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(Sebelumnya) F. MySQL GlossaryGeneral Index (C) (Berikutnya)

General Index (A & B)

Symbols | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


[index top]
! (logical NOT), Logical Operators
!= (not equal), Comparison Functions and Operators
", Schema Object Names
#mysql50 identifier prefix, Schema Object Names, Mapping of Identifiers to File Names
%, Arithmetic Operators
% (modulo), Mathematical Functions
% (wildcard character), String Literals
& (bitwise AND), Bit Functions
&& (logical AND), Logical Operators
() (parentheses), Operator Precedence
(Control+Z) \Z, String Literals, LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax
* (multiplication), Arithmetic Operators
+ (addition), Arithmetic Operators
- (subtraction), Arithmetic Operators
- (unary minus), Arithmetic Operators
--password option, End-User Guidelines for Password Security
-? option (MySQL Cluster programs), Options Common to MySQL Cluster Programs - Options Common to MySQL Cluster Programs
-c option (MySQL Cluster programs), Options Common to MySQL Cluster Programs - Options Common to MySQL Cluster Programs
-c option (ndb_mgmd) (OBSOLETE), ndb_mgmd - The MySQL Cluster Management Server Daemon
-d option (ndb_index_stat), ndb_index_stat - NDB Index Statistics Utility
-d option (ndb_mgmd), ndb_mgmd - The MySQL Cluster Management Server Daemon
-e option (ndb_mgm), ndb_mgm - The MySQL Cluster Management Client
-f option (ndb_mgmd), ndb_mgmd - The MySQL Cluster Management Server Daemon
-l option (ndbinfo_select_all), ndbinfo_select_all - Select From ndbinfo Tables
-n option (ndbd), ndbd - The MySQL Cluster Data Node Daemon
-n option (ndbmtd), ndbd - The MySQL Cluster Data Node Daemon
-p option, End-User Guidelines for Password Security
-P option (ndb_mgmd), ndb_mgmd - The MySQL Cluster Management Server Daemon
-V option (MySQL Cluster programs), Options Common to MySQL Cluster Programs - Options Common to MySQL Cluster Programs
.ARM file, MySQL Glossary
.ARZ file, MySQL Glossary
.cfg file, MySQL Glossary
.frm file, MySQL Glossary
.ibd file, MySQL Glossary
.ibz file, MySQL Glossary
.isl file, MySQL Glossary
.MRG file, MySQL Glossary
.my.cnf file, Connecting to the MySQL Server, Using Option Files, Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment, End-User Guidelines for Password Security, Causes of Access-Denied Errors
.MYD file, MySQL Glossary
.MYI file, MySQL Glossary
.mysql_history file, mysql History File, End-User Guidelines for Password Security
and ODBC, Using Connector/ODBC with .NET
.OPT file, MySQL Glossary
.PAR file, MySQL Glossary
.pid (process ID) file, Setting Up a MyISAM Table Maintenance Schedule
.TRG file, MySQL Glossary
.TRN file, MySQL Glossary
/ (division), Arithmetic Operators
/etc/passwd, Making MySQL Secure Against Attackers, SELECT ... INTO Syntax
:= (assignment operator), Assignment Operators
:= (assignment), User-Defined Variables
< (less than), Comparison Functions and Operators
<< (left shift), Calculating Visits Per Day, Bit Functions
<= (less than or equal), Comparison Functions and Operators
<=> (equal to), Comparison Functions and Operators
<> (not equal), Comparison Functions and Operators
= (assignment operator), Assignment Operators
= (assignment), User-Defined Variables
= (equal), Comparison Functions and Operators
> (greater than), Comparison Functions and Operators
>= (greater than or equal), Comparison Functions and Operators
>> (right shift), Bit Functions
[api] (MySQL Cluster), MySQL Cluster SQL Node and API Node Configuration Parameters
[computer] (MySQL Cluster), Other MySQL Cluster Configuration Parameters
[mgm] (MySQL Cluster), MySQL Cluster Management Node Configuration Parameters
[mysqld] (MySQL Cluster), MySQL Cluster SQL Node and API Node Configuration Parameters
