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Unicode and email

Many email clients now offer some support for Unicode in email bodies. Most do not send in Unicode by default, as the reader client might not support it, but as time passes, more and more systems are likely to be set up with fonts capable of displaying the full range of Unicode characters (or at least the set likely to be of interest to the user).

To use Unicode in email subject lines and email addresses two different standards need to be used to retrofit the handling of non-ASCII data to the originally ASCII-only email protocol:

  • RFC 2047 provides support for encoding non-ASCII values such as real names and subject lines in email headers
  • RFC 3490 provides support for encoding non-ASCII domain names in the Domain Name System

Unicode support in message bodies

As with all encodings apart from US-ASCII, when using Unicode text in email, MIME must be used to specify that a Unicode transformation format is being used for the text. To use Unicode in email headers, the Unicode text has to be encoded using a MIME "Encoded-Word" with a Unicode encoding as the charset.

UTF-7, although sometimes considered deprecated, has an advantage over other Unicode encodings in that it does not require a transfer encoding to fit within the seven-bit limits of many legacy Internet mail servers. On the other hand, UTF-16 must be transfer encoded to fit SMTP data format. Although not strictly required, UTF-8 is usually also transfer encoded to avoid problems across seven-bit mail servers. MIME transfer encoding of UTF-8 makes it either unreadable as a plain text (in the case of base64) or, for some languages and types of text, heavily size inefficient (in the case of quoted-printable).

Some document formats, such as HTML, PostScript and Rich Text Format have their own 7-bit encoding schemes for non-ASCII characters and can thus be sent without using any special email encodings. E.g. HTML email can use HTML entities to use characters from anywhere in Unicode even if the HTML source text for the email is in a legacy encoding (e.g. 7-bit ASCII). For details of this see Unicode and HTML. The rest of this article[specify] deals with email messages where the actual raw text (whether markup or plain text) is in an encoding that covers the whole of Unicode.

See also

External links

(Sebelumnya) UnicodeUnified communications (Berikutnya)