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(Sebelumnya) 24 : Chapter 16. Guest disk ac ...24 : 17.10.10. Supported protocols (Berikutnya)

Virtualization Administration Guide

Chapter 17. Virtual Networking

This chapter introduces the concepts needed to create, start, stop, remove, and modify virtual networks with libvirt.
Additional information can be found in the libvirt reference chapter

17.1. Virtual network switches

Libvirt virtual networking uses the concept of a virtual network switch. A virtual network switch is a software construct that operates on a host server, to which virtual machines (guests) connect. The network traffic for a guest is directed through this switch:
Virtual network switch with two guests

Figure 17.1. Virtual network switch with two guests

Linux host servers represent a virtual network switch as a network interface. When the libvirtd daemon (libvirtd) is first installed and started, the default network interface representing the virtual network switch is virbr0.
Linux host with an interface to a virtual network switch

Figure 17.2. Linux host with an interface to a virtual network switch

This virbr0 interface can be viewed with the ifconfig and ip commands like any other interface:
$ ifconfig virbr0 virbr0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 1B:C4:94:CF:FD:17 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:   UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0   TX packets:11 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:3097 (3.0 KiB)
 $ ip addr show virbr0 3: virbr0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN  link/ether 1b:c4:94:cf:fd:17 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global virbr0

17.2. Network Address Translation

By default, virtual network switches operate in NAT mode. They use IP masquerading rather than SNAT (Source-NAT) or DNAT (Destination-NAT). IP masquerading enables connected guests to use the host IP address for communication to any external network. By default, computers that are placed externally to the host cannot communicate to the guests inside when the virtual network switch is operating in NAT mode, as shown in the following diagram:
Virtual network switch using NAT with two guests

Figure 17.3. Virtual network switch using NAT with two guests


Virtual network switches use NAT configured by iptables rules. Editing these rules while the switch is running is not recommended, as incorrect rules may result in the switch being unable to communicate.

17.3. Networking protocols

The following sections describe individual networking protocols and how they are used in libvirt

17.3.1. DNS and DHCP

IP information can be assigned to guests via DHCP. A pool of addresses can be assigned to a virtual network switch for this purpose. Libvirt uses the dnsmasq program for this. An instance of dnsmasq is automatically configured and started by libvirt for each virtual network switch that needs it.
Virtual network switch running dnsmasq

Figure 17.4. Virtual network switch running dnsmasq

17.3.2. Routed mode

When using routed mode, the virtual switch connects to the physical LAN connected to the host, passing traffic back and forth without the use of NAT. The virtual switch can examine all traffic and use the information contained within the network packets to make routing decisions. When using this mode, all of the virtual machines are in their own subnet, routed through a virtual switch. This situation is not always ideal as no other hosts on the physical network are aware of the virtual machines without manual physical router configuration, and cannot access the virtual machines. Routed mode operates at Layer 3 of the OSI networking model.
Virtual network switch in routed mode

Figure 17.5. Virtual network switch in routed mode

17.3.3. Isolated mode

When using Isolated mode, guests connected to the virtual switch can communicate with each other, and with the host, but their traffic will not pass outside of the host, nor can they receive traffic from outside the host. Using dnsmasq in this mode is required for basic functionality such as DHCP. However, even if this network is isolated from any physical network, DNS names are still resolved. Therefore a situation can arise when DNS names resolve but ICMP echo request (ping) commands fail.
Virtual network switch in isolated mode

Figure 17.6. Virtual network switch in isolated mode

17.4. The default configuration

When the libvirtd daemon (libvirtd) is first installed, it contains an initial virtual network switch configuration in NAT mode. This configuration is used so that installed guests can communicate to the external network, through the host. The following image demonstrates this default configuration for libvirtd:
Default libvirt network configuration

Figure 17.7. Default libvirt network configuration


A virtual network can be restricted to a specific physical interface. This may be useful on a physical system that has several interfaces (for example, eth0, eth1 and eth2). This is only useful in routed and NAT modes, and can be defined in the dev=<interface> option, or in virt-manager when creating a new virtual network.

17.5. Examples of common scenarios

This section demonstrates different virtual networking modes and provides some example scenarios.