[ndbd default] (MySQL Cluster), MySQL Cluster Data Node Configuration Parameters
[ndbd] (MySQL Cluster), MySQL Cluster Data Node Configuration Parameters
[ndb_mgmd] (MySQL Cluster), MySQL Cluster Management Node Configuration Parameters
[sci] (MySQL Cluster), Other MySQL Cluster Configuration Parameters
[shm] (MySQL Cluster), Other MySQL Cluster Configuration Parameters
[tcp] (MySQL Cluster), Other MySQL Cluster Configuration Parameters
\" (double quote), String Literals
\' (single quote), String Literals
\. (mysql client command), Using mysql in Batch Mode, Executing SQL Statements from a Text File
\0 (ASCII NUL), String Literals, LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax
\b (backspace), String Literals, LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax
\n (linefeed), String Literals, LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax
\n (newline), String Literals, LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax
\r (carriage return), String Literals, LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax
\t (tab), String Literals, LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax
\Z (Control+Z) ASCII 26, String Literals, LOAD DATA INFILESyntax
\\ (escape), String Literals
^ (bitwise XOR), Bit Functions
_ (wildcard character), String Literals
_rowid, CREATE TABLE Syntax
`, Schema Object Names
| (bitwise OR), Bit Functions
|| (logical OR), Logical Operators
~ (invert bits), Bit Functions


[index top]
abort-slave-event-count option
mysqld, Replication Slave Options and Variables
aborted clients, Communication Errors and Aborted Connections
aborted connection, Communication Errors and Aborted Connections
ABS(), Mathematical Functions
access control, Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification
access denied errors, Access denied
access privileges, The MySQL Access Privilege System
account names, Specifying Account Names
adding privileges, Adding User Accounts
anonymous user, Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts
default, Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts
root, Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts
ACID, Transaction and Atomic Operation Differences, The InnoDB Storage Engine, MySQL Glossary
ACLs, The MySQL Access Privilege System
ACOS(), Mathematical Functions
action option
MySQLInstallerConsole, MySQL Installer Console
activating plugins, Installing and Uninstalling Plugins
Active Server Pages (ASP), Using Connector/ODBC with Active Server Pages (ASP)
ActiveState Perl, Installing ActiveState Perl on Windows
adaptive flushing, MySQL Glossary
adaptive hash index, Adaptive Hash Indexes, Controlling Adaptive Hash Indexing, Dynamically Changing innodb_adaptive_hash_index, MySQL Glossary
add-drop-database option
mysqldump, mysqldump - A Database Backup Program
add-drop-table option
mysqldump, mysqldump - A Database Backup Program
add-drop-trigger option
mysqldump, mysqldump - A Database Backup Program
add-locks option
mysqldump, mysqldump - A Database Backup Program
ADDDATE(), Date and Time Functions
character sets, Adding a Character Set
native functions, Adding a New Native Function
new account privileges, Adding User Accounts
new functions, Adding New Functions to MySQL
new user privileges, Adding User Accounts
new users, Unix Postinstallation Procedures
user-defined functions, Adding a New User-Defined Function
addition (+), Arithmetic Operators
ADDTIME(), Date and Time Functions
addtodest option
mysqlhotcopy, mysqlhotcopy - A Database Backup Program
server, mysqladmin - Client for Administering a MySQL Server
administration of MySQL Cluster, ndb_mgm - The MySQL Cluster Management Client
administrative programs, Overview of MySQL Programs
ADO.NET, Using the ADO.NET Entity Framework
AES_DECRYPT(), Encryption and Compression Functions
