example 22.286. mysqlnd_ms_get_statsexample

<?phpprintf("mysqlnd_ms.enable = %d\n", ini_get("mysqlnd_ms.enable"));printf("mysqlnd_ms.collect_statistics = %d\n", ini_get("mysqlnd_ms.collect_statistics"));var_dump(mysqlnd_ms_get_stats());?> 

The above example will output:

mysqlnd_ms.enable = 1mysqlnd_ms.collect_statistics = 1array(26) {  ["use_slave"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["use_master"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["use_slave_guess"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["use_master_guess"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["use_slave_sql_hint"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["use_master_sql_hint"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["use_last_used_sql_hint"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["use_slave_callback"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["use_master_callback"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["non_lazy_connections_slave_success"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["non_lazy_connections_slave_failure"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["non_lazy_connections_master_success"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["non_lazy_connections_master_failure"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["lazy_connections_slave_success"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["lazy_connections_slave_failure"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["lazy_connections_master_success"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["lazy_connections_master_failure"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["trx_autocommit_on"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["trx_autocommit_off"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["trx_master_forced"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["gtid_autocommit_injections_success"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["gtid_autocommit_injections_failure"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["gtid_commit_injections_success"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["gtid_commit_injections_failure"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["gtid_implicit_commit_injections_success"]=>  string(1) "0"  ["gtid_implicit_commit_injections_failure"]=>  string(1) "0"}

See Also

Runtime configuration
Monitoring mysqlnd_ms_match_wild

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

  • mysqlnd_ms_match_wild

    Finds whether a table name matches a wildcard pattern or not


bool mysqlnd_ms_match_wild(string table_name,
string wildcard);

Finds whether a table name matches a wildcard pattern or not.

This function is not of much practical relevance with PECL mysqlnd_ms 1.1.0 because the plugin does not support MySQL replication table filtering yet.



The table name to check if it is matched by the wildcard.


The wildcard pattern to check against the table name. The wildcard pattern supports the same placeholders as MySQL replication filters do.

MySQL replication filters can be configured by using the MySQL Server configuration options --replicate-wild-do-table and --replicate-wild-do-db. Please, consult the MySQL Reference Manual to learn more about this MySQL Server feature.

The supported placeholders are:

  • % - zero or more literals
  • % - one literal

Placeholders can be escaped using \.

Return Values

Returns TRUE table_name is matched by wildcard. Otherwise, returns FALSE


Example 22.287. mysqlnd_ms_match_wildexample

<?phpvar_dump(mysqlnd_ms_match_wild("schema_name.table_name", "schema%"));var_dump(mysqlnd_ms_match_wild("abc", "_"));var_dump(mysqlnd_ms_match_wild("table1", "table_"));var_dump(mysqlnd_ms_match_wild("asia_customers", "%customers"));var_dump(mysqlnd_ms_match_wild("funny%table","funny\%table"));var_dump(mysqlnd_ms_match_wild("funnytable", "funny%table"));?> 

The above example will output:

bool(true)bool(false)bool(true)bool(true)bool(true)bool(true) mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

  • mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select

    Find whether to send the query to the master, the slave or the last used MySQL server


int mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select(string query);

Finds whether to send the query to the master, the slave or the last used MySQL server.

The plugins built-in read/write split mechanism will be used to analyze the query string to make a recommendation where to send the query. The built-in read/write split mechanism is very basic and simple. The plugin will recommend sending all queries to the MySQL replication master server but those which begin with SELECT, or begin with a SQL hint which enforces sending the query to a slave server. Due to the basic but fast algorithm the plugin may propose to run some read-only statements such as SHOW TABLES on the replication master.



Query string to test.

Return Values

A return value of MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_MASTER indicates that the query should be send to the MySQL replication master server. The function returns a value of MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_SLAVE if the query can be run on a slave because it is considered read-only. A value of MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_LAST_USED is returned to recommend running the query on the last used server. This can either be a MySQL replication master server or a MySQL replication slave server.

If read write splitting has been disabled by setting mysqlnd_ms.disable_rw_split, the function will always return MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_MASTER or MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_LAST_USED .