17.5.1. Routed mode

Consider a network where one or more nodes are placed in a controlled subnetwork for security reasons. The deployment of a special subnetwork such as this is a common practice, and the subnetwork is known as a DMZ. Refer to the following diagram for more details on this layout:
Sample DMZ configuration

Figure 17.8. Sample DMZ configuration

Hosts in a DMZ typically provide services to WAN (external) hosts as well as LAN (internal) hosts. As this requires them to be accessible from multiple locations, and considering that these locations are controlled and operated in different ways based on their security and trust level, routed mode is the best configuration for this environment.
Virtual Server hosting
Consider a virtual server hosting company that has several hosts, each with two physical network connections. One interface is used for management and accounting, the other is for the virtual machines to connect through. Each guest has its own public IP address, but the hosts use private IP address as management of the guests can only be performed by internal administrators. Refer to the following diagram to understand this scenario:
Virtual server hosting sample configuration

Figure 17.9. Virtual server hosting sample configuration

When the host has a public IP address and the virtual machines have static public IP addresses, bridged networking cannot be used, as the provider only accepts packets from the MAC address of the public host. The following diagram demonstrates this:
Virtual server using static IP addresses

Figure 17.10. Virtual server using static IP addresses

17.5.2. NAT mode

NAT (Network Address Translation) mode is the default mode. It can be used for testing when there is no need for direct network visibility.

17.5.3. Isolated mode

Isolated mode allows virtual machines to communicate with each other only. They are unable to interact with the physical network.

17.6. Managing a virtual network

To configure a virtual network on your system:
  1. From the Edit menu, select Connection Details.
    Selecting a host's details

    Figure 17.11. Selecting a host's details

  2. This will open the Connection Details menu. Click the Virtual Networks tab.
    Virtual network configuration

    Figure 17.12. Virtual network configuration

  3. All available virtual networks are listed on the left-hand box of the menu. You can edit the configuration of a virtual network by selecting it from this box and editing as you see fit.

17.7. Creating a virtual network

To create a virtual network on your system:
  1. Open the Virtual Networks tab from within the Connection Details menu. Click the Add Network button, identified by a plus sign (+) icon. For more information, refer to Section 17.6, "Managing a virtual network".
    Virtual network configuration

    Figure 17.13. Virtual network configuration

    This will open the Create a new virtual network window. Click Forward to continue.
    Creating a new virtual network

    Figure 17.14. Creating a new virtual network

  2. Enter an appropriate name for your virtual network and click Forward.
    Naming your virtual network

    Figure 17.15. Naming your virtual network

  3. Enter an IPv4 address space for your virtual network and click Forward.
    Choosing an IPv4 address space

    Figure 17.16. Choosing an IPv4 address space

  4. Define the DHCP range for your virtual network by specifying a Start and End range of IP addresses. Click Forward to continue.
    Selecting the DHCP range

    Figure 17.17. Selecting the DHCP range

  5. Select how the virtual network should connect to the physical network.
    Connecting to physical network

    Figure 17.18. Connecting to physical network

    If you select Forwarding to physical network, choose whether the Destination should be Any physical device or a specific physical device. Also select whether the Mode should be NAT or Routed.
    Click Forward to continue.
  6. You are now ready to create the network. Check the configuration of your network and click Finish.
    Ready to create network

    Figure 17.19. Ready to create network

  7. The new virtual network is now available in the Virtual Networks tab of the Connection Details window.

17.8. Attaching a virtual network to a guest

To attach a virtual network to a guest:
  1. In the Virtual Machine Manager window, highlight the guest that will have the network assigned.
    Selecting a virtual machine to display

    Figure 17.20. Selecting a virtual machine to display

  2. From the Virtual Machine Manager Edit menu, select Virtual Machine Details.
    Displaying the virtual machine details

    Figure 17.21. Displaying the virtual machine details

  3. Click the Add Hardware button on the Virtual Machine Details window.
    The Virtual Machine Details window

    Figure 17.22. The Virtual Machine Details window

  4. In the Add new virtual hardware window, select Network from the left pane, and select your network name (network1 in this example) from the Host device menu and click Finish.
    Select your network from the Add new virtual hardware window