AES_ENCRYPT(), Encryption and Compression Functions
After create
thread state, General Thread States
calculating, Date Calculations
AHI, MySQL Glossary
AIO, MySQL Glossary
alias names
case sensitivity, Identifier Case Sensitivity
for expressions, MySQL Extensions to GROUP BY
for tables, SELECT Syntax
in GROUP BY clauses, MySQL Extensions to GROUP BY
names, Schema Object Names
on expressions, SELECT Syntax
ALL, SELECT Syntax, Subqueries with ALL
ALL join type
optimizer, EXPLAIN Output Format
all-databases option
mysqlcheck, mysqlcheck - A Table Maintenance Program
mysqldump, mysqldump - A Database Backup Program
all-in-1 option
mysqlcheck, mysqlcheck - A Table Maintenance Program
all-tablespaces option
mysqldump, mysqldump - A Database Backup Program
allocating local table
thread state, Delayed-Insert Thread States
allow-keywords option
mysqldump, mysqldump - A Database Backup Program
allow-suspicious-udfs option
mysqld, Server Command Options
allowold option
mysqlhotcopy, mysqlhotcopy - A Database Backup Program
and replication, Replication of Invoked Features
(see also MySQL Cluster Disk Data)
ROW_FORMAT, Specifying the Row Format for a Table
(see also MySQL Cluster Disk Data)
database, ALTER DATABASE Syntax
schema, ALTER DATABASE Syntax
analyze option
myisamchk, Other myisamchk Options
mysqlcheck, mysqlcheck - A Table Maintenance Program
and partitioning, Maintenance of Partitions
thread state, General Thread States
bitwise, Bit Functions
logical, Logical Operators
anonymous user, Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts, Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification, Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification
ANSI mode
running, Running MySQL in ANSI Mode
ansi option
mysqld, Server Command Options
ANSI SQL mode, Server SQL Modes
ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode, Server SQL Modes
answering questions
etiquette, Guidelines for Using the Mailing Lists
Antelope, MySQL Glossary
Antelope file format, InnoDB File-Format Management
ANY, Subqueries with ANY, IN, orSOME
Apache, Using MySQL with Apache
API node (MySQL Cluster)
defined, MySQL Cluster Core Concepts
API nodes (see SQL nodes)
APIs, Connectors and APIs
list of, Packages that support MySQL
Perl, MySQL Perl API
append option (ndb_restore), ndb_restore - Restore a MySQL Cluster Backup
application programming interface (API), MySQL Glossary
apply, MySQL Glossary
apply-slave-statements option
mysqldump, mysqldump - A Database Backup Program
apply_status table (OBSOLETE), MySQL Cluster Replication Schema and Tables
(see also MySQL Cluster replication)
approximate-value literals, Precision Math
Arbitration, Defining MySQL Cluster Data Nodes
ArbitrationDelay, Defining a MySQL Cluster Management Server, Defining SQL and Other API Nodes in a MySQL Cluster
ArbitrationRank, Defining a MySQL Cluster Management Server, Defining SQL and Other API Nodes in a MySQL Cluster
ArbitrationTimeout, Defining MySQL Cluster Data Nodes
ndbinfo table, The ndbinfo arbitrator_validity_detail Table
ndbinfo table, The ndbinfo arbitrator_validity_summary Table
ARCHIVE storage engine, Storage Engines, The ARCHIVE Storage Engine
Area(), Polygon Functions, MultiPolygon Functions
argument processing, UDF Argument Processing
arithmetic expressions, Arithmetic Operators
arithmetic functions, Bit Functions
AS, SELECT Syntax, JOIN Syntax
AsBinary(), Geometry Format Conversion Functions
ASCII(), String Functions
ASIN(), Mathematical Functions
ASP.NET, Connector/Net Tutorials, ASP.NET Provider Model
assignment operator
:=, Assignment Operators
=, Assignment Operators
assignment operators, Assignment Operators
AsText(), Geometry Format Conversion Functions
asynchronous I/O, Asynchronous I/O on Linux, MySQL Glossary