Example 22.288. mysqlnd_ms_query_is_selectexample

<?phpfunction is_select($query){ switch (mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select($query)) {  case MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_MASTER:   printf("'%s' should be run on the master.\n", $query);   break;  case MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_SLAVE:   printf("'%s' should be run on a slave.\n", $query);   break;  case MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_LAST_USED:   printf("'%s' should be run on the server that has run the previous query\n", $query);   break;  default:   printf("No suggestion where to run the '%s', fallback to master recommended\n", $query);   break; }}is_select("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1)");is_select("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL");is_select("/*" . MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH . "*/SELECT 2 FROM DUAL");?> 

The above example will output:

INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1) should be run on the master.SELECT 1 FROM DUAL should be run on a slave./*ms=last_used*/SELECT 2 FROM DUAL should be run on the server that has run the previous query

See Also

Predefined Constants
user filter mysqlnd_ms_set_qos

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

  • mysqlnd_ms_set_qos

    Sets the quality of service needed from the cluster


bool mysqlnd_ms_set_qos(mixed connection,
int service_level,
int service_level_option,
mixed option_value);

Sets the quality of service needed from the cluster. A database cluster delivers a certain quality of service to the user depending on its architecture. A major aspect of the quality of service is the consistency level the cluster can offer. An asynchronous MySQL replication cluster defaults to eventual consistency for slave reads: a slave may serve stale data, current data, or it may have not the requested data at all, because it is not synchronous to the master. In a MySQL replication cluster, only master accesses can give strong consistency, which promises that all clients see each others changes.

PECL/mysqlnd_ms hides the complexity of choosing appropriate nodes to achieve a certain level of service from the cluster. The "Quality of Service" filter implements the necessary logic. The filter can either be configured in the plugins configuration file, or at runtime using mysqlnd_ms_set_qos.

Similar results can be achieved with PECL mysqlnd_ms < 1.2.0, if using SQL hints to force the use of a certain type of node or using the master_on_write plugin configuration option. The first requires more code and causes more work on the application side. The latter is less refined than using the quality of service filter. Settings made through the function call can be reversed, as shown in the example below. The example temporarily switches to a higher service level (session consistency, read your writes) and returns back to the clusters default after it has performed all operations that require the better service. This way, read load on the master can be minimized compared to using master_on_write, which would continue using the master after the first write.



A PECL/mysqlnd_ms connection handle to a MySQL server of the type PDO_MYSQL, mysqli or ext/mysql for which a service level is to be set. The connection handle is obtained when opening a connection with a host name that matches a mysqlnd_ms configuration file entry using any of the above three MySQL driver extensions.




An option to parameterize the requested service level. The option can either be MYSQLND_MS_QOS_OPTION_GTID or MYSQLND_MS_QOS_OPTION_AGE .

The option MYSQLND_MS_QOS_OPTION_GTID can be used to refine the service level MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_SESSION . It must be combined with a fourth function parameter, the option_value. The option_value shall be a global transaction ID obtained from mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid. If set, the plugin considers both master servers and asynchronous slaves for session consistency (read your writes). Otherwise, only masters are used to achieve session consistency. A slave is considered up-to-date and checked if it has already replicated the global transaction ID from option_value. Please note, searching appropriate slaves is an expensive and slow operation. Use the feature sparsely, if the master cannot handle the read load alone.

The MYSQLND_MS_QOS_OPTION_AGE option can be combined with the MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_EVENTUAL service level, to filter out asynchronous slaves that lag more seconds behind the master than option_value. If set, the plugin will only consider slaves for reading if SHOW SLAVE STATUS reports Slave_IO_Running=Yes, Slave_SQL_Running=Yes and Seconds_Behind_Master <= option_value. Please note, searching appropriate slaves is an expensive and slow operation. Use the feature sparsely in version 1.2.0. Future versions may improve the algorithm used to identify candidates. Please, see the MySQL reference manual about the precision, accuracy and limitations of the MySQL administrative command SHOW SLAVE STATUS.


Parameter value for the service level option. See also the service_level_option parameter.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if the connections service level has been switched to the requested. Otherwise, returns FALSE



mysqlnd_ms_set_qos requires PHP >= 5.4.0 and PECL mysqlnd_ms >= 1.2.0. Internally, it is using a mysqlnd library C functionality not available with PHP 5.3.