    Figure 17.23. Select your network from the Add new virtual hardware window

  5. The new network is now displayed as a virtual network interface that will be presented to the guest upon launch.
    New network shown in guest hardware list

    Figure 17.24. New network shown in guest hardware list

17.9. Directly attaching to physical interface

The instructions provided in this chapter will assist in the direct attachment of the virtual machine's NIC to the given physical interface of the host. This setup requires the Linux macvtap driver to be available. There are four modes that you can choose for the operation mode of the macvtap device, with 'vepa' being the default mode. Their behavior is as follows:

Physical interface delivery modes

All VMs' packets are sent to the external bridge. Packets whose destination is a VM on the same host as where the packet originates from are sent back to the host by the VEPA capable bridge (today's bridges are typically not VEPA capable).
Packets whose destination is on the same host as where they originate from are directly delivered to the target macvtap device. Both origin and destination devices need to be in bridge mode for direct delivery. If either one of them is in vepa mode, a VEPA capable bridge is required.
All packets are sent to the external bridge and will only be delivered to a target VM on the same host if they are sent through an external router or gateway and that device sends them back to the host. This procedure is followed if either the source or destination device is in private mode.
This feature attaches a virtual function of a SRIOV capable NIC directly to a VM without losing the migration capability. All packets are sent to the VF/IF of the configured network device. Depending on the capabilities of the device additional prerequisites or limitations may apply; for example, on Linux this requires kernel 2.6.38 or newer.
Each of the four modes is configured by changing the domain xml file. Once this file is opened, change the mode setting as shown:
  <devices> ... <interface type='direct'>  <source dev='eth0' mode='vepa'/> </interface>  </devices>
The network access of direct attached guest virtual machines can be managed by the hardware switch to which the physical interface of the host machine is connected to.
The interface can have additional parameters as shown below, if the switch is conforming to the IEEE 802.1Qbg standard. The parameters of the virtualport element are documented in more detail in the IEEE 802.1Qbg standard. The values are network specific and should be provided by the network administrator. In 802.1Qbg terms, the Virtual Station Interface (VSI) represents the virtual interface of a virtual machine.
Note that IEEE 802.1Qbg requires a non-zero value for the VLAN ID. Also if the switch is conforming to the IEEE 802.1Qbh standard, the values are network specific and should be provided by the network administrator.

Virtual Station Interface types

The VSI Manager ID identifies the database containing the VSI type and instance definitions. This is an integer value and the value 0 is reserved.
The VSI Type ID identifies a VSI type characterizing the network access. VSI types are typically managed by network administrator. This is an integer value.
The VSI Type Version allows multiple versions of a VSI Type. This is an integer value.
The VSI Instance ID Identifier is generated when a VSI instance (i.e. a virtual interface of a virtual machine) is created. This is a globally unique identifier.
The profile ID contains the name of the port profile that is to be applied onto this interface. This name is resolved by the port profile database into the network parameters from the port profile, and those network parameters will be applied to this interface.
Each of the four types is configured by changing the domain xml file. Once this file is opened, change the mode setting as shown:
  <devices> ... <interface type='direct'>  <source dev='eth0.2' mode='vepa'/>  <virtualport type="802.1Qbg"> <parameters managerid="11" typeid="1193047" typeidversion="2" instanceid="09b11c53-8b5c-4eeb-8f00-d84eaa0aaa4f"/>  </virtualport> </interface>  </devices>
The profile ID is shown here:
  <devices> ... <interface type='direct'>  <source dev='eth0' mode='private'/>  <virtualport type='802.1Qbh'> <parameters profileid='finance'/>  </virtualport> </interface>  </devices>  ...

17.10. Applying network filtering

This section provides an introduction to libvirt's network filters, their goals, concepts and XML format.