asynchronous replication (see MySQL Cluster replication)
ATAN(), Mathematical Functions
ATAN2(), Mathematical Functions
atomic, MySQL Glossary
atomic instruction, MySQL Glossary
security against, Making MySQL Secure Against Attackers
attribute demotion
replication, Replication of Columns Having Different Data Types
attribute promotion
ndb_restore, ndb_restore - Restore a MySQL Cluster Backup
replication, Replication of Columns Having Different Data Types
audit log plugin
, MySQL Enterprise Audit
audit plugins, Audit Plugins
audit-log option
mysqld, Audit Log Plugin Options and Variables
audit_log_buffer_size system variable, Audit Log Plugin Options and Variables
audit_log_file system variable, Audit Log Plugin Options and Variables
audit_log_flush system variable, Audit Log Plugin Options and Variables
audit_log_policy system variable, Audit Log Plugin Options and Variables
audit_log_rotate_on_size system variable, Audit Log Plugin Options and Variables
audit_log_strategy system variable, Audit Log Plugin Options and Variables
authentication plugins, Authentication Plugins
AUTHENTICATION_PAM_LOG environment variable, PAM Authentication Plugin Debugging
authentication_windows_log_level system variable, Server System Variables
authentication_windows_use_principal_name system variable, Server System Variables
auto-generate-sql option
mysqlslap, mysqlslap - Load Emulation Client
auto-generate-sql-add-autoincrement option
mysqlslap, mysqlslap - Load Emulation Client
auto-generate-sql-execute-number option
mysqlslap, mysqlslap - Load Emulation Client
auto-generate-sql-guid-primary option
mysqlslap, mysqlslap - Load Emulation Client
auto-generate-sql-load-type option
mysqlslap, mysqlslap - Load Emulation Client
auto-generate-sql-secondary-indexes option
mysqlslap, mysqlslap - Load Emulation Client
auto-generate-sql-unique-query-number option
mysqlslap, mysqlslap - Load Emulation Client
auto-generate-sql-unique-write-number option
mysqlslap, mysqlslap - Load Emulation Client
auto-generate-sql-write-number option
mysqlslap, mysqlslap - Load Emulation Client
ODBC, Obtaining Auto-Increment Values
auto-increment, MySQL Glossary
auto-increment locking, MySQL Glossary
auto-rehash option
mysql, mysql Options
auto-repair option
mysqlcheck, mysqlcheck - A Table Maintenance Program
auto-vertical-output option
mysql, mysql Options
autocommit, MySQL Glossary
autocommit session variable, Server System Variables
automatic_sp_privileges system variable, Server System Variables
API and SQL nodes, Defining SQL and Other API Nodes in a MySQL Cluster
and NULL values, Problems with NULL Values
and replication, Replication and AUTO_INCREMENT
auto_increment_increment system variable, Replication Master Options and Variables
auto_increment_offset system variable, Replication Master Options and Variables
AVG(), GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions
AVG(DISTINCT), GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions


[index top]
B-tree, MySQL Glossary
B-tree indexes, Comparison of B-Tree and Hash Indexes, Physical Structure of an InnoDB Index
background threads
master, Controlling the Master Thread I/O Rate, Controlling the Flushing Rate of Dirty Pages
read, Multiple Background I/O Threads
write, Multiple Background I/O Threads
escape character, String Literals
backspace (\b), String Literals, LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax
backticks, MySQL Glossary
backup, MySQL Glossary
backup identifiers
native backup and restore, Using The MySQL Cluster Management Client to Create a Backup
backup option
myisamchk, myisamchk Repair Options
myisampack, myisampack - Generate Compressed, Read-Only MyISAM Tables
BackupDataBufferSize, Defining MySQL Cluster Data Nodes, Configuration for MySQL Cluster Backups
BackupDataDir, Defining MySQL Cluster Data Nodes