Example 22.289. mysqlnd_ms_set_qosexample

<?php/* Open mysqlnd_ms connection using mysqli, PDO_MySQL or mysql extension */$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "username", "password", "database");if (!$mysqli)  /* Of course, your error handling is nicer... */  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error()));/* Session consistency: read your writes */$ret = mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_SESSION);if (!$ret)  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* Will use master and return fresh data, client can see his last write */if (!$res = $mysqli->query("SELECT item, price FROM orders WHERE order_id = 1"))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));/* Back to default: use of all slaves and masters permitted, stale data can happen */if (!mysqlnd_ms_set_qos($mysqli, MYSQLND_MS_QOS_CONSISTENCY_EVENTUAL))  die(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error));?>

See Also

Service level and consistency concept
Filter concept mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

  • mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server

    Sets a callback for user-defined read/write splitting


bool mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server(string function);

Sets a callback for user-defined read/write splitting. The plugin will call the callback only if pick[]=user is the default rule for server picking in the relevant section of the plugins configuration file.

The plugins built-in read/write query split mechanism decisions can be overwritten in two ways. The easiest way is to prepend the query string with the SQL hints MYSQLND_MS_MASTER_SWITCH , MYSQLND_MS_SLAVE_SWITCH or MYSQLND_MS_LAST_USED_SWITCH . Using SQL hints one can control, for example, whether a query shall be send to the MySQL replication master server or one of the slave servers. By help of SQL hints it is not possible to pick a certain slave server for query execution.

Full control on server selection can be gained using a callback function. Use of a callback is recommended to expert users only because the callback has to cover all cases otherwise handled by the plugin.

The plugin will invoke the callback function for selecting a server from the lists of configured master and slave servers. The callback function inspects the query to run and picks a server for query execution by returning the hosts URI, as found in the master and slave list.

If the lazy connections are enabled and the callback chooses a slave server for which no connection has been established so far and establishing the connection to the slave fails, the plugin will return an error upon the next action on the failed connection, for example, when running a query. It is the responsibility of the application developer to handle the error. For example, the application can re-run the query to trigger a new server selection and callback invocation. If so, the callback must make sure to select a different slave, or check slave availability, before returning to the plugin to prevent an endless loop.



The function to be called. Class methods may also be invoked statically using this function by passing array($classname, $methodname) to this parameter. Additionally class methods of an object instance may be called by passing array($objectinstance, $methodname) to this parameter.

Return Values

Host to run the query on. The host URI is to be taken from the master and slave connection lists passed to the callback function. If callback returns a value neither found in the master nor in the slave connection lists the plugin will fallback to the second pick method configured via the pick[] setting in the plugin configuration file. If not second pick method is given, the plugin falls back to the build-in default pick method for server selection.



mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server is available with PECL mysqlnd_ms < 1.1.0. It has been replaced by the user filter. Please, check the Change History for upgrade notes.


Example 22.290. mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_serverexample

[myapp]master[] = localhostslave[] =[] =[] = user 
<?phpfunction pick_server($connected, $query, $master, $slaves, $last_used){ static $slave_idx = 0; static $num_slaves = NULL; if (is_null($num_slaves))  $num_slaves = count($slaves); /* default: fallback to the plugins build-in logic */ $ret = NULL; printf("User has connected to '%s'...\n", $connected); printf("... deciding where to run '%s'\n", $query); $where = mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select($query); switch ($where) {  case MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_MASTER:   printf("... using master\n");   $ret = $master[0];   break;  case MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_USE_SLAVE:   /* SELECT or SQL hint for using slave */   if (stristr($query, "FROM table_on_slave_a_only"))   { /* a table which is only on the first configured slave  */ printf("... access to table available only on slave A detected\n"); $ret = $slaves[0];   }   else   { /* round robin */ printf("... some read-only query for a slave\n"); $ret = $slaves[$slave_idx++ % $num_slaves];   }   break;  case MYSQLND_MS_QUERY_LAST_USED:   printf("... using last used server\n");   $ret = $last_used;   break; } printf("... ret = '%s'\n", $ret); return $ret;}mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server("pick_server");$mysqli = new mysqli("myapp", "root", "root", "test");if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL"))) printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);else $res->close();if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT 2 FROM DUAL"))) printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);else $res->close();if (!($res = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM table_on_slave_a_only"))) printf("[%d] %s\n", $mysqli->errno, $mysqli->error);else $res->close();$mysqli->close();?> 

The above example will output:

User has connected to 'myapp'...... deciding where to run 'SELECT 1 FROM DUAL'... some read-only query for a slave... ret = 'tcp://'User has connected to 'myapp'...... deciding where to run 'SELECT 2 FROM DUAL'... some read-only query for a slave... ret = 'tcp://'User has connected to 'myapp'...... deciding where to run 'SELECT * FROM table_on_slave_a_only'... access to table available only on slave A detected... ret = 'tcp://'

See Also

Filter concept
user filter Change History

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.