17.10.1. Introduction

The goal of the network filtering, is to enable administrators of a virtualized system to configure and enforce network traffic filtering rules on virtual machines and manage the parameters of network traffic that virtual machines are allowed to send or receive. The network traffic filtering rules are applied on the host when a virtual machine is started. Since the filtering rules cannot be circumvented from within the virtual machine, it makes them mandatory from the point of view of a virtual machine user.
From the point of view of the guest, the network filtering system allows each virtual machine's network traffic filtering rules to be configured individually on a per interface basis. These rules are applied on the host when the virtual machine is started and can be modified while the virtual machine is running. The latter can be achieved by modifying the XML description of a network filter.
Multiple virtual machines can make use of the same generic network filter. When such a filter is modified, the network traffic filtering rules of all running virtual machines that reference this filter are updated. The machines that are not running will update on start.
As previously mentioned, applying network traffic filtering rules can be done on individual network interfaces that are configured for certain types of network configurations. Supported network types include:
  • network
  • ethernet -- must be used in bridging mode
  • bridge

Example 17.1. An example of network filtering

The interface XML is used to reference a top-level filter. In the following example, the interface description references the filter clean-traffic.
   <devices> <interface type='bridge'>  <mac address='00:16:3e:5d:c7:9e'/>  <filterref filter='clean-traffic'/> </interface>  </devices>
Network filters are written in XML and may either contain: references to other filters, rules for traffic filtering, or hold a combination of both. The above referenced filter clean-traffic is a filter that only contains references to other filters and no actual filtering rules. Since references to other filters can be used, a tree of filters can be built. The clean-traffic filter can be viewed using the command: # virsh nwfilter-dumpxml clean-traffic.
As previously mentioned, a single network filter can be referenced by multiple virtual machines. Since interfaces will typically have individual parameters associated with their respective traffic filtering rules, the rules described in a filter's XML can be generalized using variables. In this case, the variable name is used in the filter XML and the name and value are provided at the place where the filter is referenced.

Example 17.2. Description extended

In the following example, the interface description has been extended with the parameter IP and a dotted IP address as a value.
  <devices> <interface type='bridge'>  <mac address='00:16:3e:5d:c7:9e'/>  <filterref filter='clean-traffic'> <parameter name='IP' value=''/>  </filterref> </interface>  </devices>
In this particular example, the clean-traffic network traffic filter will be represented with the IP address parameter and as per the rule dictates that all traffic from this interface will always be using as the source IP address, which is one of the purpose of this particular filter.

17.10.2. Filtering chains

Filtering rules are organized in filter chains. These chains can be thought of as having a tree structure with packet filtering rules as entries in individual chains (branches).
Packets start their filter evaluation in the root chain and can then continue their evaluation in other chains, return from those chains back into the root chain or be dropped or accepted by a filtering rule in one of the traversed chains.
Libvirt's network filtering system automatically creates individual root chains for every virtual machine's network interface on which the user chooses to activate traffic filtering. The user may write filtering rules that are either directly instantiated in the root chain or may create protocol-specific filtering chains for efficient evaluation of protocol-specific rules.
The following chains exist:
  • root
  • mac
  • stp (spanning tree protocol)
  • vlan
  • arp and rarp
  • ipv4
  • ipv6
Multiple chains evaluating the mac, stp, vlan, arp, rarp, ipv4, or ipv6 protocol can be created using the protocol name only as a prefix in the chain's name.

Example 17.3. ARP traffic filtering

This example allows chains with names arp-xyz or arp-test to be specified and have their ARP protocol packets evaluated in those chains.
The following filter XML shows an example of filtering ARP traffic in the arp chain.
<filter name='no-arp-spoofing' chain='arp' priority='-500'>  <uuid>f88f1932-debf-4aa1-9fbe-f10d3aa4bc95</uuid>  <rule action='drop' direction='out' priority='300'> <mac match='no' srcmacaddr='$MAC'/>  </rule>  <rule action='drop' direction='out' priority='350'> <arp match='no' arpsrcmacaddr='$MAC'/>  </rule>  <rule action='drop' direction='out' priority='400'> <arp match='no' arpsrcipaddr='$IP'/>  </rule>  <rule action='drop' direction='in' priority='450'> <arp opcode='Reply'/> <arp match='no' arpdstmacaddr='$MAC'/>  </rule>  <rule action='drop' direction='in' priority='500'> <arp match='no' arpdstipaddr='$IP'/>  </rule>  <rule action='accept' direction='inout' priority='600'> <arp opcode='Request'/>  </rule>  <rule action='accept' direction='inout' priority='650'> <arp opcode='Reply'/>  </rule>  <rule action='drop' direction='inout' priority='1000'/></filter>
The consequence of putting ARP-specific rules in the arp chain, rather than for example in the root chain, is that packets protocols other than ARP do not need to be evaluated by ARP protocol-specific rules. This improves the efficiency of the traffic filtering. However, one must then pay attention to only putting filtering rules for the given protocol into the chain since other rules will not be evaluated. For example, an IPv4 rule will not be evaluated in the ARP chain since IPv4 protocol packets will not traverse the ARP chain.