backupid option (ndb_restore), ndb_restore - Restore a MySQL Cluster Backup
BackupLogBufferSize, Defining MySQL Cluster Data Nodes, Configuration for MySQL Cluster Backups
BackupMaxWriteSize, Defining MySQL Cluster Data Nodes, Configuration for MySQL Cluster Backups
BackupMemory, Defining MySQL Cluster Data Nodes, Configuration for MySQL Cluster Backups
BackupReportFrequency, Defining MySQL Cluster Data Nodes
backups, Backup and Recovery, MySQL Enterprise Backup
databases and tables, mysqldump - A Database Backup Program, mysqlhotcopy - A Database Backup Program
in MySQL Cluster, ndb_restore - Restore a MySQL Cluster Backup, Online Backup of MySQL Cluster, MySQL Cluster Backup Concepts, Using The MySQL Cluster Management Client to Create a Backup, Configuration for MySQL Cluster Backups
in MySQL Cluster replication, MySQL Cluster Backups With MySQL Cluster Replication
InnoDB, Backing Up and Recovering an InnoDB Database
with mysqldump, Using mysqldump for Backups
backups, troubleshooting
in MySQL Cluster, MySQL Cluster Backup Troubleshooting
BackupWriteSize, Defining MySQL Cluster Data Nodes, Configuration for MySQL Cluster Backups
backup_path option (ndb_restore), ndb_restore - Restore a MySQL Cluster Backup
back_log system variable, Server System Variables
Barracuda, MySQL Glossary
Barracuda file format, InnoDB File-Format Management
base64-output option
mysqlbinlog, mysqlbinlog - Utility for Processing Binary Log Files
BaseCommandInterceptor class, BaseCommandInterceptor
basedir option
mysql.server, mysql.server - MySQL Server Startup Script
mysqld, Server Command Options
mysqld_safe, mysqld_safe - MySQL Server Startup Script
mysql_install_db, mysql_install_db - Initialize MySQL Data Directory
mysql_plugin, mysql_plugin - Configure MySQL Server Plugins
mysql_upgrade, mysql_upgrade - Check and Upgrade MySQL Tables
basedir system variable, Server System Variables
BaseExceptionInterceptor class, BaseExceptionInterceptor
batch mode, Using mysql in Batch Mode
batch option
mysql, mysql Options
batch SQL files, mysql - The MySQL Command-Line Tool
BatchByteSize, Defining SQL and Other API Nodes in a MySQL Cluster
batched updates (MySQL Cluster Replication), Starting MySQL Cluster Replication (Single Replication Channel)
BatchSize, Defining SQL and Other API Nodes in a MySQL Cluster
BatchSizePerLocalScan, Defining MySQL Cluster Data Nodes
Bazaar tree, Installing MySQL from a Development Source Tree
BdMPolyFromText(), Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions
BdMPolyFromWKB(), Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions
BdPolyFromText(), Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions
BdPolyFromWKB(), Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions
BEGIN, START TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK Syntax, BEGIN ... END Compound-Statement Syntax
labels, Statement Label Syntax
XA transactions, XA Transaction SQL Syntax
BENCHMARK(), Information Functions
benchmarks, The MySQL Benchmark Suite, Using Your Own Benchmarks
beta, MySQL Glossary
BETWEEN ... AND, Comparison Functions and Operators
big-tables option
mysqld, Server Command Options
big5, MySQL 5.5 FAQ: MySQL Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Character Sets
BIGINT data type, Numeric Type Overview
big_tables session variable, Server System Variables
BIN(), String Functions
BINARY, Cast Functions and Operators
BINARY data type, String Type Overview, The BINARY and VARBINARY Types
binary distributions
installing, Installing MySQL from Generic Binaries on Unix/Linux
binary log, The Binary Log, MySQL Glossary
event groups, SET GLOBAL sql_slave_skip_counter Syntax
binary logging
and MySQL Cluster, Issues Exclusive to MySQL Cluster
bind-address option
mysql, mysql Options