This change history is a high level summary of selected changes that may impact applications and/or break backwards compatibility.

See also the CHANGES file in the source distribution for a complete list of changes. PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.5 series

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.


  • Release date: under development
  • Motto/theme: Tweaking based on user feedback

This is the current development series. All features are at an early stage. Changes may happen at any time without prior notice. Please, do not use this version in production environments.

The documentation may not reflect all changes yet.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed #60605 PHP segmentation fault when mysqlnd_ms is enabled

Feature changes

  • Introduced node_group filter. The filter lets you organize servers (master and slaves) in groups. Queries can be directed to a certain group of servers by prefixing the query statement with a SQL hint/comment that contains a groups configuration name. Grouping can be used for partitioning and sharding but also to optimize for cache locality. In case of sharding, think of a group name as a shard key. All queries for a given shard key will be executed on the configured shard. Please, note that sharding setups require both client and server support. PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.4 series

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.


  • Release date: 08/2012
  • Motto/theme: Tweaking based on user feedback

Bug fixes

  • Fixed build with PHP 5.5


  • Release date: 07/2012
  • Motto/theme: Tweaking based on user feedback

Feature changes

  • BC break: Renamed plugin configuration setting ini_file to config_file. In early versions the plugin configuration file used ini style. Back then the configuration setting was named accordingly. It has now been renamed to reflect the newer file format and to distinguish it from PHP's own ini file (configuration directives file).

  • Introduced new default charset setting server_charset to allow proper escaping before a connection is opened. This is most useful when using lazy connections, which are a default.

  • Introduced wait_for_gtid_timeout setting to throttle slave reads that need session consistency. If global transaction identifier are used and the service level is set to session consistency, the plugin tries to find up-to-date slaves. The slave status check is done by a SQL statement. If nothing else is set, the slave status is checked only one can the search for more up-to-date slaves continues immediately thereafter. Setting wait_for_gtid_timeout instructs the plugin to poll a slaves status for wait_for_gtid_timeout seconds if the first execution of the SQL statement has shown that the slave is not up-to-date yet. The poll will be done once per second. This way, the plugin will wait for slaves to catch up and throttle the client.

  • New failover strategy loop_before_master. By default the plugin does no failover. It is possible to enable automatic failover if a connection attempt fails. Upto version 1.3 only master strategy existed to failover to a master if a slave connection fails. loop_before_master is similar but tries all other slaves before attempting to connect to the master if a slave connection fails.

    The number of attempts can be limited using the max_retries option. Failed hosts can be remembered and skipped in load balancing for the rest of the web request. max_retries and remember_failed are considered experimental although decent stability is given. Syntax and semantics may change in the future without prior notice. PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.3 series

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.


  • Release date: 04/2012
  • Motto/theme: see 1.3.0-alpha

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problem with multi-master where although in a transaction the queries to the master weren't sticky and were spread all over the masters (RR). Still not sticky for Random. Random_once is not affected.


  • Release date: 04/2012
  • Motto/theme: see 1.3.0-alpha

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problem with building together with QC.


  • Release date: 04/2012
  • Motto/theme: Query caching through quality-of-service concept

The 1.3 series aims to improve the performance of applications and the overall load of an asynchronous MySQL cluster, for example, a MySQL cluster using MySQL Replication. This is done by transparently replacing a slave access with a local cache access, if the application allows it by setting an appropriate quality of service flag. When using MySQL replication a slave can serve stale data. An application using MySQL replication must continue to work correctly with stale data. Given that the application is know to work correctly with stale data, the slave access can transparently be replace with a local cache access.

PECL/mysqlnd_qc serves as a cache backend. PECL/mysqlnd_qc supports use of various storage locations, among others main memory, APC and MEMCACHE.

Feature changes

  • Added cache option to quality-of-service (QoS) filter.