17.10.3. Filtering chain priorities

As previously mentioned, when creating a filtering rule, all chains are connected to the root chain. The order in which those chains are accessed is influenced by the priority of the chain. The following table shows the chains that can be assigned a priority and their default priorities.

Table 17.1. Filtering chain default priorities values

Chain (prefix)Default priority


A chain with a lower priority value is accessed before one with a higher value.
The chains listed in Table 17.1, "Filtering chain default priorities values" can be also be assigned custom priorities by writing a value in the range [-1000 to 1000] into the priority (XML) attribute in the filter node. Section 17.10.2, "Filtering chains"filter shows the default priority of -500 for arp chains, for example.

17.10.4. Usage of variables in filters

There are two variables that have been reserved for usage by the network traffic filtering subsystem: MAC and IP.
MAC is designated for the MAC address of the network interface. A filtering rule that references this variable will automatically be replaced with the MAC address of the interface. This works without the user having to explicitly provide the MAC parameter. Even though it is possible to specify the MAC parameter similar to the IP parameter above, it is discouraged since libvirt knows what MAC address an interface will be using.
The parameter IP represents the IP address that the operating system inside the virtual machine is expected to use on the given interface. The IP parameter is special in so far as the libvirt daemon will try to determine the IP address (and thus the IP parameter's value) that is being used on an interface if the parameter is not explicitly provided but referenced. For current limitations on IP address detection, consult the section on limitations Section 17.10.12, "Limitations" on how to use this feature and what to expect when using it. The XML file shown in Section 17.10.2, "Filtering chains" contains the filter no-arp-spoofing, which is an example of using a network filter XML to reference the MAC and IP variables.
Note that referenced variables are always prefixed with the character $. The format of the value of a variable must be of the type expected by the filter attribute identified in the XML. In the above example, the IP parameter must hold a legal IP address in standard format. Failure to provide the correct structure will result in the filter variable not being replaced with a value and will prevent a virtual machine from starting or will prevent an interface from attaching when hotplugging is being used. Some of the types that are expected for each XML attribute are shown in the example Example 17.4, "Sample variable types".

Example 17.4. Sample variable types

As variables can contain lists of elements, (the variable IP can contain multiple IP addresses that are valid on a particular interface, for example), the notation for providing multiple elements for the IP variable is:
  <devices> <interface type='bridge'>  <mac address='00:16:3e:5d:c7:9e'/>  <filterref filter='clean-traffic'> <parameter name='IP' value=''/> <parameter name='IP' value=''/> <parameter name='IP' value=''/>  </filterref> </interface>  </devices>
This XML file creates filters to enable multiple IP addresses per interface. Each of the IP addresses will result in a seperate filtering rule. Therefore using the XML above and the the following rule, three individual filtering rules (one for each IP address) will be created:
  <rule action='accept' direction='in' priority='500'> <tcp srpipaddr='$IP'/>  </rule>
As it is possible to access individual elements of a variable holding a list of elements, a filtering rule like the following accesses the 2nd element of the variable DSTPORTS.
  <rule action='accept' direction='in' priority='500'> <udp dstportstart='$DSTPORTS[1]'/>  </rule>