mysqladmin, mysqladmin - Client for Administering a MySQL Server
mysqlbinlog, mysqlbinlog - Utility for Processing Binary Log Files
mysqlcheck, mysqlcheck - A Table Maintenance Program
mysqld, Server Command Options
mysqldump, mysqldump - A Database Backup Program
mysqlimport, mysqlimport - A Data Import Program
mysqlshow, mysqlshow - Display Database, Table, and Column Information
bind-address option (ndb_mgmd), ndb_mgmd - The MySQL Cluster Management Server Daemon
binlog, MySQL Glossary
Binlog Dump
thread command, Thread Command Values
BINLOG statement
mysqlbinlog output, mysqlbinlog Row Event Display
binlog-do-db option
mysqld, Binary Log Options and Variables
binlog-format option
mysqld, Server Command Options
binlog-ignore-db option
mysqld, Binary Log Options and Variables
binlog-row-event-max-size option
mysqld, Binary Log Options and Variables
binlog_cache_size system variable, Binary Log Options and Variables
binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates system variable, Binary Log Options and Variables
binlog_format system variable, Binary Log Options and Variables
binlog_index table (OBSOLETE) (see MySQL Cluster replication)
binlog_stmt_cache_size system variable, Binary Log Options and Variables
BIT data type, Numeric Type Overview
bit functions, Bit Functions
example, Calculating Visits Per Day
BIT_AND(), GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions
BIT_COUNT, Calculating Visits Per Day
BIT_COUNT(), Bit Functions
BIT_LENGTH(), String Functions
BIT_OR, Calculating Visits Per Day
BIT_OR(), GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions
BIT_XOR(), GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions
BLACKHOLE storage engine, Storage Engines, The BLACKHOLE Storage Engine
blind query expansion, MySQL Glossary
inserting binary data, String Literals
size, Data Type Storage Requirements
BLOB columns
default values, The BLOB and TEXT Types
indexing, Column Indexes, CREATE TABLE Syntax
with Connector/Net, Handling BLOB Data With Connector/Net
BLOB data type, String Type Overview, The BLOB andTEXT Types
blob-info option
ndb_desc, ndb_desc - Describe NDB Tables
Block Nested-Loop join algorithm, Nested-Loop Join Algorithms
block-search option
myisamchk, Other myisamchk Options
ndbinfo table, The ndbinfo blocks Table
BOOL data type, Numeric Type Overview
BOOLEAN data type, Numeric Type Overview
boolean options, Program Option Modifiers
bootstrap option
mysqld, Server Command Options
Borland applications, Using Connector/ODBC with Borland Applications
bottleneck, MySQL Glossary
bounce, MySQL Glossary
Boundary(), General Geometry Functions
square, Data Types
brief option
mysqlaccess, mysqlaccess - Client for Checking Access Privileges
buddy allocator, MySQL Glossary
buffer, MySQL Glossary
buffer pool, The InnoDB Buffer Pool, Making the Buffer Pool Scan Resistant, MySQL Glossary
buffer pool instance, MySQL Glossary
buffer sizes, The InnoDB Buffer Pool
client, Connectors and APIs
mysqld server, Tuning Server Parameters
Buffer(), Spatial Operators
known, Known Issues in MySQL
MySQL Cluster
reporting, ndb_error_reporter - NDB Error-Reporting Utility
reporting, General Information, How to Report Bugs or Problems
bugs database, How to Report Bugs or Problems, How to Report Bugs or Problems
BuildIndexThreads, Defining MySQL Cluster Data Nodes
client programs, Building Client Programs
CMake, MySQL Source-Configuration Options
built-in, MySQL Glossary
bulk loading
for InnoDB tables, Bulk Data Loading for InnoDB Tables
for MyISAM tables, Bulk Data Loading for MyISAM Tables
with Connector/Net, Using the MySqlBulkLoader Class
bulk_insert_buffer_size system variable, Server System Variables
business rules, MySQL Glossary
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(Sebelumnya) F. MySQL GlossaryGeneral Index (C) (Berikutnya)