    • New configure option enable-mysqlnd-ms-cache-support
    • New constant MYSQLND_MS_QOS_OPTION_CACHE to be used with mysqlnd_ms_set_qos.
  • Support for built-in global transaction identifier feature of MySQL 5.6.5-m8 or newer. PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.2 series

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.


  • Release date: 01/2012
  • Motto/theme: see 1.2.0-alpha

Minor test changes.


  • Release date: 11/2011
  • Motto/theme: Global Transaction ID injection and quality-of-service concept

In version 1.2 the focus continues to be on supporting MySQL database clusters with asynchronous replication. The plugin tries to make using the cluster introducing a quality-of-service filter which applications can use to define what service quality they need from the cluster. Service levels provided are eventual consistency with optional maximum age/slave slag, session consistency and strong consistency.

Additionally the plugin can do client-side global transaction id injection to make manual master failover easier.

Feature changes

  • Introduced quality-of-service (QoS) filter. Service levels provided by QoS filter:

    • eventual consistency, optional option slave lag
    • session consistency, optional option GTID
    • strong consistency
  • Added the mysqlnd_ms_set_qos function to set the required connection quality at runtime. The new constants related to mysqlnd_ms_set_qos are:

  • Added client-side global transaction id injection (GTID).

  • New statistics related to GTID:

    • gtid_autocommit_injections_success
    • gtid_autocommit_injections_failure
    • gtid_commit_injections_success
    • gtid_commit_injections_failure
    • gtid_implicit_commit_injections_success
    • gtid_implicit_commit_injections_failure
  • Added mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid to fetch the last global transaction id.

  • Enabled support for multi master without slaves. PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.1 series

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.


  • Release date: 09/2011
  • Motto/theme: Cover replication basics with production quality

The 1.1 and 1.0 series expose a similar feature set. Internally, the 1.1 series has been refactored to plan for future feature additions. A new configuration file format has been introduced, and limitations have been lifted. And the code quality and quality assurance has been improved.

Feature changes

  • Added the (chainable) filter concept:

    • BC break: mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server has been removed. The user filter has been introduced to replace it. The filter offers similar functionality, but see below for an explanation of the differences.
  • New powerful JSON based configuration syntax.
  • Lazy connections improved: security relevant, and state changing commands are covered.
  • Support for (native) prepared statements.
  • New statistics: use_master_guess, use_slave_guess.

    • BC break: Semantics of statistics changed for use_slave, use_master. Future changes are likely. Please see, mysqlnd_ms_get_stats.
  • List of broadcasted messages extended by ssl_set.
  • Library calls now monitored to remember settings for lazy connections: change_user, select_db, set_charset, set_autocommit.
  • Introduced mysqlnd_ms.disable_rw_split. The configuration setting allows using the load balancing and lazy connection functionality independently of read write splitting.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed PECL #22724 - Server switching (mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select() case sensitive)
  • Fixed PECL #22784 - Using mysql_connect and mysql_select_db did not work
  • Fixed PECL #59982 - Unusable extension with --enable-mysqlnd-ms-table-filter. Use of the option is NOT supported. You must not used it. Added note to m4.
  • Fixed Bug #60119 - host="localhost" lost in mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connection()

The mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server function was removed, and replaced in favor of a new user filter. You can no longer set a callback function using mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server at runtime, but instead have to configure it in the plugins configuration file. The user filter will pass the same arguments to the callback as before. Therefore, you can continue to use the same procedural function as a callback.callback It is no longer possible to use static class methods, or class methods of an object instance, as a callback. Doing so will cause the function executing a statement handled by the plugin to emit an E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR level error, which might look like: "(mysqlnd_ms) Specified callback (picker) is not a valid callback." Note: this may halt your application. PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.0 series

Copyright 1997-2012 the PHP Documentation Group.


  • Release date: 04/2011
  • Motto/theme: bug fix release


  • Release date: 04/2011
  • Motto/theme: Cover replication basics to test user feedback

The first release of practical use. It features basic automatic read-write splitting, SQL hints to overrule automatic redirection, load balancing of slave requests, lazy connections, and optional, automatic use of the master after the first write.

The public feature set is close to that of the 1.1 release.


  • Release date: 09/2010
  • Motto/theme: Proof of concept

Initial check-in. Essentially a demo of the mysqlnd plugin API.

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