Example 17.5. Using a variety of variables

As it is possible to create filtering rules that represent all possible combinations of rules from different lists using the notation $VARIABLE[@<iterator id="_zz24_x">]. The following rule allows a virtual machine to receive traffic on a set of ports, which are specified in DSTPORTS, from the set of source IP address specified in SRCIPADDRESSES. The rule generates all combinations of elements of the variable DSTPORTS with those of SRCIPADDRESSES by using two independent iterators to access their elements.
  <rule action='accept' direction='in' priority='500'> <ip srcipaddr='$SRCIPADDRESSES[@1]' dstportstart='$DSTPORTS[@2]'/>  </rule>
Assign concrete values to SRCIPADDRESSES and DSTPORTS as shown:
  SRCIPADDRESSES = [, ]  DSTPORTS = [ 80, 8080 ]
Assigning values to the variables using $SRCIPADDRESSES[@1] and $DSTPORTS[@2] would then result in all combinations of addresses and ports being created as shown:
  •, 80
  •, 8080
  •, 80
  •, 8080
Accessing the same variables using a single iterator, for example by using the notation $SRCIPADDRESSES[@1] and $DSTPORTS[@1], would result in parallel access to both lists and result in the following combinations:
  •, 80
  •, 8080


$VARIABLE is short-hand for $VARIABLE[@0]. The former notation always assumes the role of iterator with iterator id="_zz24_0" added as shown in the opening paragraph at the top of this section.

17.10.5. Automatic IP address detection and DHCP snooping Introduction

The detection of IP addresses used on a virtual machine's interface is automatically activated if the variable IP is referenced but no value has been assigned to it. The variable CTRL_IP_LEARNING can be used to specify the IP address learning method to use. Valid values include: any, dhcp, or none.
The value any instructs libvirt to use any packet to determine the address in use by a virtual machine, which is the default setting if the variable TRL_IP_LEARNING is not set. This method will only detect a single IP address per interface. Once a guest's IP address has been detected, its IP network traffic will be locked to that address, if for example, IP address spoofing is prevented by one of its filters. In that case, the user of the VM will not be able to change the IP address on the interface inside the guest, which would be considered IP address spoofing. When a guest is migrated to another host or resumed after a suspend operation, the first packet sent by the guest will again determine the IP address that the guest can use on a particular interface.
The value of dhcp instucts libvirt to only honor DHCP server-assigned addresses with valid leases. This method supports the detection and usage of multiple IP address per interface. When a guest resumes after a suspend operation, any valid IP address leases are applied to its filters. Otherwise the guest is expected to use DHCP to obtain a new IP addresses. When a guest migrates to another physical host, the guest is required to re-run the DHCP protocol.
If CTRL_IP_LEARNING is set to none, libvirt does not do IP address learning and referencing IP without assigning it an explicit value is an error. DHCP snooping

CTRL_IP_LEARNING=dhcp (DHCP snooping) provides additional anti-spoofing security, especially when combined with a filter allowing only trusted DHCP servers to assign IP addresses. To enable this, set the variable DHCPSERVER to the IP address of a valid DHCP server and provide filters that use this variable to filter incoming DHCP responses.
When DHCP snooping is enabled and the DHCP lease expires, the guest will no longer be able to use the IP address until it acquires a new, valid lease from a DHCP server. If the guest is migrated, it must get a new valid DHCP lease to use an IP address (e.g., by bringing the VM interface down and up again).


Automatic DHCP detection listens to the DHCP traffic the guest exchanges with the DHCP server of the infrastructure. To avoid denial-of-service attacks on libvirt, the evaluation of those packets is rate-limited, meaning that a guest sending an excessive number of DHCP packets per second on an interface will not have all of those packets evaluated and thus filters may not get adapted. Normal DHCP client behavior is assumed to send a low number of DHCP packets per second. Further, it is important to setup appropriate filters on all guests in the infrastructure to avoid them being able to send DHCP packets. Therefore guests must either be prevented from sending UDP and TCP traffic from port 67 to port 68 or the DHCPSERVER variable should be used on all guests to restrict DHCP server messages to only be allowed to originate from trusted DHCP servers. At the same time anti-spoofing prevention must be enabled on all guests in the subnet.

Example 17.6. Activating IPs for DHCP snooping

The following XML provides an example for the activation of IP address learning using the DHCP snooping method:
 <interface type='bridge'>  <source bridge='virbr0'/>  <filterref filter='clean-traffic'> <parameter name='CTRL_IP_LEARNING' value='dhcp'/>  </filterref> </interface>

17.10.6. Reserved Variables

Table 17.2, "Reserved variables" shows the variables that are considered reserved and are used by libvirt:

Table 17.2. Reserved variables

Variable NameDefinition
MACThe MAC address of the interface
IPThe list of IP addresses in use by an interface
IPV6Not currently implemented: the list of IPV6 addresses in use by an interface
DHCPSERVERThe list of IP addresses of trusted DHCP servers
DHCPSERVERV6Not currently implemented: The list of IPv6 addresses of trusted DHCP servers
CTRL_IP_LEARNINGThe choice of the IP address detection mode

17.10.7. Element and attribute overview

The root element required for all network filters is named filter with two possible attributes. The name attribute provides a unique name of the given filter. The chain attribute is optional but allows certain filters to be better organized for more efficient processing by the firewall subsystem of the underlying host. Currently the system only supports the chains root, ipv4, ipv6, arp and rarp.

17.10.8. References to other filters

Any filter may hold references to other filters. Individual filters may be referenced multiple times in a filter tree but references between filters must not introduce loops.

Example 17.7. An Example of a clean traffic filter

The following shows the XML of the clean-traffic network filter referencing several other filters.
<filter name='clean-traffic'>  <uuid>6ef53069-ba34-94a0-d33d-17751b9b8cb1</uuid>  <filterref filter='no-mac-spoofing'/>  <filterref filter='no-ip-spoofing'/>  <filterref filter='allow-incoming-ipv4'/>  <filterref filter='no-arp-spoofing'/>  <filterref filter='no-other-l2-traffic'/>  <filterref filter='qemu-announce-self'/></filter>
To reference another filter, the XML node filterref needs to be provided inside a filter node. This node must have the attribute filter whose value contains the name of the filter to be referenced.

New network filters can be defined at any time and may contain references to network filters that are not known to libvirt, yet. However, once a virtual machine is started or a network interface referencing a filter is to be hotplugged, all network filters in the filter tree must be available. Otherwise the virtual machine will not start or the network interface cannot be attached.

17.10.9. Filter rules

The following XML shows a simple example of a network traffic filter implementing a rule to drop traffic if the IP address (provided through the value of the variable IP) in an outgoing IP packet is not the expected one, thus preventing IP address spoofing by the VM.

Example 17.8. Example of network traffic filtering

<filter name='no-ip-spoofing' chain='ipv4'>  <uuid>fce8ae33-e69e-83bf-262e-30786c1f8072</uuid>  <rule action='drop' direction='out' priority='500'> <ip match='no' srcipaddr='$IP'/>  </rule></filter>

The traffic filtering rule starts with the rule node. This node may contain up to three of the following attributes:
  • action is mandatory can have the following values:
    • drop (matching the rule silently discards the packet with no further analysis)
    • reject (matching the rule generates an ICMP reject message with no further analysis)
    • accept (matching the rule accepts the packet with no further analysis)
    • return (matching the rule passes this filter, but returns control to the calling filter for further analysis)
    • continue (matching the rule goes on to the next rule for further analysis)
  • direction is mandatory can have the following values:
    • in for incomming traffic
    • out for outgoing traffic
    • inout for incoming and outgoing traffic
  • priority is optional. The priority of the rule controls the order in which the rule will be instantiated relative to other rules. Rules with lower values will be instantiated before rules with higher values. Valid values are in the range of -1000 to 1000. If this attribute is not provided, priority 500 will be assigned by default. Note that filtering rules in the root chain are sorted with filters connected to the root chain following their priorities. This allows to interleave filtering rules with access to filter chains. Refer to Section 17.10.3, "Filtering chain priorities" for more information.
  • statematch is optional. Possible values are '0' or 'false' to turn the underlying connection state matching off. The default setting is 'true' or 1
The above example Example 17.7, "An Example of a clean traffic filter" indicates that the traffic of type ip will be associated with the chain ipv4 and the rule will have priority=500. If for example another filter is referenced whose traffic of type ip is also associated with the chain ipv4 then that filter's rules will be ordered relative to the priority=500 of the shown rule.
A rule may contain a single rule for filtering of traffic. The above example shows that traffic of type ip is to be filtered.
(Sebelumnya) 24 : Chapter 16. Guest disk ac ...24 : 17.10.10. Supported protocols (Berikutnya)